精华 春天的脚步

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174. fad 给你调剂调剂, 夜景
Thanks, Star. Yes, it is much easier now, although occasionally I would rather have a 500 2.8 IS. :D

Thanks, 如假包换的马甲. Glad you like the photos.

阿瓜: it's about time to change the subject a bit. I'm sure everyone is a bit "疲劳". Like #174. The last 2 suggest the place where you took the photos. Hull, isn't it ?

Will upload some photos later taken this foggy morning.
最初由 阿瓜 发布
174. fad 给你调剂调剂, 夜景

这,这个地方竟然先被你照出来了:crying: 欺负人动手晚呜呜:crying:
最初由 杨戬 发布

这,这个地方竟然先被你照出来了:crying: 欺负人动手晚呜呜:crying:

杨戬: 每个风景地都值得拍N次, 你可以拍日出, 拍日落, 拍黎明, 拍夜景, 有云时拍, 晴天时拍. 每一个地方你都拍出N张好片时, 你就可以出画册啦! :D
最初由 阿瓜 发布

杨戬: 每个风景地都值得拍N次, 你可以拍日出, 拍日落, 拍黎明, 拍夜景, 有云时拍, 晴天时拍. 每一个地方你都拍出N张好片时, 你就可以出画册啦! :D

Got up around 5:15 and ready to get some more birds, only to find out it so foggy that you can't really see far. So went to Adrew Hayton park and grab some landscape shots. Man, you can never had enough of this place.

181. 35mm a bit short wish I had a 28-70 here