
It's true. My cousin has a Siamese and when she meows, she sounds like a 破锣. :D But she's very smart, she loves ice cream and she'd use her little paw to scratch my hand and begs for ice cream. She also has silky smooth coat...but de but, her captivating eyes always make me feel a little uneasy, like a real human staring at me and not a cat, so I actually respect her more than just love her.

最初由 瞬间?移动! 发布

最初由 玛丽娅芭芭拉 发布
最初由 玛丽娅芭芭拉 发布

My Jianjian is a Norwegian forest cat. Her mother came to our family during the 1998 ice storm when the whole city was out of electricity for more than 2 weeks. Her mother (Old JJ) then gave birth to 3 cute kittens, and we kept JJ who most resembles her mother.

She is indeed very independent and very agile. She once destroyed a bird nest high up on a birth tree in our neighbor's yard. It turned out that the nest belonged to a couple of beautiful Blue Jays. The next day when JJ comes out to sun-bathe in her favorite spot (above the storage shed), the 2 blue jays attacked her: they flew over JJ in a giant curve and slapped her with their wings. JJ was surprised, but not too scared: she first covered her head and very soon learned that the birds can't really do any damage to her...but she gave up her favorite spot and moved under a cherry tree. :p

This fight continued for about 3 days, and the blue jays finally gave up their revenge and moved away.

JJ and her mother
最初由 渐渐 发布
破锣声 :D

But very very smart.

Thanks, she's almost 7 years old now, about 8 lbs, and is very affectionate to my parents.

最初由 某某 发布

I think Garfield is just an orange tabby. :)

最初由 玛丽娅芭芭拉 发布
:D :D :D
最初由 玛丽娅芭芭拉 发布
波斯猫,根据有关资料介绍,波斯猫是在16世纪左右,由喜马拉雅猫和安哥拉猫杂交,经过多年的提纯繁殖而培育出来的.波斯猫体形较大,被毛长而且厚密,头圆大,脸扁平,额宽耳小,圆眼塌鼻口吻短宽,躯体因毛长而感觉浑圆,四肢粗短柔软,尾蓬松粗大,给人一种雍容华贵的感觉.波斯猫按被毛颜色不同可分为白色,黑色,红色,黄色,暗灰色,蓝色,双色,玳瑁色,杂色,虎斑色等品种.其中以红色的品种尤为名贵. 波斯猫外表美丽大方,叫声细小甜美,性格温和,胆大好奇,喜欢与人亲近,善解人意,容易调教,是一种深受人们喜爱的高贵宠物.波斯猫因容易脱毛,而且腹部绒毛容易纠缠打结,藏污纳垢,滋生细菌,所以必须每日都梳理和每月定时洗澡

晕.....右边那只不就是我家FLUFFY吗?!?!?! :D :D :cool: :cool:
最初由 渐渐 发布
Thanks, she's almost 7 years old now, about 8 lbs, and is very affectionate to my parents.

你家两个猫猫都很可爱... 大的叫大JIAN JIAN, 小的叫小JIAN JIAN吗?? :p :p
最初由 渐渐 发布
It's true. My cousin has a Siamese and when she meows, she sounds like a 破锣. :D But she's very smart, she loves ice cream and she'd use her little paw to scratch my hand and begs for ice cream. She also has silky smooth coat...but de but, her captivating eyes always make me feel a little uneasy, like a real human staring at me and not a cat, so I actually respect her more than just love her.

我就有一只啊 4个月了 不过还没发现声音像破锣 倒是很聪明 都有聪明过头了 经常被他骗 可能装可怜了
最初由 渐渐 发布

My Jianjian is a Norwegian forest cat. Her mother came to our family during the 1998 ice storm when the whole city was out of electricity for more than 2 weeks. Her mother (Old JJ) then gave birth to 3 cute kittens, and we kept JJ who most resembles her mother.

She is indeed very independent and very agile. She once destroyed a bird nest high up on a birth tree in our neighbor's yard. It turned out that the nest belonged to a couple of beautiful Blue Jays. The next day when JJ comes out to sun-bathe in her favorite spot (above the storage shed), the 2 blue jays attacked her: they flew over JJ in a giant curve and slapped her with their wings. JJ was surprised, but not too scared: she first covered her head and very soon learned that the birds can't really do any damage to her...but she gave up her favorite spot and moved under a cherry tree. :p

This fight continued for about 3 days, and the blue jays finally gave up their revenge and moved away.

JJ and her mother