
最初由 楚天 发布
夕阳无限好, 只恨近 黄昏。
最初由 ann miao 发布
You jump, I jump.......:D :D :D

我看我们可以成立一个“唯恐天下不乱帮”了。。。。:D :D :D
最初由 渐渐 发布
OMG, the plastic surgeons of the world love to hear this. :D

It's not only the fear of getting old, but also if not more of a fear of being trapped in one lifestyle: all his life, he tried to be a good guy, working hard and supporting his family...and suddenly he's in his late 50s and finds himself in a situation that "HE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING YET FOR HIMSELF". The crisis then begins.

In all honesty, this crisis situation usually doesn't last forever, men usually come to term with their own identity after a few years in crisis.

Women react to aging in different ways, and the reason fewer women end up with a mid-life crisis is that women value family and children much more than men do, therefore women are able to approach aging with a much more balanced view.
OMG, Object Management Group? ;) :D :D
受教:thanks: 渐渐MM难道是学哲学的么?很少见到像你这样理性的女人。:cool:
不过我的言语,一半以上都是调侃,不可当真。。。。:smokin: :D
话题扯到老不老的.我觉得既然称老了, 就应该"笑看人生,及时行乐."
最初由 兰婷 发布

You jump, I jump.......:D :D :D

我看我们可以成立一个“唯恐天下不乱帮”了。。。。:D :D :D

最初由 ESCAPE 发布
话题扯到老不老的.我觉得既然称老了, 就应该"笑看人生,及时行乐."

"笑看人生, 及时行乐." -- 正和我胃口!:):):)
Oh I didn't. :evil: This is an interesting topic, and I thought I'd give my 2 cents. Knowing oneself leads to better acceptance and thus more satisfaction.

最初由 兰婷 发布
不过我的言语,一半以上都是调侃,不可当真。。。。:smokin: :D
最初由 ESCAPE 发布

我有说错吗?? 什么时候轮到你来指指点点
最初由 赤练仙子 发布

"笑看人生, 及时行乐." -- 正和我胃口!:):):)

最初由 ESCAPE 发布

