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Re: Price for a house.

* 一个厅,包括living room或family room(不超过250平尺):$30

* 一个卧室或小厅,包括饭厅或bonus room(不超过150平尺):$25

* 楼梯$1/阶

* 每清洗3个房间(包括厅)或以上,其公用的过道(hallway)免费,否则每个过道(hallway)根据情况收费$5至$15

* 地下室或不规则屋,按面积计价,$100 / 1000 平方尺(93平方米)

* 严重污染商业地毯按面积计价:$180 / 1000 平方尺(93平方米)

不算楼梯,不算BATH ROOM,如果房间小于150尺,大约120(如果有过道免费)。

最初由 Patio 发布
How much for a house with 3 bed rooms in the second floor, one sitting room and a dining room in the first floor, and a room in the basement. Two Bath rooms.

Let me the total price.




最初由 水依 发布
BONNET (Dry Cleaning)

In this type of cleaning sometimes referred to as 'Dry Cleaning', the cleaning product (sometimes mixed with carbonated water) is misted onto the carpet in the form of a spray. Next, a circular rotating buffer with an absorbent pad attached is run over the carpet. The soil attaches itself to the pad and the pad is changed with a clean one after becoming dirty. This method has the advantage of drying very quickly because of the small amount of moisture used. It generally does a good job of cleaning the topl/3 of the carpet pile that is visible to the eye. But does little to remove the heavier grit and sand that damages carpet over time. Because there is no flushing action or extraction, there is very little deep cleaning. This method may be considered as an interim cleaning between more effective deep cleanings.
想试下. 不知道怎么去你那里洗车地毯/ 怎么走?
按照 时间,设备,人力,耗材 综合考虑 真是便宜!