最初由 火焰琥珀 发布
RT,请大家给点意见.我们要搬家了,想换张舒适的KING SIZE 或者QUEEN SIZE的床,但是不知道哪里的好,(质量好,价格好)请有经验的朋友给介绍介绍吧!小妹我这里先谢谢啦!
If you like your bed very firm, check this out ba,
There is a small road in fron of the bridge on woodroof south almost reach the cosco, the store is called bed room interiors, they have the best bed in town, called "Rock bed".
You will feel the difference when you try that and as far as i know that is the only place where sell this kind of bed. I got one at home too.

So nice, never had back pain after.
Hope this helps.