最初由 胖蹄阿克 发布
如果你要告landlord,你就要举证landlord 没有make reasonable effort 来通知你
landlord有电话记录来support他们made resonalble effort了,
最初由 渐渐 发布
Who said to hire a lawyer? You know what they say when you just ASS-U-ME, right?
The landlord should have thanked you for telling them a way to support their "reasonable effort".
Helen, if I were you, I would voice my concern with the rental office, that they should have made greater effort prior to entering your apartment; that you did feel that your privacy right has been violated; and that you would like them to be more conscientious next time.
最初由 渐渐 发布
Who said to hire a lawyer? You know what they say when you just ASS-U-ME, right?
The landlord should have thanked you for telling them a way to support their "reasonable effort".
Helen, if I were you, I would voice my concern with the rental office, that they should have made greater effort prior to entering your apartment; that you did feel that your privacy right has been violated; and that you would like them to be more conscientious next time.
最初由 ccc 发布