at Bank St Toyota

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 csman
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****,号称操6种语言, 在 Ottawa Bank St Toyota 卖汽车,

外表柔弱的**** 在交易中总是设法强加 rust-proof guarantee, 不知是

老友们相聚 BBQ, 有几人谈到此事无不叹息,
“又上**** 一当, 当初也是‘朋友’介绍”。。。。


**** 在 华侨新报上有定期广告, 大家都眼熟。。。

有相似受拐遭损失的兄弟姐妹, 也欢迎分享!
my friend got more than $1500 discount a few years ago from her..she is very nice person,but not pretty..

rust protection 在ottawa是需要的
my frends and me never think her price is good.

search market and shop around before you buy a car and house.
I bought a car four years ago from her,she was very nice and I recommended to 2 of my friends, they all had good words about her.
She is doing her job as a salesperson. They make a lot of money on the Rustproofing ($400-500(?)).

About 10 year ago, when I bought my car, one of the salesperson told me additional rustproofing is not necessary. The reason is that the manufacturer already guarantees 5 years.
So I did not add rustproofing to my new cars. Another reason is that to honour the rustproofing, you need to go back one a year and every year to do check up or touch up, which costs additional money. What I did is after three/four years, I get an oil spread (completed one, which they drill holes, e.g., in the doors) every year. It now costs about $90-120. Probably the same as the the "rustproofing", but I saved the first one.
After 10 years, all my cars are basically no rust.
最初由 ottawa248 发布

I have some dirty words in my vocabulary, such as: sucker, loser, dum-ass, idiot....

On top of it, I can add some more, for instance, (以下被?去70字╋本网站禁止张贴、转贴和传播任何具有污秽、,色情、辱骂性质的信息)╋I bought a (以下被?去2字╋本网站注册用户的张贴信息不能用于商业经营性目的)╋from a salesxxx(?去3字,本网站禁止张贴性?歧?的信息) in xxxxxxxx(?去公司名字╋本网站注册用户的张贴信息不能用于商业经营性目的, 商业广告必须经过本网同意才可发布,不得在分类广告板块以外的任何论坛发布买卖及广告信息)╋that salesxxx was a xxxxxxx(本网站禁止张贴、转贴和传播任何具有冒犯民族和种族的语言), name was xxxxxxx xxxx (被?去11字╋保护个人隐私:本网站禁止张贴他人的姓名),after 3 months' use I found out that the product was very ( 以下被?去17字本网站注册用户的张贴信息不能用于商业经营性目的或辱骂性质的信息)I called the phone No. xxxxxxx( 被?去7字╋保护个人隐私:本网站禁止张贴他人电话信息)that the salesxxx gave me╋ we had a heated exchange, so I used (以下被?去70字╋本网站禁止张贴、转贴和传播任何具有污辱骂性质的信息)╋
attached is the photo of the product I bought (本网站禁止张贴受版权保护图片)...and I also told the compatriot salesxxx don't treat me like that because we both came China, and our motherland now is(
Just for fun,:glowface: :glowface: :glowface:
rust proof 很好啊,你要说清楚那个garantee 到底是什么,

我同事买车,都可以便宜好多在外加rust proof 免费的阿。这里冬天rust proof 很重要的,没有厂家新车的rust proof, 以后每2年都要去rust proof一次的.
最初由 csman 发布
****,号称操6种语言, 在 Ottawa Bank St Toyota 卖汽车,

外表柔弱的**** 在交易中总是设法强加 rust-proof guarantee, 不知是

老友们相聚 BBQ, 有几人谈到此事无不叹息,
“又上**** 一当, 当初也是‘朋友’介绍”。。。。


**** 在 华侨新报上有定期广告, 大家都眼熟。。。

有相似受拐遭损失的兄弟姐妹, 也欢迎分享!

在商言商. 人家是以销售为生, 当然想多卖东西, 天经地义, 无可厚非. 没有人能强迫你买任何东西, 你自己不知道自己需要什么是你自己的问题, 要怨只能怨你自己.
