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坦率的讲,Kenji的文章,除了明显的辱骂语句外,决大部份是讲了有关我们中国人的事实。这些陋习或缺点是我们每个不愿讳疾忌医的中国人必须承认面对的。我们应该感谢Kenji,至少他或她还愿意花大量时间来向我们指出我们的缺点和问题。虽然其文章中有很多伤害中国人的语句,但从基本内容上来说,我们必须承认这是一篇非常深刻的分析中国??社会/文化的犀利文章。虽然其有关中国人的种种陋习描述并非首次出现,但其文章中有关中国的文化发展及其对国民性的影响分析,以及对中国教育制度的弊端和中国知识份子(我也是其中一员)的心态分析是相当准确和有见地的。我们应当采取理性和批判性的态度,而非不屑一顾或盲目反日的情绪,来对待这样一篇引起中国人强烈反应的文章。日本人为什么会有今天的成就? 我们都知道这主要是因为他们愿意向竞争对手进行学习。
中国目前的确是全世界最不平等、最无人权的国家之一。中国发展到今天,占总人口绝大多数的农民的生活不但没有得到改善,反而恶化。很多农民被不同的既得利益集团或个人以极端手段剥夺了赖以生存的土地,还得毫无怨言地忍受及其恶劣的环境污染(请参阅近期New York Times 的相关报道)。农村城市从来就是两重天。谁来替农民说话?农民到底是不是中国的公民?他们连最基本的生存权都没法保证,更别奢谈受教育权。我们有什么理由反驳Kenji的论点“It is an ironic and inexplicable thing to see that China could allow millions of its young people remained illiterate, and deprived them of the opportunity to receive decent education, while boasting academic achievement at few elite schools. China could win umpteenth medals in Olympic Games, while denying its people the right to have a decent physical education. In Chinese minds, education is not about seeking truth or improving quality of life but a symbol of prestige and status. ”
中国的教育确实从来就是精英教育。然而,这些精英从来都是为所谓的统治阶层/政党服务,因为个人的前程取决于此。有谁关注弱势群体? 我在国外学习工作的最大感受是国外的中产阶级,作为社会的精英分子,对communities有着明显的责任感,是他们在媒体上,议会中和社区组织和活动中积极发挥主导作用。
I remember talking to a person who has visited China several times in the past and asking his impression of China. I was quite disappointed from what I heard. When I asked his opinion on whether China could become the leading power in the world, as it has been cranked up by news and media that predict the coming of the so called Chinese century, he said he does not believe it is possible now or any foreseeable future. I asked him why and he told me because most Chinese people are not qualified to be part of the advanced society. He mentioned when he was waiting bus in Beijing, the Chinese people simply dashed towards the coming bus like a swarm of rats to get off a sinking ship. Pushing and pulling each other as they tried to get on board, no one showed any courtesy because every one was afraid of not getting a seat. He was extremely stunned by Chinese people's disrespect of law and public order. How could a nation inhabited by a group of such impetus rabble ever develop into a respectful power?
Why people despise Chinese?
Most people will agree on the fact that most Chinese people lack of honesty and the sense of social responsibility. Yet few have the answer as to what is the cause of these notorious traits of the Chinese people. What has made Chinese such a nuisance in public eyes? As always, to find answer one needs to carefully study the psyche of the Chinese people. We need to understand the basis of this cultural abomination in order to correctly interpret the ugly behaviors commonly existed among the Chinese people. Of course, we could well indulge ourselves in a habit of ridiculing the despicable behavior of the Chinese people if we fail to come up with a logical explanation. After all, few can resist the pleasure of watching an intriguing human drollness that has brought us both tear as well as laughter. So much so that, after a period of time, the notion of Chinese, both in racial and cultural sense, has degenerated into a derogatory word describing the undesirable and annoying behaviors or the attitudes of certain type of people. For example, when questioning a person’s honesty, people will say “Don’t be Chinese” “Do not act like a Chinese” or “Do not play Chinese game with me”. “Chinese” has become an eloquent adjective used to depict the general perversity of human mentality.
To diagnose the cause of the Chinese syndrome, it is advisable to understand the formation of Chinese characteristics. Is Chinese mentality a hopeless genetic abomination or a curable disease inflicted by the power of environmental effects? These questions have puzzled the scholars even since the time China become a world wide focus. Since the beginning, Chinese have been living in an isolated and relatively egocentric environment which gives birth to the notion of celestial kingdom or the center of the universe. In a sense, China has never considered itself as a nation but as a world of itself instead. Therefore Chinese people were never been introduced the concept of nationhood or social identity. Average Chinese are only acquainted with the idea of family and close kin; they could not conceive the notion of nation because they never have the ability and courage to establish one. Chinese culture, therefore, was a blood or kinship driven one, rather than a social phenomenon drawn upon the power of rationality. Not surprisingly, Chinese only concern with the wellbeing of their direct relatives but tend to be indifferent toward the suffering of the people that are not related to them. In other words, Chinese culture has not be able to evolve into a stage of civil society in which every one, regardless of his origin, is entitled with certain basic human rights. China, to the best, still exists in a clan oriented society. Chinese society could be precisely described as a collection of many kinship oriented tribes that worship their respective ancestries but care nothing about the idea of common humanity. That is why we consider China not a nation but a land inhabited by a group of people who shares the common life habits but bears no common social identity. Undoubtedly, this blood based view of moral value gives the birth to the mentality of selfishness and callousness which has been the decisive force hampering the progress in Chinese society.
Foreigners were constantly shocked by the inhuman and cruel treatment of prisoners or animals to which the Chinese show very little sympathy. Astonishing loss of human lives, quite often in millions, as the results of man made or natural disasters also manifests Chinese people’s callousness towards the value of human life. China and Chinese have been regarded as a phenomenon shrouded with a mysterious shadow. Indeed, how can one rationalize the shocking inconsistency between their disregarding of humanity and their stubborn claiming of moral righteousness?
Since the immemorial, China has always been clinging to the title of the “most populous country” on this earth, as if China was the auspicious candidate selected by the Almighty. However, a careful and thorough analysis shows otherwise. This bloody title must be attributed not to the blessing of God, but to the irresponsible birth policy of the Chinese government and the incredible breeding ability of the Chinese people. It was hard for Japanese to feel guilty about the fate of the Chinese they had slaughtered in WWII, since they never viewed them as human beings in the first place. After all, why should foreigners consider Chinese as human beings if the Chinese treat their own people like dirt bags? Who is to blame?
Chinese ruling class knew perfectly well the fatal and incurable weakness of the Chinese mentality and had benefited greatly by capitalizing on the infamous characteristics of the Chinese culture. Fear and greed have been the effective methods in controlling Chinese people’s mind. Chinese know virtually no politic in a modern sense since their incompetent minds could not grasp the essence of the political science, namely the notion of fair play and straightforwardness. The things Chinese called politics are nothing but an art of intrigues and treacheries.
China was never a society governed by law because law abiding behavior did not fit into the inner nature of the Chinese mentality. Chinese always want to find a short cut. They do not understand the fact that achievement must go hand in hand with hard work and sacrifice. You can’t have one without the other, and there is no substitute for hard work and sacrifice. Chinese are inclined to take but not to give. Taiwan could become a law abiding and prospering society owed largely to the rule of Japan in the past. Clearly, without the stern law and power of whip from external source, the Chinese have no chance of evolving into a civilized member of modern society, only Scuffling with each other on the pity cause. What Chinese need the most is not money or technology, but an independent character of dignity and integrity. Few Chinese understand the fact that the truth of life depends not on how much you can accumulate but on how much you can give to the society.
Chinese like to indulge themselves to the dark side of the human psychology: that is to glorify the weakness and to envy those who have strength and power. This mentality is a typical mentality of slavery. This mentality reflects people’s desperate attempt to reach the equilibrium of inner peace and the tragic failure in succeeding. Given the fact that China was ruled by Manchu and Mongols for many centuries, the slavery mentality has already replaced the grace and honor of ancient Han culture. Most sinologists as well as many Chinese scholars tend to believe that today’s China and Chinese have little to do with the real China in the past. One scholar was so disappointed on what he saw on Chinese people mentality that he took a bold to make a remark that: Japan, not China, is the genuine “China” or the so called celestial kingdom. There is even a doubt whether current Chinese and ancient Chinese share the same racial origin. I won’t be surprise to know that ancient Chinese had been some sort of Caucasian origin. As matter of fact, many archeological findings support this hypothesis.
Indeed, in this world nothing could be more vague and preposterous than the notion of China or Chinese. Since no one really knows what it really refers to. Given the geographical diversity, one can not correctly come up with a definition of real “Chinese” simply because they all vary from each other in some ways. For example, the Cantonese definitely believe they are different from the rest of the Chinese, especially those from the northern regions. The idea that China as a unified country and Chinese as a unified people is nothing but a bunch of lies to fool the undeveloped minds.
China's education
By kenji Asahara
China was well known through out of history for its devotion towards knowledge and learning. However, to fully grasp the true picture of Chinese education one has to look into something deeper than what meets the eye. In China, education does not play the role it supposes to play: improving the overall quality of its people. In fact, it did the quite the opposite. Most people agree that education ought to be the most important public resources that people should have access to. This is not the case in China. Judging from the average education level and moral standard of its citizens, current China surely clings to a victory in the contest of who is the most backward and ignorant nation on this earth. It is an ironic and inexplicable thing to see that China could allow millions of its young people remained illiterate, and deprived them of the opportunity to receive decent education, while boasting academic achievement at few elite schools. China could win umpteenth medals in Olympic Games, while denying its people the right to have a decent physical education. In Chinese minds, education is not about seeking truth or improving quality of life but a symbol of prestige and status. Chinese intellectuals demand respect from others not because what they have contributed to the wellbeing of others but simply because of their possession of certain knowledge. In fact, most of them are just a bunch of useless eaters who know how to take exams and care little about truth and integrity. Once again, in China, the purpose of education is not to help society to improve its overall quality but only to serve the ruling class and the wealthy minority. The government departments in China usually proudly labeled themselves as people's this or people's that, but none of them really serves the best interest of people. They only serve for the best interest of themselves and their own clans.
Chinese educational system, to a large extent, has been a matter of failure and disgrace. It has failed to serve what education supposes to serve: the society. It did not provide society with many useful individuals. It only created a group of opportunity chasers who were eagerly to take advantage of what the society could offer but cared nothing of what they could give back in return. China could produce large number of highly trained technical personnel, but not many qualified managerial experts who can run the shows. To serve a company and society, technical skills are not enough; one needs a leadership of courage and integrity of which most Chinese people are having such a daunting deficit. As Arthur Smith, a famous Western missionary pointed out a century ago: What Chinese people lack the most is not wisdom and intelligence, but a genuine character of courage and integrity. This evaluation, though hundred years old, is still a valid one today in correctly diagnosing the very cause of the Chinese syndrome. The wrongful usage of public resources such as education inadvertently thwarted the social and moral development of the Chinese society.
As a foreigner who is relatively familiar with Chinese affairs, I can tell that most Chinese top institutes are nothing more than the preschools for Western universities. Most Chinese college graduates feel no sense of guilt to go aboard and work for foreign countries, knowing the fact that they owed their education primarily to the sacrifice of the Chinese people. With destruction and gradual fade away of traditional cultural value; most Chinese people, including the educated ones, are wandering on the corner of mental avenues like lost dogs without place to go. Cults and superstitions of all sorts, conjured up with Western Christianity, find great market in China where people are suffering severely from such a spiritual malnutrition that they will take anything that seems promising. Unfortunately, no spiritual package will solve the problem Chinese facing if the Chinese continue to deny the reality and do not allow their mind to be fully developed. As the biblical teaching elaborated, God will save those who save themselves. Chinese people are so indulged themselves in the superstitious magic that they fail to act as the helmsmen of their own life. Most Chinese, even those western educated ones, failed to grasp the essence of Western civilization. Chinese are used to entertaining the idea that Westerners must be the close kin to themselves, without knowing the core value of Western culture, unlike Chinese, rests in the habit of conquering and the relentless pursuit of change. Chinese are so ignorant and crass to assume others must behave and think like they do. Nothing could be far from truth than this smattering assumption of others enjoyed by the uncouth Chinese. Of course, the Chinese could well stew their mind in their own juice by relishing the dream of being the center of the universe. Unfortunately, Chinese will not find their fortune by breaking a fortune cookie because the world belongs to the movers and shakers who like to beg for no one and have the absolute control of their fate. In the world where the course of history was written by the power of blood and iron, Chinese have no place to stay. As the old saying goes, you lead, follow or get out of the way. Free riders and gold diggers like the Chinese do not deserve any respect from decent people.
Since Chinese culture does not encourage the noble characters like risk taking and adventure, Chinese people's life appears humdrum and deficient of excitement. Chinese are overly risk averted, so much so that they do not want to take the chance to make life better. Virtually none of the modern industrial equipments and scientific discoveries could find its Chinese origin. However, the Chinese have never been hesitated to sneak out other's intellectual works. Ironically, despite the exhausted and hysteric claiming of moral superiority, Chinese obsess with material gain far more than Westerners do, and show very little or no interest in living a balanced and meaningful life. Most Chinese find themselves unacquainted with the notions such as "spirituality" "freedom of worship" and “mental health” because their minds were unable to set foot into any higher level of existences. Their minds are simply too busy and preoccupied with cupidity and pitiful desires of animal instincts like sex or food. Of course, Chinese could always boast the richness of their cuisine because they spend more time than others on this basic physiological need of human beings. This might be the only thing that the Chinese could brag about. No place inhabited by Chinese one could not find Chinese restaurants and eating places which often stand next by the smelly public toilets. Indeed, feeding from one end and defecating from the other like a hog vividly exemplify what Chinese people’s life is all about.
我记得我问过一个访问过中国很多次的人, 他对中国有什么印象。我对他的话很沮丧。当我问他对媒体幻想的中国将成为世界的领导力量并预测所谓的中国世纪 的到来 的看法时,他说他不相信现在或可预见的将来这会成为事实。我问为什么,他说大多数 的中国人不具备成为现代社会一部分的资格。 他提到当他在北京等巴士时,中国人拼命挤向到站的巴士,就象一群老鼠从正在下沉的船上逃出一样。 大家互相推拉,没有人表现一点礼貌只是怕抢不到座位。 他对中国人不尊重法律和公共次序非常吃惊。一个由这样的乌合之众组成的国家怎么发展成一个受尊重的领导力量?
多数人统一这个事实,那就是大多数的中国人缺乏诚实和社会责任感。但没有多少人知道为什么中国人有这个恶习。是什么导致中国人在公众眼里变得讨厌?当然,这要从仔细的心理研究开始。 要正确理解这种普遍存在中国人中间的陋习,我们需要理解文化上的缺陷。当然,如果我们不能给出一个合理的解释,我们可能只会沉浸于对这种可鄙行为的习惯讥讽之中。毕竟,几乎没人能够抵制观看人们带给我们快乐和泪水的奇特的把戏所带来的乐趣。 长此以往,中国的含义,在种族和文化上,会蜕变成描述特定类型人的恼人行为的贬义词。例如,如果对某人的诚信有疑问,人们会说:“不要做中国人。“不要象中国人一样“或者“不要跟我玩中国人的游戏“。“中国人“将成为描述反常人类心理的一个语法上的形容词。
要诊断“中国综合征“的原因,应该先理解中国人性格的形成。它是因为毫无希望的基因缺陷还是可以矫正的环境影响造成的? 从中国被世界关注起,这个问题就一直困扰着学者。 起先,中国人生活在一个隔绝的,以自我为中心的环境中,这样产生了“天朝“的概念,也就是宇宙的中心。 某种意义上,中国没有把它自己看成一个国家,而是看成是世界。因此,中国人从没有国家或社会成分的概念。普通中国人只有家庭和近亲的概念,他们没有国家民族的概念因为缺乏能力和勇气来建立这个概念。中国文化,因此是靠血缘和亲属关系来推动的,而不是籍 由 理性推动的社会现象推动的。因此,这并不奇怪,中国人只 关心他们的亲属而对不相关的人的感受则采取不同的态度。也就是说,中国文化还没有进化到公民社会阶段,在公民社会,每个人,不管它的出身,都拥有同样的人权。中国,往好处说,是有宗族倾向存在的社会。中国可以被更好地描述为由许多崇拜各自祖先的血亲部落组成的,他们不关心共同的人性问题。 这就是为什么我们认为中国不是一个国家而是一群有共同生活习惯而没有共同社会认同的人居住的地方。毫无疑问,这种以血缘为道德基础的看法催生了自私和无情,而这成为阻碍中国社会进步的决定力量。
外国人一直为中国人对待犯人和动物表现的不人道,野蛮和没有同情心而吃惊。 也对经常是由于天灾人祸造成 百万人的死亡震惊,这些也证明了中国人对人命 的冷漠。中国和中国人被看作是由神秘阴影遮盖的现象。的确,人们怎样理解他们对人性的漠视 和他们顽固宣称的道德正义的不一致性所引起的震惊?
从远古时代起,中国就被称为地球上“人口最多“的国家,似乎中国是上帝选择的幸运儿。然而,如果作详细而全面的分析,事情就变得相反。 这个非常的称呼不是归于上帝的祝福,而是因为政府的不负责任的生育政策和人民难以置信的抚养能力。日本人很难为在二战中被他们屠杀的中国人感到内疚,因为他们一开始就没把他们看成人类。毕竟,如果中国把自己的人民看成垃圾,那么为什么要外国人把他们看成人类呢?谁该被谴责?
中国统治阶级很清楚中国人的致命的,不可挽救的精神缺点,并且从中国文化丑陋面的物质化中牟利。恐惧和贪婪是控制中国人民思想的有效手段。 因为落后的思想不能抓住政治科学的精髓,也就是公平竞争和坦诚,中国人实际上并不能在现代层面上了解政治。 中国人所称为的政治只是阴谋和背叛的艺术。
中国从不是一个法制社会,因为守法还没有进入中国人精神的深处。 中国人总是找捷径。他们不了解一个事实是,成就来之于苦干和牺牲。 中国人习惯于获取而不是付出。 台湾可能会成为一个法制的,有希望的社会,这很大程度上归功于过去日本的统治。 很清楚,如果没有严法和外来的鞭策,中国没有机会演变现代文明社会的成员,只是在无谓内战。 中国人需要的不是资金或技术,是完整有尊严的独立人格。 没有多少中国人懂得生命的意义在于回馈社会而不是能够积累多少。
中国人爱沉溺于人心理中黑暗的一面:美化弱者,忌妒强者。 这是典型的奴性。这反映了人们绝望地想平衡平静的内心和悲惨的失败现实。考虑到中国被满族和蒙古族统治了许多世纪,这种奴性已经在古代汉族的心里取代了优雅和荣誉感。许多汉学家和中国的学者倾向于相信今天的中国已和古代的真正的中国无关。 一个学者对他所看到的中国人的精神非常失望,以致于他大胆地做出了一个评论:日本,而不是中国,是真正意义上的中国,也就是所谓的“天朝”。甚至有人怀疑当代中国是否和古代中国是同一人种。 如果说古代中国人是来自于高加索人种,我不会感到惊讶。 事实上,许多考古发现支持这种假设。
确实,在这个世界上,没有什么比中国或中国人的概念更模糊,更荒谬的了。 没有人知道它真正指的是什么。 由于地理上的差异化,不可能正确地得出一个真正的关于中国人的定义,因为他们总在某些方面有不同。 例如,广东人认为他们不同于其他中国人,特别是北方人。说中国是一个统一的国家和中国人是同一类人,只是欺骗不明事理人的谎言。
中国在历史上一直享有关注知识和学习的声誉。 但是,要完全抓住中国教育的精髓,需要深入了解而不是被看到的东西蒙蔽。 在中国,教育不是发挥它本身应该发挥的作用:提高人民整体素质.实际上,正相反.多数人认为教育应该是人民可以获取的重要公共资源.但在中国,不是这样的.从平均受教育水平和市民道德水平判断,现在的中国是属于最落后和无知的国家.具有讽刺和不可思议的事是,中国让几百万青年人成为文盲,剥夺他们受良好教育的权利,同时吹嘘少数精英学校取得的学术成就.中国可以赢得无数奥运奖牌,但是却否认人民有受到良好体育教育的权利.在中国人的思想中,教育不是为了寻求真理或提高生活质量,而是声望和地位的象征.中国的知识分子需要得到其他人的尊重,不是因为他们对其他人做出的贡献,而是因为他们拥有特定的知识.实际上,他们中的大多数只是无用的饭桶(eaters), 只知道考试而从不关心真理和正直公益.这样,在中国,教育不是去帮助社会提高整体素质,而是服务于统治阶级和富有的少数人.中国的政府部门总是自豪地标示自己这个"人民的"那个"人民的",但没有一个是真正为人民的利益服务的.他们只是为自己和他们的派系服务.
中国的教育系统,在很大程度上是一种失败和耻辱.它没有做到教育本身要服务的对象:社会.它没有提供社会许多有用的个人.它只是提供了一群机会主义者,他们只是利用社会来获取而不考虑回馈社会.中国可以产生许多严格训练的技术人才,但是很少有合格的管理人才来管理.对公司和社会来说,技术是不够的,还需要勇气和正直的指导,而这正是多数中国人所缺乏的.就象Arthur Smith,一个著名的传教士,在一个世纪前指出的一样:中国人缺乏的,不是智慧和智力,而是正直和勇气.这个评价,虽然已经过了一百多年,仍然可以在今天用于诊断中国综合征的原因.对公共资源,例如教育,的错误应用,已经损害了中国的道德和社会发展.
坦率的讲,Kenji的文章,除了明显的辱骂语句外,决大部份是讲了有关我们中国人的事实。这些陋习或缺点是我们每个不愿讳疾忌医的中国人必须承认面对的。我们应该感谢Kenji,至少他或她还愿意花大量时间来向我们指出我们的缺点和问题。虽然其文章中有很多伤害中国人的语句,但从基本内容上来说,我们必须承认这是一篇非常深刻的分析中国??社会/文化的犀利文章。虽然其有关中国人的种种陋习描述并非首次出现,但其文章中有关中国的文化发展及其对国民性的影响分析,以及对中国教育制度的弊端和中国知识份子(我也是其中一员)的心态分析是相当准确和有见地的。我们应当采取理性和批判性的态度,而非不屑一顾或盲目反日的情绪,来对待这样一篇引起中国人强烈反应的文章。日本人为什么会有今天的成就? 我们都知道这主要是因为他们愿意向竞争对手进行学习。
中国目前的确是全世界最不平等、最无人权的国家之一。中国发展到今天,占总人口绝大多数的农民的生活不但没有得到改善,反而恶化。很多农民被不同的既得利益集团或个人以极端手段剥夺了赖以生存的土地,还得毫无怨言地忍受及其恶劣的环境污染(请参阅近期New York Times 的相关报道)。农村城市从来就是两重天。谁来替农民说话?农民到底是不是中国的公民?他们连最基本的生存权都没法保证,更别奢谈受教育权。我们有什么理由反驳Kenji的论点“It is an ironic and inexplicable thing to see that China could allow millions of its young people remained illiterate, and deprived them of the opportunity to receive decent education, while boasting academic achievement at few elite schools. China could win umpteenth medals in Olympic Games, while denying its people the right to have a decent physical education. In Chinese minds, education is not about seeking truth or improving quality of life but a symbol of prestige and status. ”
中国的教育确实从来就是精英教育。然而,这些精英从来都是为所谓的统治阶层/政党服务,因为个人的前程取决于此。有谁关注弱势群体? 我在国外学习工作的最大感受是国外的中产阶级,作为社会的精英分子,对communities有着明显的责任感,是他们在媒体上,议会中和社区组织和活动中积极发挥主导作用。
I remember talking to a person who has visited China several times in the past and asking his impression of China. I was quite disappointed from what I heard. When I asked his opinion on whether China could become the leading power in the world, as it has been cranked up by news and media that predict the coming of the so called Chinese century, he said he does not believe it is possible now or any foreseeable future. I asked him why and he told me because most Chinese people are not qualified to be part of the advanced society. He mentioned when he was waiting bus in Beijing, the Chinese people simply dashed towards the coming bus like a swarm of rats to get off a sinking ship. Pushing and pulling each other as they tried to get on board, no one showed any courtesy because every one was afraid of not getting a seat. He was extremely stunned by Chinese people's disrespect of law and public order. How could a nation inhabited by a group of such impetus rabble ever develop into a respectful power?
Why people despise Chinese?
Most people will agree on the fact that most Chinese people lack of honesty and the sense of social responsibility. Yet few have the answer as to what is the cause of these notorious traits of the Chinese people. What has made Chinese such a nuisance in public eyes? As always, to find answer one needs to carefully study the psyche of the Chinese people. We need to understand the basis of this cultural abomination in order to correctly interpret the ugly behaviors commonly existed among the Chinese people. Of course, we could well indulge ourselves in a habit of ridiculing the despicable behavior of the Chinese people if we fail to come up with a logical explanation. After all, few can resist the pleasure of watching an intriguing human drollness that has brought us both tear as well as laughter. So much so that, after a period of time, the notion of Chinese, both in racial and cultural sense, has degenerated into a derogatory word describing the undesirable and annoying behaviors or the attitudes of certain type of people. For example, when questioning a person’s honesty, people will say “Don’t be Chinese” “Do not act like a Chinese” or “Do not play Chinese game with me”. “Chinese” has become an eloquent adjective used to depict the general perversity of human mentality.
To diagnose the cause of the Chinese syndrome, it is advisable to understand the formation of Chinese characteristics. Is Chinese mentality a hopeless genetic abomination or a curable disease inflicted by the power of environmental effects? These questions have puzzled the scholars even since the time China become a world wide focus. Since the beginning, Chinese have been living in an isolated and relatively egocentric environment which gives birth to the notion of celestial kingdom or the center of the universe. In a sense, China has never considered itself as a nation but as a world of itself instead. Therefore Chinese people were never been introduced the concept of nationhood or social identity. Average Chinese are only acquainted with the idea of family and close kin; they could not conceive the notion of nation because they never have the ability and courage to establish one. Chinese culture, therefore, was a blood or kinship driven one, rather than a social phenomenon drawn upon the power of rationality. Not surprisingly, Chinese only concern with the wellbeing of their direct relatives but tend to be indifferent toward the suffering of the people that are not related to them. In other words, Chinese culture has not be able to evolve into a stage of civil society in which every one, regardless of his origin, is entitled with certain basic human rights. China, to the best, still exists in a clan oriented society. Chinese society could be precisely described as a collection of many kinship oriented tribes that worship their respective ancestries but care nothing about the idea of common humanity. That is why we consider China not a nation but a land inhabited by a group of people who shares the common life habits but bears no common social identity. Undoubtedly, this blood based view of moral value gives the birth to the mentality of selfishness and callousness which has been the decisive force hampering the progress in Chinese society.
Foreigners were constantly shocked by the inhuman and cruel treatment of prisoners or animals to which the Chinese show very little sympathy. Astonishing loss of human lives, quite often in millions, as the results of man made or natural disasters also manifests Chinese people’s callousness towards the value of human life. China and Chinese have been regarded as a phenomenon shrouded with a mysterious shadow. Indeed, how can one rationalize the shocking inconsistency between their disregarding of humanity and their stubborn claiming of moral righteousness?
Since the immemorial, China has always been clinging to the title of the “most populous country” on this earth, as if China was the auspicious candidate selected by the Almighty. However, a careful and thorough analysis shows otherwise. This bloody title must be attributed not to the blessing of God, but to the irresponsible birth policy of the Chinese government and the incredible breeding ability of the Chinese people. It was hard for Japanese to feel guilty about the fate of the Chinese they had slaughtered in WWII, since they never viewed them as human beings in the first place. After all, why should foreigners consider Chinese as human beings if the Chinese treat their own people like dirt bags? Who is to blame?
Chinese ruling class knew perfectly well the fatal and incurable weakness of the Chinese mentality and had benefited greatly by capitalizing on the infamous characteristics of the Chinese culture. Fear and greed have been the effective methods in controlling Chinese people’s mind. Chinese know virtually no politic in a modern sense since their incompetent minds could not grasp the essence of the political science, namely the notion of fair play and straightforwardness. The things Chinese called politics are nothing but an art of intrigues and treacheries.
China was never a society governed by law because law abiding behavior did not fit into the inner nature of the Chinese mentality. Chinese always want to find a short cut. They do not understand the fact that achievement must go hand in hand with hard work and sacrifice. You can’t have one without the other, and there is no substitute for hard work and sacrifice. Chinese are inclined to take but not to give. Taiwan could become a law abiding and prospering society owed largely to the rule of Japan in the past. Clearly, without the stern law and power of whip from external source, the Chinese have no chance of evolving into a civilized member of modern society, only Scuffling with each other on the pity cause. What Chinese need the most is not money or technology, but an independent character of dignity and integrity. Few Chinese understand the fact that the truth of life depends not on how much you can accumulate but on how much you can give to the society.
Chinese like to indulge themselves to the dark side of the human psychology: that is to glorify the weakness and to envy those who have strength and power. This mentality is a typical mentality of slavery. This mentality reflects people’s desperate attempt to reach the equilibrium of inner peace and the tragic failure in succeeding. Given the fact that China was ruled by Manchu and Mongols for many centuries, the slavery mentality has already replaced the grace and honor of ancient Han culture. Most sinologists as well as many Chinese scholars tend to believe that today’s China and Chinese have little to do with the real China in the past. One scholar was so disappointed on what he saw on Chinese people mentality that he took a bold to make a remark that: Japan, not China, is the genuine “China” or the so called celestial kingdom. There is even a doubt whether current Chinese and ancient Chinese share the same racial origin. I won’t be surprise to know that ancient Chinese had been some sort of Caucasian origin. As matter of fact, many archeological findings support this hypothesis.
Indeed, in this world nothing could be more vague and preposterous than the notion of China or Chinese. Since no one really knows what it really refers to. Given the geographical diversity, one can not correctly come up with a definition of real “Chinese” simply because they all vary from each other in some ways. For example, the Cantonese definitely believe they are different from the rest of the Chinese, especially those from the northern regions. The idea that China as a unified country and Chinese as a unified people is nothing but a bunch of lies to fool the undeveloped minds.
China's education
By kenji Asahara
China was well known through out of history for its devotion towards knowledge and learning. However, to fully grasp the true picture of Chinese education one has to look into something deeper than what meets the eye. In China, education does not play the role it supposes to play: improving the overall quality of its people. In fact, it did the quite the opposite. Most people agree that education ought to be the most important public resources that people should have access to. This is not the case in China. Judging from the average education level and moral standard of its citizens, current China surely clings to a victory in the contest of who is the most backward and ignorant nation on this earth. It is an ironic and inexplicable thing to see that China could allow millions of its young people remained illiterate, and deprived them of the opportunity to receive decent education, while boasting academic achievement at few elite schools. China could win umpteenth medals in Olympic Games, while denying its people the right to have a decent physical education. In Chinese minds, education is not about seeking truth or improving quality of life but a symbol of prestige and status. Chinese intellectuals demand respect from others not because what they have contributed to the wellbeing of others but simply because of their possession of certain knowledge. In fact, most of them are just a bunch of useless eaters who know how to take exams and care little about truth and integrity. Once again, in China, the purpose of education is not to help society to improve its overall quality but only to serve the ruling class and the wealthy minority. The government departments in China usually proudly labeled themselves as people's this or people's that, but none of them really serves the best interest of people. They only serve for the best interest of themselves and their own clans.
Chinese educational system, to a large extent, has been a matter of failure and disgrace. It has failed to serve what education supposes to serve: the society. It did not provide society with many useful individuals. It only created a group of opportunity chasers who were eagerly to take advantage of what the society could offer but cared nothing of what they could give back in return. China could produce large number of highly trained technical personnel, but not many qualified managerial experts who can run the shows. To serve a company and society, technical skills are not enough; one needs a leadership of courage and integrity of which most Chinese people are having such a daunting deficit. As Arthur Smith, a famous Western missionary pointed out a century ago: What Chinese people lack the most is not wisdom and intelligence, but a genuine character of courage and integrity. This evaluation, though hundred years old, is still a valid one today in correctly diagnosing the very cause of the Chinese syndrome. The wrongful usage of public resources such as education inadvertently thwarted the social and moral development of the Chinese society.
As a foreigner who is relatively familiar with Chinese affairs, I can tell that most Chinese top institutes are nothing more than the preschools for Western universities. Most Chinese college graduates feel no sense of guilt to go aboard and work for foreign countries, knowing the fact that they owed their education primarily to the sacrifice of the Chinese people. With destruction and gradual fade away of traditional cultural value; most Chinese people, including the educated ones, are wandering on the corner of mental avenues like lost dogs without place to go. Cults and superstitions of all sorts, conjured up with Western Christianity, find great market in China where people are suffering severely from such a spiritual malnutrition that they will take anything that seems promising. Unfortunately, no spiritual package will solve the problem Chinese facing if the Chinese continue to deny the reality and do not allow their mind to be fully developed. As the biblical teaching elaborated, God will save those who save themselves. Chinese people are so indulged themselves in the superstitious magic that they fail to act as the helmsmen of their own life. Most Chinese, even those western educated ones, failed to grasp the essence of Western civilization. Chinese are used to entertaining the idea that Westerners must be the close kin to themselves, without knowing the core value of Western culture, unlike Chinese, rests in the habit of conquering and the relentless pursuit of change. Chinese are so ignorant and crass to assume others must behave and think like they do. Nothing could be far from truth than this smattering assumption of others enjoyed by the uncouth Chinese. Of course, the Chinese could well stew their mind in their own juice by relishing the dream of being the center of the universe. Unfortunately, Chinese will not find their fortune by breaking a fortune cookie because the world belongs to the movers and shakers who like to beg for no one and have the absolute control of their fate. In the world where the course of history was written by the power of blood and iron, Chinese have no place to stay. As the old saying goes, you lead, follow or get out of the way. Free riders and gold diggers like the Chinese do not deserve any respect from decent people.
Since Chinese culture does not encourage the noble characters like risk taking and adventure, Chinese people's life appears humdrum and deficient of excitement. Chinese are overly risk averted, so much so that they do not want to take the chance to make life better. Virtually none of the modern industrial equipments and scientific discoveries could find its Chinese origin. However, the Chinese have never been hesitated to sneak out other's intellectual works. Ironically, despite the exhausted and hysteric claiming of moral superiority, Chinese obsess with material gain far more than Westerners do, and show very little or no interest in living a balanced and meaningful life. Most Chinese find themselves unacquainted with the notions such as "spirituality" "freedom of worship" and “mental health” because their minds were unable to set foot into any higher level of existences. Their minds are simply too busy and preoccupied with cupidity and pitiful desires of animal instincts like sex or food. Of course, Chinese could always boast the richness of their cuisine because they spend more time than others on this basic physiological need of human beings. This might be the only thing that the Chinese could brag about. No place inhabited by Chinese one could not find Chinese restaurants and eating places which often stand next by the smelly public toilets. Indeed, feeding from one end and defecating from the other like a hog vividly exemplify what Chinese people’s life is all about.
我记得我问过一个访问过中国很多次的人, 他对中国有什么印象。我对他的话很沮丧。当我问他对媒体幻想的中国将成为世界的领导力量并预测所谓的中国世纪 的到来 的看法时,他说他不相信现在或可预见的将来这会成为事实。我问为什么,他说大多数 的中国人不具备成为现代社会一部分的资格。 他提到当他在北京等巴士时,中国人拼命挤向到站的巴士,就象一群老鼠从正在下沉的船上逃出一样。 大家互相推拉,没有人表现一点礼貌只是怕抢不到座位。 他对中国人不尊重法律和公共次序非常吃惊。一个由这样的乌合之众组成的国家怎么发展成一个受尊重的领导力量?
多数人统一这个事实,那就是大多数的中国人缺乏诚实和社会责任感。但没有多少人知道为什么中国人有这个恶习。是什么导致中国人在公众眼里变得讨厌?当然,这要从仔细的心理研究开始。 要正确理解这种普遍存在中国人中间的陋习,我们需要理解文化上的缺陷。当然,如果我们不能给出一个合理的解释,我们可能只会沉浸于对这种可鄙行为的习惯讥讽之中。毕竟,几乎没人能够抵制观看人们带给我们快乐和泪水的奇特的把戏所带来的乐趣。 长此以往,中国的含义,在种族和文化上,会蜕变成描述特定类型人的恼人行为的贬义词。例如,如果对某人的诚信有疑问,人们会说:“不要做中国人。“不要象中国人一样“或者“不要跟我玩中国人的游戏“。“中国人“将成为描述反常人类心理的一个语法上的形容词。
要诊断“中国综合征“的原因,应该先理解中国人性格的形成。它是因为毫无希望的基因缺陷还是可以矫正的环境影响造成的? 从中国被世界关注起,这个问题就一直困扰着学者。 起先,中国人生活在一个隔绝的,以自我为中心的环境中,这样产生了“天朝“的概念,也就是宇宙的中心。 某种意义上,中国没有把它自己看成一个国家,而是看成是世界。因此,中国人从没有国家或社会成分的概念。普通中国人只有家庭和近亲的概念,他们没有国家民族的概念因为缺乏能力和勇气来建立这个概念。中国文化,因此是靠血缘和亲属关系来推动的,而不是籍 由 理性推动的社会现象推动的。因此,这并不奇怪,中国人只 关心他们的亲属而对不相关的人的感受则采取不同的态度。也就是说,中国文化还没有进化到公民社会阶段,在公民社会,每个人,不管它的出身,都拥有同样的人权。中国,往好处说,是有宗族倾向存在的社会。中国可以被更好地描述为由许多崇拜各自祖先的血亲部落组成的,他们不关心共同的人性问题。 这就是为什么我们认为中国不是一个国家而是一群有共同生活习惯而没有共同社会认同的人居住的地方。毫无疑问,这种以血缘为道德基础的看法催生了自私和无情,而这成为阻碍中国社会进步的决定力量。
外国人一直为中国人对待犯人和动物表现的不人道,野蛮和没有同情心而吃惊。 也对经常是由于天灾人祸造成 百万人的死亡震惊,这些也证明了中国人对人命 的冷漠。中国和中国人被看作是由神秘阴影遮盖的现象。的确,人们怎样理解他们对人性的漠视 和他们顽固宣称的道德正义的不一致性所引起的震惊?
从远古时代起,中国就被称为地球上“人口最多“的国家,似乎中国是上帝选择的幸运儿。然而,如果作详细而全面的分析,事情就变得相反。 这个非常的称呼不是归于上帝的祝福,而是因为政府的不负责任的生育政策和人民难以置信的抚养能力。日本人很难为在二战中被他们屠杀的中国人感到内疚,因为他们一开始就没把他们看成人类。毕竟,如果中国把自己的人民看成垃圾,那么为什么要外国人把他们看成人类呢?谁该被谴责?
中国统治阶级很清楚中国人的致命的,不可挽救的精神缺点,并且从中国文化丑陋面的物质化中牟利。恐惧和贪婪是控制中国人民思想的有效手段。 因为落后的思想不能抓住政治科学的精髓,也就是公平竞争和坦诚,中国人实际上并不能在现代层面上了解政治。 中国人所称为的政治只是阴谋和背叛的艺术。
中国从不是一个法制社会,因为守法还没有进入中国人精神的深处。 中国人总是找捷径。他们不了解一个事实是,成就来之于苦干和牺牲。 中国人习惯于获取而不是付出。 台湾可能会成为一个法制的,有希望的社会,这很大程度上归功于过去日本的统治。 很清楚,如果没有严法和外来的鞭策,中国没有机会演变现代文明社会的成员,只是在无谓内战。 中国人需要的不是资金或技术,是完整有尊严的独立人格。 没有多少中国人懂得生命的意义在于回馈社会而不是能够积累多少。
中国人爱沉溺于人心理中黑暗的一面:美化弱者,忌妒强者。 这是典型的奴性。这反映了人们绝望地想平衡平静的内心和悲惨的失败现实。考虑到中国被满族和蒙古族统治了许多世纪,这种奴性已经在古代汉族的心里取代了优雅和荣誉感。许多汉学家和中国的学者倾向于相信今天的中国已和古代的真正的中国无关。 一个学者对他所看到的中国人的精神非常失望,以致于他大胆地做出了一个评论:日本,而不是中国,是真正意义上的中国,也就是所谓的“天朝”。甚至有人怀疑当代中国是否和古代中国是同一人种。 如果说古代中国人是来自于高加索人种,我不会感到惊讶。 事实上,许多考古发现支持这种假设。
确实,在这个世界上,没有什么比中国或中国人的概念更模糊,更荒谬的了。 没有人知道它真正指的是什么。 由于地理上的差异化,不可能正确地得出一个真正的关于中国人的定义,因为他们总在某些方面有不同。 例如,广东人认为他们不同于其他中国人,特别是北方人。说中国是一个统一的国家和中国人是同一类人,只是欺骗不明事理人的谎言。
中国在历史上一直享有关注知识和学习的声誉。 但是,要完全抓住中国教育的精髓,需要深入了解而不是被看到的东西蒙蔽。 在中国,教育不是发挥它本身应该发挥的作用:提高人民整体素质.实际上,正相反.多数人认为教育应该是人民可以获取的重要公共资源.但在中国,不是这样的.从平均受教育水平和市民道德水平判断,现在的中国是属于最落后和无知的国家.具有讽刺和不可思议的事是,中国让几百万青年人成为文盲,剥夺他们受良好教育的权利,同时吹嘘少数精英学校取得的学术成就.中国可以赢得无数奥运奖牌,但是却否认人民有受到良好体育教育的权利.在中国人的思想中,教育不是为了寻求真理或提高生活质量,而是声望和地位的象征.中国的知识分子需要得到其他人的尊重,不是因为他们对其他人做出的贡献,而是因为他们拥有特定的知识.实际上,他们中的大多数只是无用的饭桶(eaters), 只知道考试而从不关心真理和正直公益.这样,在中国,教育不是去帮助社会提高整体素质,而是服务于统治阶级和富有的少数人.中国的政府部门总是自豪地标示自己这个"人民的"那个"人民的",但没有一个是真正为人民的利益服务的.他们只是为自己和他们的派系服务.
中国的教育系统,在很大程度上是一种失败和耻辱.它没有做到教育本身要服务的对象:社会.它没有提供社会许多有用的个人.它只是提供了一群机会主义者,他们只是利用社会来获取而不考虑回馈社会.中国可以产生许多严格训练的技术人才,但是很少有合格的管理人才来管理.对公司和社会来说,技术是不够的,还需要勇气和正直的指导,而这正是多数中国人所缺乏的.就象Arthur Smith,一个著名的传教士,在一个世纪前指出的一样:中国人缺乏的,不是智慧和智力,而是正直和勇气.这个评价,虽然已经过了一百多年,仍然可以在今天用于诊断中国综合征的原因.对公共资源,例如教育,的错误应用,已经损害了中国的道德和社会发展.