If you don't care how much the property tax you have to pay (how quickly the house/land appreciates) and you are not planning to sell or upgrade/downgrade your home in 5 or 10 years (or you stay there forever).... then the price doesn't play an important role here.
But, if you are inbetween of buying or renting, you'd better get some unbiased (I know it is difficult - nothing is really unbiased) professional advice... Generally speaking, the price of the house should go up at least at the same rate as the inflation... right? I know there are some years in 90s, the price did drop a little bit in NCR area. But, how often that could happen?
Even I just bought a house in Ottawa, I still think it is overpriced! But as JJ said, since I will use it as my primary residence, considering opportunity cost (the rent you have to pay while you are waiting for the price to drop - will it drop???), I still made up my mind and buy it NOW! You know what? I paid almost $20,000 more than if bought it a year ago - same builder and same model! Well, I treated it as the location premium since my new house to at the river bank! - the community I really love.