Liberals ?丑闻, 现政府可能垮台


Brault alleged donations to Liberals linked to sponsorship work
Last Updated Thu, 07 Apr 2005 22:31:05 EDT
CBC News

MONTREAL - The former head of a Quebec advertising company testified to the Gomery inquiry that he was repeatedly asked to give cash donations to the Liberal party, and put election workers on his payroll, in exchange for federal sponsorship contracts.

* INDEPTH: Sponsorship Scandal
* INDEPTH: Jean Brault's testimony

Jean Brault, the former head of Groupaction Marketing, testified that the scheme to funnel taxpayers' dollars to the Liberal party in the 1993, 1997 and 2000 federal election campaigns continued as recently as 2002.

"If it wasn't for our contributions to the party, we never would have had such a big piece of the sponsorship pie," he said.

Brault began testifying about his role in the sponsorship program last week, but Justice John Gomery banned publication of his testimony.

The ad executive had been scheduled to go on trial, along with co-accused Chuck Guité, on May 2 on fraud charges relating to sponsorship contracts.

* RELATED STORY: Gomery partially lifts publication ban

Last week, Gomery ruled that allowing media to report on Brault's testimony at the inquiry could hurt the two men's chances of getting a fair hearing in their criminal trial.

Lawyers for Brault and Guité had asked that the trial be put off until September, but on Wednesday, a Quebec judge postponed it only until June 6.

* YOUR SPACE: Send us your thoughts

In the wake of that decision, Gomery partially lifted the publication ban at 2 p.m. EDT Thursday, allowing many details of Brault's testimony to be broadcast.

Brault discovers 'magic recipe' for work

During his testimony at the inquiry, Brault described a system that churned out secret payments to Liberal campaign workers ? payments that were covered up with fake invoices.

The paper trail suggests Brault made $1.1 million in contributions to the Liberal party that never appeared on the books. That was in addition to the $166,000 in legitimate donations Brault and his companies made to the Liberals over seven years.

* FROM APRIL 5, 2005: Liberals call in RCMP to probe possible fraud

Brault said he found out that the "magic recipe" to get sponsorship contracts was to "lend a sympathetic ear" to the party's demands.

In 1996, he testified, he met with Jacques Corriveau, head of Pluridesign and a key member of Jean Chrétien's Liberal leadership campaigns.

Brault said that during a meeting on April 16, 1996, Corriveau asked him to "take under my wing for a period of a year, one person who was well liked" by the party ? Serge Gosselin.

Brault testified that Gosselin, a communications expert, never had an office at Groupaction and did little or no work. Nevertheless, Brault agreed to pay him more than $80,000.

Party workers put on Groupaction payroll

Brault also told the inquiry that he put about a dozen party workers on his staff during the 1997 election campaign.

After that election, the Quebec wing of the Liberal party was broke and owed money for campaign signs and pamphlets produced for candidates across the province, among other things.

* RELATED STORY: PQ denies getting ad firm donations

One of the party's creditors was Corriveau, whose company produced billboards and posters for Liberal candidates in Quebec.

Brault claims Corriveau asked him in the spring of 1998 to funnel to the party 10 per cent of the commission fees Brault charged on some sponsorship contracts. Groupaction charged the federal government a 12-per-cent commission to manage sponsorship projects.

"My understanding is that this money was destined for the Liberal cause," said Brault.

Contracts in jeopardy over hiring: Brault

Brault named two other high-ranking members of the federal Liberal party as key cogs in the sponsorship scheme: Alain Renaud, who worked at the party's offices in Montreal; and Benoît Corbeil, a former official at the party's offices.

Brault told the inquiry that Renaud was paid $1.1 million between 1996 and 2001.

Renaud left Groupaction in September 2000, but decided he wanted to come back six months later. Brault balked.

He told the inquiry that he then received a phone call from Tony Mignacca, a close aide to former Public Works Minister Alfonso Gagliano.

Brault said Mignacca hinted Groupaction's large contract with Via Rail might be in jeopardy if Renaud was not hired back.

Cash left on chair for fundraiser: Brault

Brault also spoke of a meeting he had when Joe Morselli, a close friend of Gagliano, took over fundraising duties for the party in Quebec.

Brault says he was asked to meet Morselli in an Italian restaurant and leave envelopes with thousands of dollars in cash for the party on a chair.

"I went up to go to the bathroom," he said. "When I got back, the money was gone."

The federal government is trying to recover $30 million from Brault in funds related to the $250-million sponsorship program.

In February 2004, Auditor General Sheila Fraser released a report suggesting that as much as $100 million from the program went to Quebec-based advertising companies for little or no work.

Prime Minister Paul Martin immediately called a public inquiry into the affair.
Brault 涉嫌捐赠对自由主义者linked 对保证人workLast 更新星期四,07 4月2005 22:31:05 EDTCBC NewsMONTREAL - 这前头魁北克advertizing 公司作证对这Gomery 询问他是一再问对给现金捐赠对这宽宏党,和投入竞选工作者在他工资单,以交换联邦保证人合同。* _ 详细: _ 保证人丑闻* 详细: _ 吉恩Brault's testimonyJean Brault ,这前头Groupaction 行销,作证这计划对漏斗纳税人美元对这宽宏党在这1993 ,1997 和2000 联邦竞选竞选continued 和最近和2002."If 它是没有为我们贡献对这党,我们从未会有有这样大片断这保证人饼," 他said.Brault 开始testifying 关于他角色在这保证人节目上星期,但正义约翰Gomery banned 出版物他testimony.The 广告执行委员有是scheduled 对去在试验,与一起co 指责轻拍Guit3e ,在5月2 在欺骗充电与相关保证人合同。* _ 相关故事: _ Gomery 部份举出版物banLast 星期,Gomery ruled 允许媒介对报告在Brault's 证词在这询问可能伤害这二人机会getting 公平听力在他们犯罪trial.Lawyers 为Brault 和Guit3e 有问这试验是投入直到9月,但在星期三,魁北克判断延期它只直到6月6 。* _ 你空间: _ 送我们你thoughtsIn 这醒来决定,Gomery 部份举这出版物禁令在2 p.m. EDT 星期四,允许许多细节Brault's 证词对是broadcast.Brault 发现' 魔术食谱' 为workDuring 他证词在这询问,Brault 描述系统搅动秘密付款对宽宏竞选工作者- 付款是covered 与伪造品invoices.The 纸落后建议Brault 做$1.1 百万在贡献对这宽宏党从未出现在这书。_ 是除之外这$166,000 在合法捐赠Brault 和他公司做对这自由主义者在七年.

从4月5 ,2005: _ 自由主义者叫在RCMP 对探查可能欺骗Brault 前述他发现这"魔术食谱" 对得到保证人合同是对"借有同情心耳朵" 对这党要求。_ 在1996 ,他作证,他遇见与Jacques Corriveau ,头Pluridesign 和钥匙成员吉恩Chr3etien's 宽宏领导campaigns.Brault 前述在期间会议在4月16 ,1996 ,Corriveau 问他对"采取在之下我翼为期间年,一人是很好喜欢" 由这党- 毛哔叽Gosselin.Brault 作证Gosselin ,通信专家,从未有办公室在Groupaction 和做一点点或没有工作。_ 然而,Brault agreed 对支付他更多比$80,000.Party 工作者投入在Groupaction payrollBrault 还告诉这询问他投入关于十二党工作者在他职员在期间这1997 竞选campaign.After 竞选,这魁北克翼这宽宏党是打破和欠金钱为竞选标志和小册子生产为候选人横跨这省,尤其。_ * _ 相关故事: _ PQ 否认getting 广告牢固捐赠一这党债权人是Corriveau ,公司生产广告牌和海报为宽宏候选人在魁北克。

Brault 要求Corriveau 问他在这春天1998 对漏斗对这党10 百分之这委员会费Brault charged 在一些保证人合同。_ Groupaction charged 这联邦政府12 每分委员会对处理保证人projects."My understanding 是这金钱是注定为这宽宏导致," 前述Brault.Contracts 在危害在hiring: _ BraultBrault named 二其他高级成员这联邦宽宏党和钥匙嵌齿轮在这保证人计划: _ Alain Renaud ,工作在这党办公室在蒙特利尔; _ 和Benoît Corbeil ,前官员在这党offices.Brault 告诉这询问Renaud 是有偿$1.1 百万在之间1996 和2001.Renaud 左Groupaction 在9月2000 ,但决定他要对回来六月后。_ Brault balked.He 告诉这询问他然后received 电话叫从托尼Mignacca ,关闭助手对前公共建设部长Alfonso Gagliano.Brault 前述Mignacca 暗示Groupaction's 大合同与通过路轨可能是在危害如果Renaud 是没有聘用。_ 现金左在椅子为募捐人: _ BraultBrault 还讲会议他有当乔Morselli ,关闭朋友Gagliano ,接管筹款义务为这党在Quebec.Brault 说他是问对遇见Morselli 在意大利餐馆和离开信封与数以万计美元在现金为这党在chair."I 去去对这卫生间," 他前述。_ "当我得到,这金钱是gone."The 联邦政府是trying 对恢复$30 百万从Brault 在资助相关对这$250-million 保证人program.In 2月2004 ,审计员一般Sheila Fraser released 报告suggesting 尽量much as $100 百万从这节目去对魁北克根据advertizing 公司为一点点或没有work.Prime 部长保罗马丁直接called 公众询问入这事理。_
thanks for you translation
