I have the same experience as you, I got the citizenship done after 2 years. I went to the office and ask their supervisor to come out give me an answer how to solve the dead circle problem.At first, one officer was careless and try to ignor me(she said that's normal to wait that long), I told her I'm not satisfied what she told me, if she have no power to help me settle this problem I need talk to her manager and I won't leave untill I got an answer. As the same time I had already complainted to the local MP, finally someone come to me and told me she will take care of my case.(by the way, my background check was expired while I was waiting my husband's fingerprint, then they ask me to do the fingerprint again) I seperated my case with my husband's case at that day to prevent his case waiting for me again.At last at the 27 months after the application I got the oath and citizenship. I hope you can learn some thing from my bad experience. Good luck to you.最初由 happy 发布
这么荒谬的事我们也遇到过一部分. 我们家是2个人一起申请. 申请快一年的时候, 我被要求做fingerprint.等了半年后没消息.我们也没有什么其他的事.就等着吧. 后来想去美国才有点急.直接到CIC. 那个工作人员说快了, 因为2年他们是一定要给我们一个答复的. 回来后我又打那个1-800电话.他们告诉我, 我的fingerprint结果是回来了.但是我劳工的background check过期了,所以他们又要check.我急了, 我说你们这不是一个死循环吗? 如果我的fingerprint过期怎么办? 真是开玩笑. 她说"That's a point". 我在电话里抱怨一阵. 后来不到2年,就下来了. 我觉得你们最好到CIC那儿去抱怨,把他们头叫出来说更好.因为这实在太过分. 我先生曾看见一对老年夫妇在哪儿抱怨很久, 问他们为什么一年多都没有把他们的case办完.
给后面的人提点建议. 即使是夫妻, 都分开申请好.
最初由 Graceytw 发布
(By the way,我们除了我老公要finger print,申请过程没有少任何资料.)
现在的新的情况是,MP跟CIC联系了,CIC已经意识到我们的案子是积压比较长的了.目前的background check不会很长,只做从上次expire以后的.MP助手说这次的check应该只要1到2个月,她说叫我们到6月底如果还没收到考试通知,再联系她,她会follow up这个案子.