最初由 光辉岁月 发布
最初由 阡陌 发布
你可得当心狡猾的兔子, 不能轻易地认为兔子都会傻到往树上撞.
狡猾的兔子盖起洋房来, 一盖就至少三栋. 也未必就是什么WINNER, 但至少不缺躲起来的地方. 你还挺有心的啊. 对见过的大部分中国人, 还能打听出人在老家混得好不好. 我最多也就看看现在是不是精致, 还是最近学来的.
最初由 challenger 发布
说句实话,我在加拿大见过的国人,大部分在国内混得并不好,承认这点需要一点勇气,特别是那些"今天还住在自己的洋房里"和 "也没有打过一天的累脖工"的兔子们。
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布
This I don't agree.
I used to work for the world's largest IT company in China. People in the R&D department there are one of the smartest and most highly payed in the country.
My department has more than 20 engineers, Every single of them are now in North America. Some are in US, most are in Canada. The biggest concentration is in Toronto. We have joked that we can open another "XXX China Lab" in Toronto.