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我和夫人在FEB,2005租住了现在的房子,A HOUSE IN CHINATOWN,现OWNER 是一中国人,当初双方讲好PAY MONTH BY MONTH,至少住到9,10月,(因为我夫人6月底左右生BABY,我们计划9,10月左右回国,考虑到他这里较灵活,所以才租他房),当初交钱拿钥匙时,我向他要LEASE,他说是MONTH BY MONTH,不用写LEASE,我也没坚持要.


1,象这种情况,新OWNER 有没权利赶我们走?如果出现最坏的情况,我们怎么保护自己的利益?

the new owner has right to ask you to move out,they may give you 2 months notice.if i am the new owner, better for you to stay, or i will lose money.
Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal is one of Ontario’s “quasi-judicial” tribunals. “Quasi-judicial” means “almost like a court of law.”

To contact a Customer Service Representative, you may:

* Call the Tribunal’s toll-free telephone information service at 416-645-8080 from within Toronto calling area or 1-888-332-3234 from outside Toronto. Representatives are available Monday to Friday, except holidays, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
* Visit any of the Tribunal’s Offices throughout Ontario during the same hours.

Regional Offices - Ottawa
Eastern Regional Office
255 Albert Street, 4th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6A9
Fax No. 613-787-4024 or 1-888-377-8805

I did a quick crash course on the 1997 Tenant Protection Act, and found a few sections that might be of interest to you:

Tenancy agreement

Name and address in written agreement

8. (1) Every written tenancy agreement entered into on or after the day this section comes into force shall set out the legal name and address of the landlord to be used for the purpose of giving notices or other documents under this Act.

Copy of tenancy agreement

(2) If a tenancy agreement entered into on or after the day this section comes into force is in writing, the landlord shall give a copy of the agreement, signed by the landlord and the tenant, to the tenant within 21 days after the tenant signs it and gives it to the landlord.

Notice if agreement not in writing

(3) If a tenancy agreement entered into on or after the day this section comes into force is not in writing, the landlord shall, within 21 days after the tenancy begins, give to the tenant written notice of the legal name and address of the landlord to be used for giving notices and other documents under this Act.

Failure to comply

(4) Until a landlord has complied with subsections (1) and (2) or subsection (3), as the case may be,

(a) the tenant’s obligation to pay rent is suspended; and

(b) the landlord shall not require the tenant to pay rent.

Notice by Landlord for Termination at End of Period or Term

Notice, landlord personally, etc., requires unit

51. (1) A landlord may, by notice, terminate a tenancy if the landlord in good faith requires possession of the rental unit for the purpose of residential occupation by the landlord, the landlord’s spouse or same-sex partner or a child or parent of one of them. 1997, c. 24, s. 51 (1); 1999, c. 6, s. 62 (4).


(2) The date for termination specified in the notice shall be at least 60 days after the notice is given and shall be the day a period of the tenancy ends or, where the tenancy is for a fixed term, the end of the term.

Earlier termination by tenant

(3) A tenant who receives notice of termination under subsection (1) may, at any time before the date specified in the notice, terminate the tenancy, effective on a specified date earlier than the date set out in the landlord’s notice.


(4) The date for termination specified in the tenant’s notice shall be at least 10 days after the date the tenant’s notice is given. 1997, c. 24, s. 51 (2-4).

Where purchaser personally requires unit

52. (1) A landlord of a residential complex that contains no more than three residential units who has entered into an agreement of purchase and sale of the residential complex may, on behalf of the purchaser, give the tenant of a unit in the residential complex a notice terminating the tenancy, if the purchaser in good faith requires possession of the residential complex or the unit for the purpose of residential occupation by the purchaser, the purchaser’s spouse or same-sex partner, or a child or parent of one of them. 2000, c. 26, Sched. K, s. 6 (9).

more info here: