最初由 challenger 发布
这位老哥错就错在,警察来的时候,应该告诉警察: 司机先动手袭击他。这样的话,官司就扯不清了,即使有证人,也很难说清楚在0.1秒里,谁先touch谁。最后是双方drop case
1. never touch.
2. 如果有人报警,你也报警,并且要向警察说明对方首先assult你,而你根本没碰他(如果没有外伤),如果对方有外伤,就要突出你是defence。特别要突出你个子小,对方个子大。
3. 向警察说明对方说了Fxxxing chinese. 他很难证明他没说。
最初由 kentridge 发布
they are the worst groups of human beings. rudest and meanest, i just simply hate them very very much
oh, yeah, they will simply treat as shit because of your color. they are also the laziest shits and they are simply too rude. they are the mother fcuker. you know what this is way i hate the provincial government as well beause they are the buddy of TTC.