寻鹰记 (Look for Great Gray Owl in Ottawa)

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 GangW
  • 开始时间 开始时间
最初由 阿瓜 发布

well done. this is something I have been waiting for... :cool:

Thanks, 阿瓜.
最初由 davidc 发布
How come the wing in 64 is not complete? It would be great if the wing is not cut off. Consistent support:cool:

Thanks, davidc.

I regreted that I added the 1.4x II extender to the lens when I shot the bird in 64 (in fact, from beginning). Not only I had to focus manually but also the focus length became too long, ......:D After you shot more than one hour with 100-400 + 1.4x with handheld, I would feel that the camera was becoming heavier and heavier.

I will try to write my experience of shooting birds with your guys later (not today).;)
老武, ZT一张别人拍的:
最初由 sean 发布
fabulous shoots!

Thanks, sean. Give me some your advice/critique/suggestion/comment.
最初由 阿瓜 发布
老武, ZT一张别人拍的:

Thanks 阿瓜.

Yes, that’s a snowy owl. please report/post it when you find it in Ottawa.

You said that you felt very lucky to take the pictures of the great gray owl. I would say that I had “缘分” with the great gray owl so that she would like to pose for me again and again to take her pictures. But in the day I looked for the snowy owl at south of Ottawa I were not lucky at all and I didn’t find it where it hid although it was reported that it was there every year and someone had taken its pictures at Dec. 2004. I didn't meet any animals but a lady with more than 10 dogs in the field. I was wondering why the lady had so many dogs, she told me she was doing her business of “walking with dog” in the winter (-20 C that day). I thought: “doing anything can be a business if you can make money from.” Is that true?
最初由 GangW 发布

Thanks 阿瓜.

Yes, that’s a snowy owl. please report/post it when you find it in Ottawa.

You said that you felt very lucky to take the pictures of the great gray owl. I would say that I had “缘分” with the great gray owl so that she would like to pose for me again and again to take her pictures. But in the day I looked for the snowy owl at south of Ottawa I were not lucky at all and I didn’t find it where it hid although it was reported that it was there every year and someone had taken its pictures at Dec. 2004. I didn't meet any animals but a lady with more than 10 dogs in the field. I was wondering why the lady had so many dogs, she told me she was doing her business of “walking with dog” in the winter (-20 C that day). I thought: “doing anything can be a business if you can make money from.” Is that true?

正所谓谋事在人, 成事在天. 随着岁月流逝, 渐渐懂得了, 凡事不必"过分"刻意追求...
等我有一天懂得了"凡事随缘", 就可以上Leica了! :D
最初由 阿瓜 发布

正所谓谋事在人, 成事在天. 随着岁月流逝, 渐渐懂得了, 凡事不必"过分"刻意追求...
等我有一天懂得了"凡事随缘", 就可以上Leica了! :D

阿瓜, I saw you shooting the owl with your D70+XGB that day.

shan bian a.:D
最初由 cutecute 发布
#48真的很有感觉啊! :cool:

Thanks, cutecute.

reviewed my posted owl pictures, I found that the owl in the pics is too cute instead of raptatory.

The owl is raptor, so it should be raptatory.
Let me continue my story.

69, the news of the great gray owls mass "irruption" to Ottaws has been published on Ottawa Citizen, CBC, ...... more and more people(birders, photographers,......) are attracted to watch/shoot the birds. Look at this guy, who is a photographer fromthe Canadian Press, bring his two "super guns" (one is 1ds or 1d mk2 + 300/2.8, another is 1ds or mk2 + 70-200/2.8 IS) to go for shooting the bird.
70, after shooting more and more the pictures of the owl I want to shoot the wingspaned pictures. Here are some,