
如果你留意到每年的Halloween晚上或者清明时节都下雨, 就知道什么是阴气太重。
就算你什么都忘记了, 至少教宗去世的那天下午 OTTAWA的倾盆大雨还有印象吧?
在这之前, OTTAWA可是一直晴天的, 但现在, 你知道什么叫惊天地、泣鬼神了!
最初由 timmy 发布
如果你留意到每年的Halloween晚上或者清明时节都下雨, 就知道什么是阴气太重。
就算你什么都忘记了, 至少教宗去世的那天下午 OTTAWA的倾盆大雨还有印象吧?
在这之前, OTTAWA可是一直晴天的, 但现在, 你知道什么叫惊天地、泣鬼神了!

最初由 如假包换的马甲 发布


你不信是基于你认真学习,比较过有神论和无神论? 还是基于从小的教育?
最初由 海平面的雪 发布
也是也不是, 主要原因还是我说的清明时节, 鬼神都出来聚会了!
最初由 凡间精灵 发布
The Roman Catholic Church has taken a strong stance in the saga of Schiavo, the brain-damaged woman whose parents are fighting to keep her alive. Her Catholic faith has been such an important issue in the case that a court ordered doctors to deliver the sacrament of Holy Communion through her feeding tube before it was removed March 18. Pope John Paul II has said feeding tubes are "morally obligatory" for most patients in vegetative states, and high-ranking cardinals have followed up by referring to Schiavo, saying that removing her feeding tube could lead to legalized euthanasia.
Theologians disagree about whether the pope is altering Catholic tradition, but there is consensus across the ideological spectrum that the Vatican's position in the Schiavo case has given Roman Catholics a new calculus for end-of-life decision making.

Catholics abound in the Schiavo case. Schiavo, now 41, was a practicing Catholic. Her parents, Robert and Mary Schindler, are Catholics and have been surrounded by sympathetic priests during public appearances. Gov. Jeb Bush (R), who has been rebuffed by the courts for taking unprecedented steps to preserve her life, converted to Catholicism after his marriage.

The pope's statements have become all the more intriguing to bioethicists because of his failing health. Some Catholic thinkers have begun to wonder what decisions would be made if the 84-year-old pope -- who has Parkinson's disease and recently received a tracheostomy -- needed a feeding tube.

The pope's condition is preventing him from participating in Easter Sunday services for the first time in his 26-year papacy. But the protesters outside Schiavo's hospice were praying for him and for the woman his words have been unable to save.

Re: Re: 真有神呼?[问题]

最初由 user4003 发布

你不信是基于你认真学习,比较过有神论和无神论? 还是基于从小的教育?

It's a consensus among philosophers that the existence of God can't be logically proven, however, it doesn't mean he doesn't exit.
So, to believe in God, you have to give up logic. There is no logic in religion.
讨论半天也没什么建设性发言. 都是些迷信东西,真想了解的那么多佛寺教堂清真寺印度庙挨个问过来不就得了.
最初由 timmy 发布
如果你留意到每年的Halloween晚上或者清明时节都下雨, 就知道什么是阴气太重。
就算你什么都忘记了, 至少教宗去世的那天下午 OTTAWA的倾盆大雨还有印象吧?
在这之前, OTTAWA可是一直晴天的, 但现在, 你知道什么叫惊天地、泣鬼神了!
最初由 timmy 发布
如果你留意到每年的Halloween晚上或者清明时节都下雨, 就知道什么是阴气太重。
就算你什么都忘记了, 至少教宗去世的那天下午 OTTAWA的倾盆大雨还有印象吧?
在这之前, OTTAWA可是一直晴天的, 但现在, 你知道什么叫惊天地、泣鬼神了!

