With a powerful flash with fast recharge time, propably you can get away with not a very fast lens ? The problem with flash is that it does not look very natural (and the shadow). Wonder how pros tackle this.
最初由 startrack 发布 新上的这几张抓得不错。
btw, skill in photograph is acquired by practice, not the purchase.
我想这是大多数玩摄影的人需要不断自我做斗争的课题。不断地把自己的注意力拉回到拍片上。估计大师也是这样 。当然如果就是需要就另当别论了。
Thanks, Sean. Let's first clarify what do we mean by "多点对焦". Do you refer to turning on all the focus points ? I rarely used that feature but I will propably give it a try.