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最初由 混混沉沉 发布
You suffer from a serious disorder known as sleep paralysis. Check out the site on sleep paralysis at trionica.com. It's extremely informative and addresses the shaking and floating experiences from both spiritual and "scientific" points of view. Don't worry you are certainly not the only one. There are thousands of us. :)

Sleep Paralysis ? waking and not being able to move for a short period of time, usually occurs out of REM (dream) sleep.

别瞎说,sp 通常是在rem sleep 才发生的。。
最初由 小傻 发布

Sleep Paralysis ? waking and not being able to move for a short period of time, usually occurs out of REM (dream) sleep.

别瞎说,sp 通常是在rem sleep 才发生的。。


最初由 混混沉沉 发布



最初由 小傻 发布

不是告你了吗,你那是典型的PLM。。。这不是啥大毛病,有治,不过得specialist 出报告。。去查吧,ohip cover.

Periodic Limb Movement Disorder ? also known as periodic leg movements and nocturnal myoclonus. Characterized by periodic episodes of repetitive and highly stereotyped limb movements occuring during sleep. The movements are often associated with a partial arousal or awakening; however, the patient is usually unaware of the limb movements or frequent sleep disruption. Between the episodes, the legs are still. There can be marked night-to-night variability in the number of movements or in the existence of movements.

看过一次医生,因为当时没抖,更没有什么异常症状,所以诊所的医生也没开药,也不推荐什么specialist, 只说放松,可已经放松两个月了啊 :crying:
最初由 DejaVu 发布

根本不信气功啊 :confused:

听说YOGA :cool:, 还没学过。