
最初由 渐渐 发布

If this can happen (let's pray it DOES happen), then Canada will become USA, USA will become India, and India will become a BBQ place:-).

If you were an Indian, you probably will have problem with this. If you are a proud Canadian like I am, your leaning should be otherwise.
最初由 hxp417 发布
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布
"只要中国人还相信中医, 中国就不可能成为一个现代化的国家."
"中医整个就是一个大玩笑, 一摊屎!"

Granted, not all of my words are correct, I have said quite a few things that turned out to be wrong.

But not the above two sentences you quoted. They are absolutely right and you better accept them.
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

I will love Canada even more if Canada can be warmer.

Look, global warming is good for Canada. Canada is a wonderful except the harsh winter. Don't love it if climate in Ottawa can be like, see New York ?

So this Canadian support for Kyoto is really double injuries, which is also a quite obvious indication of sheer stupidity.

Then how about the rest of the world? How about China? If Canada getting warmer, other places in the world will be too hot to live. Then they will all immigrate to Canada legally or by force.
You are so selfish....
最初由 hxp417 发布
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布
"只要中国人还相信中医, 中国就不可能成为一个现代化的国家."
"中医整个就是一个大玩笑, 一摊屎!"

本人实在无语, 只想起一句台词,《生死时速 Speed》里面:"F**k Me!"

Is Xiaomimi a chinese doctor ?? otherwise, what qualified her to say that?? if she is not a doctor then she is simply an ignorant, arrogant fool.
以前看 Xiaomimi 先生/女士的帖子, 英文还不错. 有时候用点新鲜词儿, 观点偏激什么的也无所谓, 虽觉得郁闷, 但是网络么, 就是大家发言的地方.

最近几次帖子, 感觉越来越郁闷, 直到这个"中医大论". 实在是感觉到"话不投机半句多"了.

所以, 这是我最后一次评论该桶子及其言论.
You DO have a good sense of humor.:)

Unlike some of the people here, you don't force your own opinion onto others, and when unsuccessful, you can actually retain your composure.

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

If this can happen (let's pray it DOES happen), then Canada will become USA, USA will become India, and India will become a BBQ place:-).

1。 大气环境是人类共享的。所以就应该人类共同努力来改善它。打个比方,你为

气候变化并不是那么简单, 当大气层中有了更多能量后, 狂风暴雨台风大雪都会显著增加, 气温也会变得更极端, 冬天更冷,夏天更热.
最初由 渐渐 发布
You DO have a good sense of humor.:)

Unlike some of the people here, you don't force your own opinion onto others, and when unsuccessful, you can actually retain your composure.

Well, that really depends on whether I have a strong opinion on the subject.

For example, I don't have a very strong opinion on Kyoto, so I can go easy here.

On the other hand, I DO have a big problem with Chinese "medicine". I absolutely can not afford any humor over there.
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

If this can happen (let's pray it DOES happen),

If you were an Indian, you probably will have problem with this. If you are a proud Canadian like I am, your leaning should be otherwise.

Bit by bit, we have been destroying earth, have we not? We’ve been dumping radioactive nuclear waste in our oceans. We produce chemicals and burry hazardous waste under the ground and release poisonous gases in our air. We have been depleting forests. We have feeding cows beef products.
Our food contaminated, our water and air polluted and our cows mad. We have to do something to stop the destruction. Kyoto is one of the something. Why opposing it?
最初由 土鳖虫 发布

1。 大气环境是人类共享的。所以就应该人类共同努力来改善它。打个比方,你为

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

I will love Canada even more if Canada can be warmer.

Look, global warming is good for Canada. Canada is a wonderful except the harsh winter. Don't love it if climate in Ottawa can be like, see New York ?

So this Canadian support for Kyoto is really double injuries, which is also a quite obvious indication of sheer stupidity.

I don't agree with you that global warming is good for Canada as you should remember that Canada has long coast too. Global warming could cause flooding in Vancouver and Victoria and also on the east coast. It will also change the landscape in North as well.
最初由 某某 发布



