[问题] 请问一个数学常识。

as I suggested, just run spss to see what are the differences between the two regressions.
I do not have SPSS and never use it. It you are not sure, send me the results. I will go through with you. spsun1@yahoo.com
Thank you so much, spsun1!!

I think that I have kind of figured out what it means. I think in this case, there will be only two models, rather than three of them if we ENTER the variables one by one. while, as you can see, it's part of the the other message that I have posted, what the question concerns is to analyze Model 1 with only one variable, and Model 2 with 3 variable. I think it should be the case. Do you agree?

Thanks for your help and offer, thanks a lot!

最初由 spsun1 发布
as I suggested, just run spss to see what are the differences between the two regressions.
I do not have SPSS and never use it. It you are not sure, send me the results. I will go through with you. spsun1@yahoo.com
草, 有界兄弟怎么不接如果妹子的锈?? 那让俺洲际顶一下如果妹子. 妹子, 俺顶的咋样儿?

最初由 洲际 发布
草, 有界兄弟怎么不接如果妹子的锈?? 那让俺洲际顶一下如果妹子. 妹子, 俺顶的咋样儿?
最初由 spsun1 发布
I am sorry, I was worng. e and E are different.
your Excel will tell you. E is in scientific format.

知错就改, 态度很好. :)
最初由 洲际 发布
草, 有界兄弟怎么不接如果妹子的锈?? 那让俺洲际顶一下如果妹子. 妹子, 俺顶的咋样儿?
绣球我是接了,但太重,没接住,还差点砸着我。:o 仔细一瞧,绣球上写着:名花有主,请勿夺人所爱。
I think that I have kind of figured out what it means. I think in this case, there will be only two models, rather than three of them if we ENTER the variables one by one. while, as you can see, it's part of the the other message that I have posted, what the question concerns is to analyze Model 1 with only one variable, and Model 2 with 3 variable. I think it should be the case. Do you agree?

Yes. you are correct. As I said, just run them and review the results, you will find out what are the differences between them. On the second question, we could say, prediction beyond the actual data range will not be reliable.
最初由 有界无边 发布

绣球我是接了,但太重,没接住,还差点砸着我。:o 仔细一瞧,绣球上写着:名花有主,请勿夺人所爱。


You think so? But there are only 28 cases in the sample.

Will that be reliable to make the statement below?

最初由 spsun1 发布
On the second question, we could say, prediction beyond the actual data range will not be reliable.
Take it easy, 有界师兄.



最初由 有界无边 发布

绣球我是接了,但太重,没接住,还差点砸着我。:o 仔细一瞧,绣球上写着:名花有主,请勿夺人所爱。
Re: Take it easy, 有界师兄.

最初由 如果时光可以倒流 发布

你应该说, 3条腿的蛤蟆不好找,两条腿的人还是有的。;)
Re: Take it easy, 有界师兄.

最初由 如果时光可以倒流 发布
