liuian_119 新手上路 注册 2002-04-27 消息 507 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-03-03 #16 最初由 cucapila 发布 如果我有一样东西,我有把它卖掉的权力还是权利? 点击展开... 你有卖掉它的权力,也有得到钱的权利。
cucapila 资深人士 VIP 注册 2004-08-05 消息 7,737 荣誉分数 806 声望点数 273 2005-03-03 #17 那在英文里 I have the right to sell it or I have the power to sell it ? 最初由 liuian_119 发布 你有卖掉它的权力,也有得到钱的权利。 点击展开...
那在英文里 I have the right to sell it or I have the power to sell it ? 最初由 liuian_119 发布 你有卖掉它的权力,也有得到钱的权利。 点击展开...
S stjoseph 新手上路 注册 2002-04-25 消息 441 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-03-03 #18 老兄就不要纠缠了.有空找本字典,"权利","权力",'right','power'解释得很清楚. 最初由 cucapila 发布 那在英文里 I have the right to sell it or I have the power to sell it ? 点击展开...
老兄就不要纠缠了.有空找本字典,"权利","权力",'right','power'解释得很清楚. 最初由 cucapila 发布 那在英文里 I have the right to sell it or I have the power to sell it ? 点击展开...
liuian_119 新手上路 注册 2002-04-27 消息 507 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-03-03 #19 最初由 cucapila 发布 那在英文里 I have the right to sell it or I have the power to sell it ? 点击展开... here u have both "power" and "right" to sell it, depends on what u really want to describe. But it doesn't mean that "power" and "right" are the same thing.
最初由 cucapila 发布 那在英文里 I have the right to sell it or I have the power to sell it ? 点击展开... here u have both "power" and "right" to sell it, depends on what u really want to describe. But it doesn't mean that "power" and "right" are the same thing.