
Ok, I have a question about how to calculate this interest...

Say my mortage interest is calculated semi-annually, and assume it is calculated on January 1st and July 1st (I need to check with the bank). My bank also allows me to pay up to 15% of my principal as lump sum every year...

Is there any difference if
1. I pay up this 15% before July 1st
2. I pay 15% at the end of the year
3. I pay a bit every month and make up 15% by the end of the year
最初由 keen_observer 发布

Royal Bank's Variable Rate and Capper Rate compounded monthly.

for variable rate i can understand it (I mean calculating the rate monthly)..but for fixed rate (mine is 5 year fixed), I believe there must be some 'rules' shared by all the banks and brokers...unfortunately, I havenot googled out the results..
浮动的可以有不同的政策.SCOTIA马上要出的prime-0.75%是semi-annually.我听说还有COMPOUND DAILY的呢.多可怕.
最初由 小傻 发布
I was told by my portfolio manager from TD, in Canada, there is only one way to calculate the mortage interest, Semi-annual compound.
Ting Sha, is that right?:D
yes, 对于fixed rate来说.
最初由 挺傻 发布

yes, 对于fixed rate来说.

i meant for fixed rate...for me, that's default :)
最初由 冰激凌 发布

it is annual compound.

so you are wrong here...as ting sha said, for fixed rate, semi-annually compound is by 规定。check with your bank :)
As I know, it must be at least semi-annual compounding for fixed rate by law, but it could be annual compound.

最初由 小傻 发布

so you are wrong here...as ting sha said, for fixed rate, semi-annually compound is by 规定。check with your bank :)
最初由 xyz139 发布
CIBC, annually compounded??? That will be around 4.64% compound semi-annually.
annual rate是4.59%,如果是semi-annually表示,为啥不是4.54%吗?
最初由 挺傻 发布

annual rate是4.59%,如果是semi-annually表示,为啥不是4.54%吗?


挺傻,我上面那个pay lump sum 的问题还等你回答呢:blink:
最初由 cy25915 发布
As I know, it must be at least semi-annual compounding for fixed rate by law, but it could be annual compound.

那别家都按semi-annual 算,谁家安annual算不是亏了吗?variable rate德interest算法不同情有可原,fixed rate搞得那么不同意,不是没事找事马:blink:
I am learning something here. BTW, does anyone know what is APR?
最初由 挺傻 发布
浮动的可以有不同的政策.SCOTIA马上要出的prime-0.75%是semi-annually.我听说还有COMPOUND DAILY的呢.多可怕.

Scotia's 5-year fixed prime-0.75% was on the market before? Isn't it?
effective rate must be greater than APR(4.59%). It cannot be 4.54%. Just calculated,effective rate is 4.643%, based on semi-annual compound. xyz139 is correct.

最初由 挺傻 发布

annual rate是4.59%,如果是semi-annually表示,为啥不是4.54%吗?
为啥variable rate的interest算法不同情有可原??? 以此类推到fixed rate...

最初由 小傻 发布

那别家都按semi-annual 算,谁家安annual算不是亏了吗?variable rate德interest算法不同情有可原,fixed rate搞得那么不同意,不是没事找事马:blink:
最初由 cy25915 发布
为啥variable rate的interest算法不同情有可原??? 以此类推到fixed rate...

比我还傻呀:D variable rate 的 rate 是变的呀。。。算的越勤越逼近这个variable的rate 呀,你要是半年一算得跟一月一算的比,那prime降了,银行高兴,prime升了,客户高兴。。。fixed rate 就无需这么复杂了八:blink: