精华 [请求] 毕业生找工作调查[公告]

最初由 假道学 发布

有师兄被小公司招入.年薪3万余.EE的MASTER, 欠的贷款都得3万.长歌当哭!
End of April graduated, just got job offer ... lucky
最初由 Caohaoying 发布
one of my classmates found a job in CRC (actually CRC find him). but he is Laowai.

When did he find the job? I was told the recruiting at CRC have been freezed for more than a year.
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
and one more question, which job is prefered and popular in few years? i means that what kind of major we could choose at university.
最初由 xiaomage 发布
经济不景气, 想调查统计一下,您或周围的朋友是今年的毕业生,成功找到专业工作的CASE.

请至少能简单注明专业,Job Type,Position,Contractual or Permanent 谢谢!

I got a full-tim job offer from RBC before I graduate from UBC 2 years ago, but I heard now it gets more difficult... No matter what, students from Accounting or Finance major will find a job easier now.
IT guys, prepare for the Ph.D boom in the near future!
最初由 假道学 发布

你的话有点难听, 但是的确是句实话. 当年我选英语做专业的时候, 就有阿姨教导我说, 再过些年, 人人都会英文, 要你何用. 自己来了加拿大也发现, 等于没有专业 - 这里谁不会说英文呐.