Re: Re: Re: 谁装过dishwasher?
If you know how to use a screw driver, you can connect the water tubing. The installation kit has it all.
However, if your kitchen does not have the dishwasher rough-ins (一个有开关的热水接口 和一个排水接口), then you need some extra tools.
最初由 tobrub 发布
This part is not that easy, at least for me.
You have to shut off the main water supply (hot and cold), and you need the right plumber tools, in short, it involves carpentry, electric and plumbering skill, a lay man like me can't finish the job in one hour. Think about it twice before you start the works.
If you know how to use a screw driver, you can connect the water tubing. The installation kit has it all.
However, if your kitchen does not have the dishwasher rough-ins (一个有开关的热水接口 和一个排水接口), then you need some extra tools.