• 主题发起人 主题发起人 sean
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今天当我看到了一对移民的夫妇带着3个子女在外面玩,非常幸福,我理解了,他们出生的时候就是加拿大人, 他们小的时候,父母有拿到政府的补助,虽然有些人工资高,拿得少,但是,无论如何,他们的成长应该是衣食无忧的。所以等他们长大了,收入高,的确是应该回报给社会的。


I dont see why there is unfairness, really.
You might see all kids who born in Canada recevied social assistance, and now you think we(immigrants) did not have any of those benefits, why should we pay taxes.

But since you are in Canada, Government think you will be living in Canada for the rest of your life. Then when you retire in Canada, you will enjoy the benefits from your tax dollars. If people are thinking unfair, ask yourself

Are you always thinking of going back to where you coming from?

P.S. Something, like taxes, you cannot control. But how to legally to avoid taxes are something you can control. Cheers up!
最初由 dkwan 发布

I dont see why there is unfairness, really.
You might see all kids who born in Canada recevied social assistance, and now you think we(immigrants) did not have any of those benefits, why should we pay taxes.

But since you are in Canada, Government think you will be living in Canada for the rest of your life. Then when you retire in Canada, you will enjoy the benefits from your tax dollars. If people are thinking unfair, ask yourself

Are you always thinking of going back to where you coming from?

P.S. Something, like taxes, you cannot control. But how to legally to avoid taxes are something you can control. Cheers up!

It's not exactly true. I am not against good social program. But high tax means the government is in charge of your spending under your name. And you should know the big government almost at all time means the bureaucracy and wasting of money. That's something I don't like
and to solve that is to reduce the size of government (which means cutting some program) as I don't want my money be wasted by the government under the name of helping the poor.

那些懒汉是自毁前程, 没啥可羡慕的.

俺现在就盼一年要交几百万加元的税, 那买鸡蛋就不用看价钱了.
if for helping the poor, I would say I kinda againist it.

The reason is I am in an evnironment that many people are claiming social assistant.

But, can we do anything about the high tax dollars? or can we control how the money being spent by Govnernment? The answer is no. I feel sad, but something we can do is to reduce the high tax dollar we paid out.

Today, Canada government gives you a chance for the TAX exempt by RRSP contrubition. Later on, you are not gonna take welfare as much as people do today since you have RRSP yourself. That's the reason they encourage you buying RRSP.

The reason I post it, just want people be aware of the factor. Nothing else. A friend of mine also told me Canadian does not know how to fight against the government like American.
If you've only been to the bottom...

最初由 sean 发布
Re: Re: 税

A government should not encourage its residents being bottom! You know what, the most impression in Montreal is lots of young people were begging money on the street.

最初由 渐渐 发布
If you've only been to the bottom...

Re: Re: Re: 税

You chose the wrong country to immigrate to then.

最初由 sean 发布
A government should not encourage its residents being bottom! You know what, the most impression in Montreal is lots of young people were begging money on the street.

最初由 dkwan 发布
if for helping the poor, I would say I kinda againist it.

The reason is I am in an evnironment that many people are claiming social assistant.

But, can we do anything about the high tax dollars? or can we control how the money being spent by Govnernment? The answer is no. I feel sad, but something we can do is to reduce the high tax dollar we paid out.


There are some ways the government can do (but they may not do it):

1. Reduce tax

2. Give tax credit to parents with kids (so they have more money to raise their kids and how to raise them, instead univeral daycare prog).

3. Give more tax credit for donation (to support certain social prog)

The point is not to give the government too much money for them to waste, and to play with in order to achieve their political purpose.
Re: Re: Re: Re: 税


最初由 渐渐 发布
You chose the wrong country to immigrate to then.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 税

I totally agree. :)

最初由 sean 发布


最初由 胖蹄阿克 发布


Yes, I also agree with on this. By using the software, the government can save a lot of manpower. On the other side, it's not right to
ask the tax payer to pay the software everyyear (the government should pay for that to exchange for the saving they gained from that).
government provide you with paper format, and free help line for people with problem filling in the form.

I personally dont see the need for a software unless you are doing business with the software.