Federal sponsorship scandal - 联邦的赞助商丑闻


Not since Canada was a mere six years old has a sitting prime minister given testimony before a public inquiry.

On February 8, 2005, former prime minister Jean Chrétien appeared before the Gomery Inquiry.
2005 年二月 8 日,前珍总理 Chr é tien 接受 Gomery 质询。

He vigorously defended the federal sponsorship as an important part of the battle against Quebec sovereigntists in the wake of the 1995 referendum.
他精力充沛地随着 1995 公民投票之后防护了如对抗魁北克 sovereigntists 的战争一个重要部份的联邦赞助商。

Mistakes were made, he conceded, and people who stole money should be punished.

Two days later, Prime Minister Paul Martin ? the man who called the inquiry ? gave his testimony.
二天之后, 保罗总理马丁?呼叫质询?的男人给予了他的证言。

He appeared a year to the day after he ordered the inquiry into the sponsorship program.

The scandal has been the talk of Ottawa since 2002, when federal Auditor General Sheila Fraser recommended the RCMP investigate how $1.6 million in federal government advertising contracts were handed out to a Montreal ad agency.
丑闻自从 2002 以后已经是渥太华的谈话, 当联邦的审计官一般的姑娘 Fraser 推荐了 RCMP 调查联邦政府广告契约的一百六十万元如何被传递出到蒙特利尔广告代理。

There had been rumours that a government advertising and sponsorship program set up to promote unity in the wake of the 1995 referendum in Quebec, was little more than a vehicle to reward loyal Liberal supporters.
已经有传闻,一个政府广告和赞助商计画建立在魁北克随着 1995 公民投票之后促进个体,小于一辆车辆奖赏忠诚的自由主义的支持者。

The fund was run by the Public Works Department, headed by then Prime Minister Chrétien's Quebec lieutenant, Alphonso Gagliano.
基金被公众的工厂部门管理了,到时候带领总理 Chr é tien's 的魁北克中尉, Alphonso Gagliano 。

On Feb. 10, 2004, Fraser released her audit of the program.
2004 年二月 10 日, Fraser 发表了她的计画稽核。

She found that $100 million was paid to a variety of communications agencies in the form of fees and commissions and said the program was basically designed to generate commissions for these companies rather than to produce any benefit for Canadians.

Officials in Canada's Public Works Department "broke just about every rule in the book" when it came to awarding contracts to Groupaction Inc., Fraser said.
当它受到的影响时候加拿大籍的民众官员工作部门 " 差不多违反书的每条规则 " 到把契约裁定给 Groupaction 公司,Fraser 说。
Advertising executive, Jean Brault
In their own words

"I think this is such a blatant misuse of public funds that it is shocking.

I am actually appalled by what we've found.

? Auditor General Sheila Fraser
?审计官指挥 Sheila Fraser

"I am deeply disturbed that such practices were allowed to happen in the first place.

I don't think anybody can take this lightly.

? Auditor General Sheila Fraser
?审计官指挥 Sheila Fraser


"I had no idea what was going on here."
" 我不知道什么正在这里继续 " 。

Prime Minister Paul Martin

"These acts were perpetrated by a very small group of 10 to 12 people within the 14,000 who work for Public Works.
"这些行为在为民众工厂工作的 14,000 里面被非常小一群 10 到 12 个人做了。

They didn't come to cabinet and say, 'Oh, can we break these rules?

' They operated in secrecy.

? Paul Martin


"No one understood the full scope of what was involved until the auditor general's report that came out recently.
" 没有人了解被牵涉的东西完全的范围直到审计官一般的报告最近出来。

Anybody who knew about that and did nothing should resign immediately.

? Martin on the rumours of irregularities in the Department of Public Works in 2000.
在 2000 年的公众工厂部的在不规则的传闻上的?马丁.

"It is no secret that I did not have an easy relationship with those around the prime minister.

In short, my advice was not routinely sought on issues related to Quebec.

? Paul Martin


"I was certainly not in on the secrets of the gods."
" 我是当然不是在神的秘密上".

?Martin answers a question on his knowledge of how far up the corruption went

"To quote another prime minister, you just watch me."
" 为了引述另外的一个总理,你仅仅看我 " 。

?Martin on whether he would "clean house" at Crown corporations involved in the scandal.
?马丁在是否之上他 " 干净的房子 " 会在王冠公司在丑闻方面牵涉吗。

Alfonso Gagliano

阿方索 Gagliano


"This is an ordeal that has been dogging me for over two years.

Now I'll have a chance to go back home and answer those questions.

? former public works minister Alfonso Gagliano
先前的?公众的工厂服侍阿方索 Gagliano


"Back in 1998 we did a couple of programs that we didn't have signed contracts for.
"回到 1998 我们做了一些我们不已经签署契约计画。

That was a mistake on our part, but we don't do that today.

What we do today is … above board.

Everything is fine here.

? Canada Post spokesperson John Caines
?加拿大职位发言人约翰 Caines


Grant Hill


"Mr. Speaker, this is unbelievable.

We started out [with] a national disgrace that required a public inquiry.
我们开始 [由于]需要了一个公众的质询国家的耻辱。

Next, a small band of public servants were duping the prime minister.
下一个,一条公仆的小乐团是 duping 总理。

And now [former] prime minister Jean Chrétien is the one who's responsible.
而且现在 [先前的]珍总理 Chr é tien 是有责任的那一个。

It is unbelievable.

"This is the prime minister of Canada.

Stand up and act like it!

? Conservative interim leader Grant Hill in question period


"We have seen a money-laundering system that would make Saddam Hussein look proud."
" 我们已经见到一个会使海珊看骄傲的洗钱系统 " 。

? Conservative MP John Williams

"This is corruption at the highest level … Democracy is being threatened here."
" 这在最高的同高…民主政治是腐败正在这里被威胁".

? John Williams


"The prime minister is a creature of the Liberal party in Quebec.

How can the prime minister claim that he knew nothing, saw nothing and heard nothing?
总理如何能宣称他什么也不知道, 什么也不见到而且什么也不听到?

It sounds awfully reminiscent of Richard Nixon blaming a small unit within the White House for actions that he knew nothing about.

? Conservative MP Jason Kenney
?保守派人士议员杰森 Kenney


"I want to assure the Liberals that they've regained the title when it comes to scandals.

At this rate, Flat Mark will be up for investigation before we know it.
以这比率,在我们知道它之前 , 平坦的马克将会正接受调查。

? NDP House leader Bill Blaikie
? NDP 国会领袖比尔 Blaikie

"He's like Imelda Marcos, hoarding the shoes while crying crocodile tears over the fact that they were bought in the first place."

" 当叫喊的鳄鱼流泪就事实他们首先被买的时候,他有喜欢 Imelda Marcos ,贮藏鞋子 " 。

? NDP MP Judy Wasylycia-Leis
? NDP 议员茱蒂 Wasylycia-花环


"I don't think anymore.

[When] I was the government, I replied to all your questions ? a lot of them.
[当] 我是政府, 我答复你所有的问题?许多他们。

Now if you have questions ask the government.

? former prime minister Jean Chrétien responds to reporters' questions on the scandal outside his Ottawa law office
?前珍总理 Chr é tien 在他的渥太华法律办公室的外面回应在丑闻方面的记者问题