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Are you suitable for laser eye surgery?
LASIK: Combined surgical and laser procedure. A thin flap is cut on the surface of the eye (cornea) and the exposed tissue is lasered before replacing the flap (est 1994). Suitable for mild to severe short sight, mild long sight and astigmatism.
Epi-LASEK: Combination of PRK (est 1988) and Epiflap (1997). The surface of the eye is lasered (cornea) without the need of surgery to the eye. Suitable for mild to moderate short sight and astigmatism.
Implantable Contact Lenses (ICL's). Lens placed surgically inside the eye just behind the cornea, (est 1987). Suitable for very severe short sight, long sight and astigmatism.
Suitability For Laser Eye Treatment
All levels of glasses prescriptions are now treatable. With the exception of cases of eye diseases, most people will now be suitable for treatment
You should be suitable for laser eye treatment if you are healthy and over 21 years old.
We do not normally recommend laser eye treatment for very low levels of eyesight correction, i.e. -0.75 dioptre or unless combined with astigmatism.
Your eyesight should not have changed significantly within the last year, as your eye sight problem may still be getting worse.
There is no upper age limit, although older patients with low levels of short sight will need reading glasses and laser eye treatment may not be desirable