i say something this time
I normally only browse this site and don't like say anything in case start some arguments. But I say something this time.
To be a cop, go to college to study Police Foundation is 1st step, then you have to go for 3 tests
!)Written Test, it is given by OPP or RCMP, or other provinces. Even some regional police forces have their own Test. It is not hard for immigratants. Your guys are good at written tests, not a big problem, I know.
2)Physical Test, Not too hard either. As long as you are fit or keep doing excercises, or hire a personal trainer in a gym to help reach the requirement. This test only vallided for 6 monthes. You have to keep your pass update.
3) " Visal Test"?, I forget the name. You are normally given a or a few inccidents showed on Television then you write down your judgements and how to handle it. This is most hard one, even for the main stream young people.
After passing all these tests, send your applications to the police forces you want to be. Waiting for interview, after the interview, waiting for final decision to come.
Immigrants have some advantages and disadvantages. I will say if you come to Canada before age 13, you have a great chance. You know slam and speak good english. Otherwise,go to try your luck.
Once I read paper or watch OMMI 2 news, I could not remember clearly, it said an immigrant from Beijing made up his mind to be a cop, passed test blar, blar..., these news guys don't know the whole proceeding and said how close he was etc. I knew he did not reached half way yet.
I used to think I could say farewell to my assistant before Christmas in 2003, when he had final interview and felt so good during the interview. He's still here. Only 2 of his classmates are in police forces now, he comleted Police foundation course in 2001.
That is what I know about how to become a cop. If someone disagree, he is correct. I won't aygue with anyone further. soory for unformal english writing.