
:thanks: Escape

probably what i really should do is to find my options in the West Area:

* Goulbourn Recreation Complex
* Kanata Leisure Centre
* Pinecrest Recreation Centre

Anywhere fits you guys pref too?

最初由 GreenGable 发布

RainFlower, do you know of anywhere the closest we can swim except for the Wavepool across the highway?


Goulburn in Stittsville.
最初由 GreenGable 发布
:thanks: Escape

probably what i really should do is to find my options in the West Area:

* Goulbourn Recreation Complex
* Kanata Leisure Centre
* Pinecrest Recreation Centre

Anywhere fits you guys pref too?


Carleton is No. 1 on our list.
Walter Baker and Nepean sportsplex are good too.
Since JunShi are moving to Kanata, we might consider Kanata Leisure Centre as well.
Pinecrest Recreation Centre got a tiny puny pool. Never liked it there. :)
最初由 曾经是 发布

你的车能带BIKE 吗? 要不, 把我的自行车带上吧。 我星期一还要飞车呢。

Kanata Leisure Centre

dou come bah :bounce:
刚看了kanata的时间表,它的adult lane swim怎么都只有一个小时呀.不好,不好.像我这样游一圈,歇两圈的,太亏了.:(
这天气预报一天三变的,真让人闹心.如果星期一天气不好的话,我们星期天可要早早起,多玩一些. :bounce:
最初由 GreenGable 发布
:thanks: Escape

probably what i really should do is to find my options in the West Area:

* Goulbourn Recreation Complex
* Kanata Leisure Centre
* Pinecrest Recreation Centre

Anywhere fits you guys pref too?


Those are probably all the pools close to Kanata. But I like CU the most! it has 50m swimming pool with 25m for beginners like me, plus it's 1.5 hrs!

Go CU swim bah, driving is no big deal la
最初由 雨中花 发布

Those are probably all the pools close to Kanata. But I like CU the most! it has 50m swimming pool with 25m for beginners like me, plus it's 1.5 hrs!

Go CU swim bah, driving is no big deal la
for non-beginner is 50M one-way?
最初由 GreenGable 发布
Kanata Leisure Centre

dou come bah :bounce:
懒得查了,有这里的时间表吗?贴一下please :thanks:
最初由 雨中花 发布

Those are probably all the pools close to Kanata. But I like CU the most! it has 50m swimming pool with 25m for beginners like me, plus it's 1.5 hrs!

Go CU swim bah, driving is no big deal la

when yah? i am free now :blink:
I cann't go tonight, you guys have fun! :crying:
next two weeks, I have lots of time ,let's have lots of fun as well:D ;)