节育手术是为了减少流浪猫。同样也可以降低猫猫本身的心血管疾病,癌症的概率, 完全是有利的。猫猫的生殖能力是很强的一胎3个以上。这样的话主人就不得不送掉。。很能保证新主人会善待猫猫。。do u know how many unwanted cats each year!
declaw 是很残忍的手术,完全是主人为了一己私欲 ,想一劳永逸。if your cat is scratching your furniture.there are plenty of ways to correct its behavior 这样是书和网上的文章都很多的,实在不行就勤剪指甲咯。 很简单。
In any society, there is law, and there is morality. Although it is still legal in Canada to declaw a cat, it is CRUEL, INHUMANE, and simply IMMORAL to declaw a cat, because the procedure literally disable a cat for the rest of his/her life! AND the cat would have to endure tremendous PAIN during the recovery.
I completely concur with 豆浆: 真正爱自己猫猫的家长是绝对不会带猫猫去做这种手术的...