Hi Di,
Allow me to address some of your concerns ...
最初由 didi 发布
在渥太华,虽然爱好排球的女生不少,但我还没见过几个能像男孩那样扣球的中国女生。 比渥太华中国男生打得好的老外女孩倒是有不少(而且还得是排球队的),有几个中国女孩比会打球的男孩打得好?
The organizer does not make any assumption on the level of individual skills. Since it's an open tournament, you are welcome to participate IF and ONLY IF you decide to do so.
我认识好多个喜爱打排球的中国女孩(都是每星期必打的),听到有排球比赛的消息都很高兴,以为会像以往加华杯的形式,可是发现这次是open format,大家都很失望.
That is quite unfortunate. But do keep this in mind, that this a purely voluntary and non-profit activity being organized by a club with clearly stated objectives as in my earlier post. The club is NOT making any profit, and only hopes to serve the community by providing a venue for competitive sport for those interested.
这次比赛好像是很强调竞技,既然是这样,组织者就应该说明这次是男排比赛,因为我们这些中国女生恐怕永远也达不到男生的水平,再苦练也不行了。要是组织者也希望这次比赛能够提高渥太华中国人排球的整体水平,包括中国女生的,那么就应该把比赛变为mixed,至少一个女生应该在场上, 有一个女生在场并不妨碍男生水平的提高。
As you have quite astutely pointed out, the focus of this particular tournament is on a competitive level of play. Nobody, certainly not the organizers, have made any claims that female players should be at the same level of male players in order to participate.
It is entirely up to the players whether they feel this is the right tournament for them or not. It is also entirely up to them to decide if they would like female players on their team.
As noted before, if there is enough interest and support for this tournament, the club will be highly motivated to organize other tournaments to include different formats. I fail to see the relevance of a name change simply because
you feel that the name does not reflect what
you think the format should be. I hope you understand.
Di, instead of inciting a response which in my opinion is counter-productive, why not encourage your friends to form a team and participate, or even just to join us on that day and enjoy the activity? Feel free to contact the organizers should you have any further questions or concerns.