My baby

very cute girl, looks like from a magazine cover. May I ask which 3 countries, just curious.
She is so cute. Same age as my daughter!! What do you feed to her right now?
She is from China, India and England

I feed her milk and cheese. She doesn't like eating very much.
I can sell it to you?

I can sell it to you cheaply after a couple of weeks.:D
The Bay

If you want to buy a new one, you can go to "The Bay" or 'Zellers':p
Wow, He is so cute and happy!

How old is he? I like his smiling and his hair style :):cool:

mixed 的宝宝好可爱啊,偶都有上去咬一口的冲动了,表害怕,我忍。。。。呵呵
