精华 我的卖房经验 (sale by owner)


I just sold my townhouse 2 weeks ago and here is my experience to share with you.

(1) sell by owner
I had a house in another city before and it was sold through an agent. Besides I paid a huge agent fee, the trouble with agents was that (a) I need to leave my house every client visit, 2 hours/ visit, so sometimes I had to stay outside for a whole day, (b) the agent may/may not promote my house but I had no control over it, (c) less people to consider my house because the agent fee was added on top of my expected price (e) I need to pay tax (7%) for the agent fee, so it was another $1500 off my selling price. Therefore this time I definitely decided to sell by myself.

There are many tracks that agents may play with you. One of them is that they may price your house higher but then 2 weeks or 1 month after putting in MLS, they will push you to reduce the price -- to make a quick sale ( they don't care too much because they only get 5%). So if you had to go with agents, then before signing the contract, ask them (a) how they'll promote your house, (b) can you be free to go if they are unable to sell your house at the asking price within a period of time (for example, 3 months), without penalty or locking for a few months. (c)can they pay the tax themselves.

(2) price it right.
Before putting my house in the market, I investigated the price range in my neighborhood, considering things like the lot size, age, number of bedrooms/bathrooms, finished/unfinished basement, hardwood floor, fireplace, AC, fence, etc. There is a free estimate site at www.houseValues.com. I also had 3 agents to come and estimate the value. I chose the lower end among the 3 estimates as my asking price. This askng price is also included $1000 negotiation buffer.

NEVER SET THE PRICE TOO HIGH, because most of canadian will only visit the houses at their price range, given $2000 variance. However, some indian and chinese may be an exception, they will ask for 10K reduction -- in this case, just ignore them.

(3) decorating the house
After decided to sell my house, I started decorating the house -- remove unused furniture and store them at friend's place, paint the cabinetry with linseed oil, clean-up the bathroom, paint the bathroom ceramic with "tile works", fill up any cracks and paint them, remove everything in the kitchen/bathroom counter top, and wash all curtains -- make my house presentable.

Keep in mind, the first impression is very important and you have a limited potential buyer group. If they don't like your house at the first glance, then even you improve it later on, they may not come back. The house must be ready to show prior to putting it on sale.

Never just open the door and let your potential buyers to see your messy / smelling home.

(4) time to sell
Now it is time to sell the house. Based on the real-estate statistic, spring is the best season to sell houses, summer is the next. After the house was nicely decorated, I took a few pictures and submitted a house-for-sale request to grapevine.com, including my cell phone number (no email) and indicating "No Agent please". In the same time, I also posted my AD in various places: residential buildings, walmat, shopperMart, my company, NRC, newsgroups, government employee for-sale sites, etc. I found posting in residential buildings seems to be very efficient and high feedback, besides posting in grapevine.

After posted my AD, I got a lot of phone calls and a lot of visit. In fact, I received a conditional offer the second day (I will talk about it in the next section). By looking at the visitors, I can tell who were just shopping around, who were bargain hunters and who were seriously considered. I carefully kept their names, phone numbers, and followed up with those people who were seriously interested.

I also had a few open houses. However, the final buyer was not from the open-house.

(5) conditional offer
I received the first offer which was a conditional offer -- upon the selling of their existing house. In the contract, I also add my condition that I reserved the right to sell it to another buyer, either conditionally or firmly, with a 24 hour written notice to the purchaser to either waive the conditions or cancel the contract. My house was eventually sold to another family, because the previous buyer was unable to sell their house at a time and unwilling to waive the condition.

(6) negotiation
Most buyers will negotiate with you for $1000- $2000, depending on your asking price and your house value. Every offer must be written carefully and clearly. Unlike shopping in China, you do not leave a big room for negotiation. Keep in mind, the lower asking price the more people will come. For those bargain hunters, you just ignore them.

(7) deposit
Last but not lest, the deposit of the sale should be high enough so that the buyer won't break the contract easily. My deposit was $6000, with 1 current dated cheque and 1 post dated cheque.

I hope it helps.
Thank you for sharing your experience.
最初由 Short Hair 发布

我只用了grapevine 的基本服务($175). 我自己去home depot买材料做的"for-sale" 牌. 字和牌要又大又醒目(红底白字). 如果你的价位是附近房价中较低的, 把价格也写上. 有好几户人家本来是被AGENT带着看附近其他房子的, 结果看到我的牌子就来找我了.

我原先打算, 在grapevine挂牌三周后, 再在OTTAWA CITIZEN 和 SUN 上做周末广告. 但房子很快卖掉了.

即使已经签了CONDITIONAL OFFER, 你还应该继续卖房, 并把其他人放在WAITING LIST 上.这样可以给买家施加压力, 让买家waive conditions. 另外,CONDITIONAL OFFER的时间 要尽量短, 几天到一个星期为好.

我用的律师叫"JAMES MORE"(820-7888). 收费可能是全市最低的($650/卖房, 全包所有律师费和杂费). 其他律师可能开价$500, 但加上杂费可能就是要上千了, 杂费包括文档复印,速快专递, 传真, 挂号信费, 长途电话费等.

如果你买房, 他收费$1000.50, 外加
(1)Land transfer taxes. It is 0.5% on the first $55,000 of the purchase price and 1% of purchase price over $55,000 up to $250,000, and 1.5% of purchase price from $250,000 up to $400,000

但是他不大讲解, 也没有建议, 你要自己仔细看文档和主动找他.
Thanks for sharing your valuable information.

BTW, I have two questions

1)“My deposit was $6000, with 1 current dated cheque and 1 post dated cheque. ”

Why do you need two cheques? 6000 is divided into 2 cheques?

2) How can I post my AD on Residential Buildings? Is that free? Who can I contact with?

最初由 a_little 发布

我用的律师叫"JAMES MORE"(820-7888). 收费可能是全市最低的($650/卖房, 全包所有律师费和杂费). 其他律师可能开价$500, 但加上杂费可能就是要上千了, 杂费包括文档复印,速快专递, 传真, 挂号信费, 长途电话费等.

Re: Thanks for sharing your valuable information.

最初由 yuchen_zh 发布
BTW, I have two questions

1)“My deposit was $6000, with 1 current dated cheque and 1 post dated cheque. ”

Why do you need two cheques? 6000 is divided into 2 cheques?

The buyer was unable to pay the total $6000 all at once. So I let him give me a current dated cheque for $3000, and another $3000 cheque payable in May.

2) How can I post my AD on Residential Buildings? Is that free? Who can I contact with?
I didn't contact with any building management because I'm sure they won't like my AD to take away their tenants. I just got in the buildings whenever people went in/out, and posted my colored AD in the bulletin board (if possible) or the mailing room or the lobby.

Just so you know, my house is a townhouse, suitable for people to upgrade from an apartment to townhouse/single. But if your house is a big and expensive single house, this track may not be useful to you.
Thank you, a_little

just as topic, but I should say thank you a lot.:)

Your name here is interesting.
我也想试试, 请问您的房子在什么区, 什么路, 卖了多少?有个顾虑, 听说找AGENT省事, 自己卖麻烦, 到手可能差不多.如果自己卖, 能赚很多就好了;但不是很多的话,好象不值,CITIZEN, SUN 广告怪贵的,加上GRAPEVINE; 现在满街卖房的, 卖不掉, 最后再找AGENT就亏大了, 陪钱,陪精力,陪时间. 另外是不是每天要守着电话, 等人看房? 您好象说不要AGENT带人来,为什么?

最初由 Boralette 发布
我也想试试, 请问您的房子在什么区, 什么路, 卖了多少?有个顾虑, 听说找AGENT省事, 自己卖麻烦, 到手可能差不多.如果自己卖, 能赚很多就好了;但不是很多的话,好象不值,CITIZEN, SUN 广告怪贵的,加上GRAPEVINE; 现在满街卖房的, 卖不掉, 最后再找AGENT就亏大了, 陪钱,陪精力,陪时间. 另外是不是每天要守着电话, 等人看房? 您好象说不要AGENT带人来,为什么?


我的房子在BARRHAVEN. 这些年那里的房价一直在涨.

相比第一次的请AGENT卖房, 我觉得这次自己卖房更有效, 而且不用被人牵着鼻子走. 其实, 请AGENT卖房你也不会省力的, 你也要自己打扫装饰房子,也要统筹, 每次人来前你也要收拾. 如果可能, 把你的手机号登在卖房广告上 (卖完再换号码), 给人看看房子. 也没有太多麻烦.

$200000 的房子, 请AGENT卖, 算5% AGENT费, $2000 还价, 7% 的AGENT FEE GST
200000 - 5%*200000 - 2000 - 5%*20000*7% = 187300 到手
如果自己卖, 开价 $195000, 还价$2000, 广告费$400, 到手192600. 你一个月的辛苦费值$5300, 还不用上税.

如果自己卖, 因为你的客户源有限, 房价要吸引人, 绝对不要设的高, 要用几个评估价中的最低价(也许再减一点儿). 到头来你到手的钱还是会比请AGENT卖要高. 另外, 小财不出大财不入, 广告费是要花的. 一般说来房子都会在一个月至两月内售出, 而且现在正是好时机, 你可以先在grapevine花$175 登广告和自己张贴广告. 一个月后如果情况不好就再考虑是否请AGENT卖.

我没有在我的房价里含AGENT FEE, 而且我知道肯定能卖掉, 所以不需要买方AGENT. 如果你想, 你也可以在广告中注明"AGENT WELCOME, RATE TBD", 然后EMAIL他你可以让他提成$2000(要写下来). OTTAWA所有新房开发商都只给AGENT$2000, AGENT们也很乐意的. 有件事要注意, 我一个朋友也是自己卖房, 然后AGENT来了一下就签了一个月的CONDITIONAL OFFER并不让继续卖房, 当时这个AGENT手头并没有客户, 我朋友被白白锁住了一个月. 所以你如果签任何CONDITIONAL OFFER, 一定要写明你有权接受其他人的CONDITIONAL OFFER, 但你会给他24小时去取消所有限制并签订正式合约,或取消他的CONDITIONAL OFFER. 另外,即使有CONDITIONAL OFFER你还应该继续卖房.

I think this is the main reason you sold your house quickly besides you have a nice clean house. Anyway, very good tips for selling house. Thank you very much!

客人来前, 把自己的车子开离GARAGE和DRIVEWAY -- 空间显得更大更整洁.

如果有宠物, 连宠物带笼子放在车上离开家门 -- 有的客人讨厌宠物.

准备足够的广告件(最好彩色) -- 来客人手一份

把来客的名单电话按日期写在不同的纸上 -- 免得让来客知道以前有多少人看过房子


来客中什么人都有, 尤其是OPEN HOUSE, 有只是想看看室内装修并不买房的, 有附近卖房人家派出来的"间谍", 也有纯粹看热闹的. 有一户人开口就说这不好那不好来讨价还价, 我马上截住说我知道哪好哪不好你把价格写下来就行. 还一户人开口就讨价15%,我说那要么是开玩笑要么是找错房子了. 你要学会不受这些人影响自己的情绪.
I don't quite understand this.

最初由 nobrain 发布
我有几个朋友都在grapevine 上卖过, 但最后只好降价再请AGENT卖(AGENT是不会帮你卖高价的, 即使签约时定价还可以, 以后一定会让你降价的). 就其原因就是当初定价高了, 房子也没有收拾好. 我也是从别人的教训里学来的.

从卖房第一天起我就祈祷着尽快卖掉. 因为无论自己卖还是请人卖, 家里总要一尘不染, 衣服被子整整齐齐, 还不能烧味重的饭菜, 而且prime 时间总有人要求来看房, 生活秩序全都乱了. 所以只想着尽快卖掉.

其实, 我最后成交价比预期的要高2千, 因为才还价了几百元而已. 我已经很满足了.
如果先让AGENT卖, 比如您的房, 让他们卖$205,000, 如果在$202,000-$203,000,成交, 您也不亏;
如果卖不成, 再自己卖, 至少也知道了行情.GRAPEVINE先卖,广告,再AGENT,太亏了.
没卖过, 心里没底呀.
AGENT们真能说, 句句听着有理.