精华 ★All info. good 4 parents !(欢迎到精华区看看)


What To Pack (Suggestion: get ready 1 month before your due date)

1.Labour Bag
- slippers
- housecoat
- lip balm
- back rub lotion
- hot pack
- back massager
- stress ball
- music & tape/CD player
- lollipops
- toothbrush and paste(for Mom & coach)
- snacks for coach
- camera/camcorder
- pen & paper

2.Hosipital Bag
- 2 nightgowns /pajamas
- 2 nursing bras & underware
- shampoo/Kleenex/soap
- watch
- clothes to wear home
- Money for telephone / TV rental

3.Baby Bag
- 2 sleepers
- undershirt
- sweater & hat
- blanket
- bunting bag/snowsuit
- car seat & head hugger


怀孕期和产后汤类和美食(共49款): http://bbs.comefromchina.com/forum118/thread334319.html
[推荐] Baby爱因斯坦-Mom 1st chioce

Baby Einstein DVDs/Videos 在北美挺流行的,几乎每家都会有,包括英语,法语和西班牙语,启发智力,baby们都非常喜爱看.

Newborn & Up:
1.Baby Bach Musical Adventure 0-3 Years
2.Baby Beethoven Symphony of Fun ,0-3 Years (贝多芬)
3.Baby Mozart Music Festival, 0-3 Years (莫扎特)
4.Baby Santa's Music Box, 0-3 Years
5.Baby Galileo Discovering the sky, 9 Months & Up(伽利略)
6.Baby Neptune Discovering Water,9 Months & Up
7.Baby da Vinci From Head to Toe,9 Months & Up
8.Baby Macdonald A day on the Farm, 9 Months & Up
9.Baby Monet Discovering the seasons, 6 Months & Up

1 Year & Up:
1.Baby Newton Discovering Shapes (牛顿)
2.Baby Van Gogh World of Colors (梵高)
3.Number Nursery
4.Bbay Shakespear World of Poetry
5.Neighborhood Animals
6.World Animals
7.Baby Noah Animal Expedition

其中,Baby Beethoven Symphony of Fun ,0-3 Years (贝多芬), Baby Mozart Music Festival, 0-3 Years (莫扎特), Baby Galileo Discovering the sky,9Months & Up(伽利略),Baby Newton Discovering Shapes (牛顿), Baby Van Gogh World of Colors (梵高), World Animals,1 Year & Up, Baby Noah Animal Expedition,1 Year & Up都是不错的产品.Some of them单买算在Costco最便宜,有时可以买到3盘/package的,在美国的Costco就能买到15盘DVD的package.

Re: All info. good 4 parents!(just my opinions)更新中

最初由 Cuteboy 发布
所有父母们,你们好,我将自己所回复的帖子归类在这个帖子里,希望这些info可以帮助你们. 欢迎浏览和补充.

一:Prepare for the baby (新生儿的准备)

6.shower gel(head to toe),baby lotion, vaseline, baby powder, baby oil(for bath &use when baby has lots of 头垢 after born),diaper cream(for rash)

8. diaper genie/ odourless diaper pail,

9.Express warmer(choose wide mouth,warm milk& baby food),steam sterilizers(cleaning bottles,u can choose Avent,it includs breast pump,but the nipple size is more biger,baby won't accepet small size niple after use,you can buy other brand),bottles(reduce gas), nipples,pacifiers,disposable breast pads,feeding bras,feeding pillow

After 3 moths:
high chair,jolly jumper/swing,soft toys,teethers,bowls with lid,spoons,cups......

Go shopping at baby section of Wal-mart, Bay,Seras,Toy R Us for all baby products,sometimes Wal-mart, Lablows&Costco doing diaper pomotion.

请问1.哪种shower gel, baby oil,baby lotion, baby cream 比较好呢?
2.什么是diaper genie/diaper pail 呢?
3. 哪里能买到Avent 的pump呢? new born baby需要几个奶瓶? 多少容量的? 哪一种牌子的奶瓶和nipple 好呢? 看过the bay, zellers,walmart, pharmusplus, 都没有找到Avent, 都是playtex 和gerber的.

请问1.哪种shower gel, baby oil,baby lotion, baby cream 比较好呢?
答:我儿子用过Johnson baby shower gel(from head to toe),Johnson milk baby shower(味道不错,但是觉得不太方便,还要另外买洗发水),现在儿子用Huggies Nature Care baby wash(for hair&body,现在新出了两款)
Baby lotion: Johnson milk lotion, Aveeno baby lotion,它的diaper rash cream也不错.秋冬时,用Gerber Teeny Faces Moistuizing Stick,可以涂baby的脸和嘴,尤其出外,以便携带.

2.什么是diaper genie/diaper pail 呢?

3. 哪里能买到Avent 的pump呢? new born baby需要几个奶瓶? 多少容量的? 哪一种牌子的奶瓶和nipple 好呢? 看过the bay, zellers,walmart, pharmusplus, 都没有找到Avent, 都是playtex 和gerber

答:新生儿大约需要6-8个奶瓶,买两个容量小的奶瓶,用来喝水,果汁,汤等,其余的可以买容量大的奶瓶.建议买个出外用的奶瓶,无需消毒,易于处理.我儿子用的是Playtex Avance歪嘴奶瓶,可以减少gas,奶嘴是十字型的那种.Avent可能在ToysRus能买到吧.不过你得选好了用大奶嘴的还是小奶嘴的奶瓶,因为吃惯小奶嘴的baby是不接受大奶嘴奶瓶的.
准妈妈应该给宝宝准备这些东西 [转自文学城]


文章来源: 11月生高龄孕妇 于 2005-04-23 22:00:14

Originally Published on 2003.8
本大全以我以个人调查的结果拟了此初稿,此文的目的是为象我一样没有经验的姐妹提供一些信息和帮助,使大家有个基本的心理准备。文章的格式与WORD DOCUMENT 有所改变,请见谅。

产 妇 案 头 准 备 大 全 - 初 稿
本大全以以时间, 人头顺序. 各医院提供的有可能不同,请事先调查好再做准备。

-- 母亲去生产和住院时 --
o Health plan insurance card
o Hospital admissions papers (you may have to be pre-admitted)
o Pregnancy medical file; over-the-counter and prescription medication information
o Birth plan

o Nightgown and bathrobe - 睡袍
o Slippers - 拖鞋
o Warm socks (several pair)
o Maternity Underwear (several pair)
o Sanitary napkins (plenty) - 卫生巾
o Hair ties, "scrunchies"
o Toiletries洗漱用具: toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, lip balm, lotion, deodorant
o 哺乳准备: Bra and nursing bra (Supports breasts, holds breast pads securely, and opens easily for nursing.) ? 哺乳胸罩
o 哺乳准备: Breast pads (Absorb leaking milk to protect clothing)
o Comfortable and loose fitting clothing to wear home

--陪同父亲要准备 --
o Money for parking or others - check, Card, Cash
o Camera, or video or both, film, batteries, videotapes -相机/摄像机 (含电池)
o 洗漱用具 - if stay overnight
o Cell phone, Phone Book or list of contacts to announce birth to friends and family; phone card, calling card, or change for calls
o Books, magazines, snacks
o Music (portable music player; favorite tapes, or CDs)
o Inspirational items such as rocks, crystals, candles, lockets, photographs, etc.
・ Labor Coach:
o Stopwatch, or watch with a second hand for timing contractions
o Massage rollers, massage oils to relieve back pain due to labor
o The object you've chosen to use to focus your attention during labor (the "focal point")


-- 小孩住院时--
据说医院会提供全部奶粉 (液体),尿布, 小毛巾等, 自己不用准备。问问你的医院/OB。

-- 母亲出院时 --

-- 接小孩出院时 --

・ Baby car seat. (Call the Auto Safety Hotline at 1-888-DASH-2-DOT for more information on the safety rating of a particular model.) A car seat is required by law and should be properly installed in your car before you go to the hospital.
(1). Rear-facing infant car seat ($30-$100): Designed for babies around 20 pounds and under.
(1-1). Option: Infant car seat + stroller ($180-$200): Travel systems that let you move your sleeping baby from car to stroller and back again
(2). Infant / toddler car seat (also called a convertible car seat) ($70-$200): A Good Deal; Use until your child weighs 40 pounds; may bigger for new born; not easy to take in and out of the car.
(3). Booster seats: designed for children age 3 and older who weigh at least 40 pounds
・ Going home outfit for baby
- Warm clothing to wear home/heavy bunting or blanket (if cold weather)
- Baby socks - 袜子
- Baby hat (especially for cold weather climates) - 帽子
・ Receiving blanket - a heavy one if weather is cold
・ Diapers (New Born Size)

-- 母亲哺乳准备 --
Breastfeeding Supplies Guide:

-1- Pumps
・ Manual Pumps: a few times a week, inexpensive, up to half an hour to pump both breasts
・ Mini Electric Pumps: ideal for occasional use or travel.
・ Full-Size Electric Pumps: efficient, for frequent pump, single or double pumps, noisier and heavier. (Brand: Medela Pump In Style and Ameda Egnell Purely Yours electric breast pumps)
How to choose the best Breast Pump for you:http://www.epinions.com/content_2233770116
买avent的手动pump和mircrowave steam steriliser, 每套都产品会配2个奶瓶,奶嘴都是1号的,适用于三个月前的baby
Isis Back-To-Work Breast Pump Set:

-2- Rolling Chair - if necessary
-3- Nursing Pillow (喂奶枕头),
-4- Nursing bras
-5- Breast Pads (Disposable, Washable)
-6- Others to consider:
Nipple Shields - They may look like goofy little plastic flying saucers, but some women swear by nipple shields, which are worn to hold one's bra away from the skin to increase air circulation around the nipple, helping to heal cracking and soreness.
Nursing Lanolin - A tube of PureLan or Lansinoh is a comforting sight, especially for first-time moms. (It's a super baby shower gift, too.) They're pure medical-grade lanolin that doesn't need to be washed off before feedings. You might want to keep two tubes on hand--one for home, one for the diaper bag.


-- 小孩出院前,家中应至少准备好--

・ 食:
喂母乳 (Breast Feeding): 详细见以上母亲哺乳准备并同时做准备如下用品若干以防备用
o Breast pads
o Breast pump
o Milk storage kit/bottle
o 一小罐奶粉及水
o 奶瓶和奶嘴若干

喂奶粉 (Bottle Feeding):
o 奶粉及水
o 奶瓶 (bottles) 和奶嘴 (Orthodontic nipples) 若干: 如长期吃奶粉至少要5-6 个奶瓶
o 奶瓶刷 (Bottle brush), 奶嘴刷 (Nipple brush) 各一个 (有时两个合二为一)
o 奶瓶架 (Something to sterilize bottles, nipples)
o 围兜 (Bib)
o Bottle warmer

・ 衣: (冬夏的准备要有所不同,请自行条理)
o 小手套
o 1个小棉线得帽子,薄的.
o 3 双袜子。
o 3-4件长袖的0-3月的, 如果衣服前面开口,给新生宝宝比较好穿 or One-piece, footed rompers, stretchsuits, scratch mittens, onesies
o Outing clothes, according to age and occasion
o 2-3条小被单,薄的,双面绒的也可以。 

・ 住:
Nursery Furniture:http://store.babycenter.com/guides/nursery_furniture?_requestid=153292
-1- 小孩床 (option):
(1) Cribs ($100+)
(2) + Crib Mattresses ($60-140)
(3) + (Crib bumper 床围, $20)
(4) + Crib床单 (fitted sheets, flat sheets):
Aboves use at least for two years; Mattress's density is the most important consideration, Matress 不仅要买新的,一定要硬些,baby窝在软的床垫里面不会翻身,很危险的.
-2- Bassinets, Cradles (摇篮, 摇篮车),
-3- 小毯子 (receiving blanket:5-6) 或2-3条小被单,薄的,双面绒的也可以

Types of baby cribs:
Standard ? These cribs have a single drop side or a double drop side. There is a vast array of styles to choose from for every budget.
Convertible - Convertible cribs convert from a standard crib to a toddler bed and then to a day or full sized bed. Although convertible cribs can be more expensive, it will save you from having to buy a full sized bed when your child outgrows the crib.
Canopy - Looks like a fairytale bed. Canopy cribs have four posts on the corners of the bed, which hold up a metal frame on which you can place fabric canopies. This type of crib can give your nursery room a more elegant and classic look.
Cradles ? Babies feel very comfortable in a gently rocking bed. The rhythmic rocking stimulated the babies sense of balance and calms him down. A baby was rocked in the womb and loves the swaying movement a cradle can bring.
Safety guidelines for baby cribs and baby cradles:
・ Crib slats should not be more than 2 3/8 inches apart
・ Drop sides when lowered, are at least 9 inches above mattress support
・ Drop sides raised, are at least 26 inches above mattress support
・ Mattress fits snugly. No more than 2 finger widths between crib side and mattress
・ Secure drop side locking mechanism
・ No peeling paint, splinters rough corners or edges
・ Rolling casters must be lockable
・ Teething rail along side rail so baby doesn’t chew on wood
・ No lacquers or thinners used to paint

・ 行:
o Car Seats: http://store.babycenter.com/guides/car_seats?_requestid=153164
o Strollers: http://store.babycenter.com/guides/strollers?adcode=YHO:EDI:CAL:STO
o Carriers, Backpacks & Slings: http://store.babycenter.com/guides/carriers
o Changing bag

・ 用:
o Changing Table (with 2 changing pad covers) 或 a waterproof changing pad
o Diaper: new born号 (一周用量:约72个)
o Diaper Wipe

o Bathtub: 婴儿浴盆, 最好买个可用到4-5岁的
o Wash cloth: 7-8 (几条小毛巾给宝宝洗澡用)
o Baby shampoo or body wash: 婴儿裕液
o Nail clippers: 婴儿指甲钳 (买一套的,带温度计等,$7+)

o Baby Lotion
o Alcohol Swab: 酒精棉 : 婴儿两周脐带才脱,换尿布时应用酒精给婴儿肚脐消毒
o Cotton Ball: 给宝宝擦屁屁用
o Rash ointment and powder:防宝宝屁屁长rash的膏 (如果每次换尿片都抹, 效果非常好, brand "DESTINE")
o Digital Thermometer 温度计 (每次vaccination后婴儿可能会有些发烧, 正常反应,但也要监测.)

・ 监:
o Baby Monitor:http://store.babycenter.com/guides/monitors?_requestid=154356

・ 其他:

Other Useful Links

・ General List:

・ Packing for the Hospital:

・ Nursery:

・ General Help
还想请问一下, 牛奶金会在表格寄出多长时间后才能收到呢?
[公告] City of Ottawa 多 种 语 言 咨 询 热 线 (有 中 文 翻 译)

大 家 好 ,

Ottawa 公 众 卫 生 厅 咨 询 热 线 继 续 就 多 健 康 主 题 , 提 供 免 费 保 密 咨 询 于 忠 告 , 内 容 包 括 :
防 病 免 疫
喂 哺 母 乳
戒 烟
体 育 活 动 与 健 康 饮 食
人 类 免 疫 力 缺 乏 病 毒 / 艾 滋 病
食 物 安 全

使 用 咨 询 热 线 方 法 如 下 :
1。 613-580-6744 ext 28020
2。 一 位 公 众 护 士 会 接 听 电 话
3。 说 出 你 需 要 的 翻 译 : 中 文
4。 护 士 会 立 刻 联 络 翻 译 员
5。 通 后 可 以 开 始 询 问 , 翻 译 员 会 在 电 话 上 帮 你 翻 译

这 个 电 话 是 weekday office hour only, 其 它 时 间 请 打
任 何 时 候 都 有 服 务 。 要 求 翻 译 的 方 法 和 上 面 五 条 一 样 。
Healthy Babies,Healthy Children Program[必看]It's free.

This program is for pregnant women and parents of young children.

A Public Nurse or a Family Visitor will provide information about:

1. Pregnancy and childbirth
2. Preparing for your baby
3.Support in your community
4.Taking care of youself during pregnancy and after your baby is born
5. What to expect as your baby grows and develops
6. How to keep your baby safe
7. Feeding your baby
- Breastfeeding
- Using bottles and formula
- When to start solid foods

A public Health Nurse will phone you after you go home from the hospital to answer any questions you may have. She will also arrange a time to visit you and your baby at home.

A public Healthy Nurse or a family Visitor may continue to visit you to:

1. Support you when your baby comes home
2. Help you find community resources
3. Provide ongoing guidance on parenting, feeding and baby care

If you are interested in this program or would like more information about it,please call: The Parent Child Information Line at (613)580-6744.
健康婴儿,健康儿童计划 (中文版)



1. 怀孕和分娩
2. 为你的婴儿作准备
3. 社区里的支持活动
4. 怀孕时和婴儿出生后怎样照顾自己
5. 婴儿增长和发展期间,你应该有什麽预计
6. 怎样保障婴儿的安全
7. 喂养你的婴儿
- 哺乳
- 使用奶瓶和配方奶
- 应在何时开始使用固体食物

公共健康护士会在你出院回家后打电话给你, 解答你可能有的任何问题,她还会和你安排时间,到你府上作探访.


1. 在你的婴儿回家后,继续给你支持
2. 帮助你寻找社区的资源
3. 不断提供有关养育,喂养和照顾婴儿的指导.

如果你对这个计划感兴趣或希望获得更多资料,请致电父母幼儿咨询电话: (613)580-6744

*这是一个非常好的program,在你出院回家后,护士会致电和探访你几次,然后就由Family Visitor探访了,Family Visitor会跟你约时间,每两个星期探访1次,每次大约是1小时.Family Visitor的探访直到你宝宝两岁.

这个计划提供中文的Family Visitor探访,所以当护士问你需不需要Family Visitor时,请大家都要求找中文的Family Visitor ,一来文化差异不大方便沟通,二来也显示一下现在渥太华的中国人越来越多,应该让她们重视和增加华人服务了.

产前班: 叶太,613-580-6744转24179