刚刚 pass 了 Minto 的 room inspection!

最初由 bubbleface 发布
Minto 的人刚刚到我的apartment 来 Inspect, 他们查的好仔细阿,连水龙头都会开开看看会不会出水,那个人还蹲在地上看地毯干不干净. :blink:

我可是连夜把地毯都清理干净,没有一点点的脏东西。 墙上都没有洞洞滴 :D


这minto 查的还真严,所以给大家提个醒. :D :D :D

最初由 **冷秋* 发布


去Home Depot 买 drywall compound, 然后自己补。

我是因为要搬家,所以我给他们通知后,他们就给我confirmation。 告诉我什么时候要搬出去,哪天会到家里来检查,还有别的注意事项等等。
最初由 ◇╊假面?. 发布

其实换个角度想,这也是保护下个房客的利益阿. :)
Must be a different Minto people. I used to live in apartment at Bayshore area. They changed carpet for me before moving in, and I don't remember any inspection when moved out. I remember my son made a big hole on bath room wall just before moving out, and the supervisor said it's ok and he would fix it when we move out. And of course, no problem about drawings on the wall by my kids.

I don't mind if they charged me for those, since they were not normal wear-and-tear, but it is nice that they covered for me.

I guess things changed...

最初由 bubbleface 发布

其实换个角度想,这也是保护下个房客的利益阿. :)
drywall compound 是不是也有不同的颜色呀?还有,大点的洞能填吗?

最初由 bubbleface 发布

去Home Depot 买 drywall compound, 然后自己补。

最初由 ◇╊假面?. 发布

I'd recommend you check out the ontario rental board at their website and many of my friends, mostly from mainland china, were very wripped off by landlords here.I'm not sure if it's their landlord's problem or language problem.


Here's some relevant Laws from the website:


29. The tenant is responsible for ordinary cleanliness of the rental unit, except to the extent that the tenancy agreement requires the landlord to clean it. 1997, c. 24, s. 29.

Tenant’s responsibility for damage

30. The tenant is responsible for the repair of damage to the rental unit or residential complex caused by the wilful or negligent conduct of the tenant, other occupants of the rental unit or persons who are permitted in the residential complex by the tenant. 1997, c. 24, s. 30.
Re: drywall compound 是不是也有不同的颜色呀?还有,大点的洞能填吗?

最初由 如果时光可以倒流 发布
drywall compound 是不是也有不同的颜色呀?还有,大点的洞能填吗?
