最初由 anti-virus 发布
I certainly feel your pain. Coming to North America is a choice, just like any other choices that you have made before and will be making in the future. Some of the choices may be good, some of them may be not-so-good, and some of them are bad ones. As an immigrant coming from China 10 years ago, I feel grateful to Canada, the country I now call home. It provides me with the opportunites to grow and the freedom to pursue my dreams. Of course I had to survive some of the most difficult times yet in my life during the process: my English was poor and to save money I had to stay in a cold basement in Toronto's Chinatown and hear the foot steps of rats running around near my pillow during the night... 10 years ago I came to Canada as a graduate student, 10 years later I am a professor at U of Ottawa. Come to Canada is a good choice for me, but I think it may not be such a good one for you. Best regards.