V Victoria ME 注册 2002-07-30 消息 1,438 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 168 2005-02-13 #1 请教各位有经验的妈妈, 怀孕期间能否吃用以下中药材煮的广东汤: 玉竹 (polygonatum) 准山 (dioscorea) 技子 (lycium fruit) 因为自己不是很肯定,估计没什么大问题吧,但为了宝宝的安全起见,有常包广东汤的妈妈们指点一下。
请教各位有经验的妈妈, 怀孕期间能否吃用以下中药材煮的广东汤: 玉竹 (polygonatum) 准山 (dioscorea) 技子 (lycium fruit) 因为自己不是很肯定,估计没什么大问题吧,但为了宝宝的安全起见,有常包广东汤的妈妈们指点一下。
雪在烧 初级会员 VIP 注册 2004-08-06 消息 2,026 荣誉分数 136 声望点数 73 2005-02-14 #2 应该可以吃的.我有一个朋友,经常煲汤.记得当时,我们两个先后都怀孕了,每次到她家依然有这些汤喝.这些名字都听她提起过.
V Victoria ME 注册 2002-07-30 消息 1,438 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 168 2005-02-15 #4 Thx! Thanks for the answers to the two above moms.
W wonderful 新手上路 注册 2002-08-06 消息 581 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-02-19 #5 It is best to drink a lot of bone soup. You can drink a little, but not too much. The baby will get born earlier. It is best to drink a lot of bone soup.
It is best to drink a lot of bone soup. You can drink a little, but not too much. The baby will get born earlier. It is best to drink a lot of bone soup.
V Victoria ME 注册 2002-07-30 消息 1,438 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 168 2005-02-19 #6 Re: It is best to drink a lot of bone soup. 最初由 wonderful 发布 You can drink a little, but not too much. The baby will get born earlier. It is best to drink a lot of bone soup. 点击展开... Really? So there's a leading potential of pre-term if I drink these type of Canton soup often? How worrisome! Well, I don't drink too often, was really craving for it last week... it is best not to eat anything I'm not certain of... Thanks Wonderful.
Re: It is best to drink a lot of bone soup. 最初由 wonderful 发布 You can drink a little, but not too much. The baby will get born earlier. It is best to drink a lot of bone soup. 点击展开... Really? So there's a leading potential of pre-term if I drink these type of Canton soup often? How worrisome! Well, I don't drink too often, was really craving for it last week... it is best not to eat anything I'm not certain of... Thanks Wonderful.
W wonderful 新手上路 注册 2002-08-06 消息 581 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-02-19 #7 You are welcome You should drink a lot of milk and bone soup so that you will not lose too much hair and feel bone pain. Because your baby will take a lot calcium from you.
You are welcome You should drink a lot of milk and bone soup so that you will not lose too much hair and feel bone pain. Because your baby will take a lot calcium from you.