学校退费的事情出了麻烦, 请好心人帮忙!!!


我本来打算在温哥华一家私立学校入读,一个学期的学费是7000美金,后来由于综合考虑学费高昂,质量不高,这样浪费父母的辛苦钱实在是罪过,就打算退出来。我的课程应该是5月2日开学,我现在还一节课都没有上过。今天去找学校商量退钱的事情,学校最终给我的答复是一分也不能退。原因是他们依照加拿大教育部的有关REFUND POLICY 给出我理由,条款是这样的:
因为我的情况属于“ non-student Authorization Related Withdrawals",其中的C条款:
Subject to subsection (2) (a), if written notice of withdrawal is received by *** less than thirty (30) calendar days before the start of a program of study, *** will retain 40% of the total fees due under the contract.(***是学校的名字)
现在争议的要点就是 total fees, 如果根据学校的理解是我合同上签的total tuition fee 23,100, 那么他们扣除40%的话我就一分都拿不到。
  我的邮件是 adore1223@yahoo.com.cn
What is the name of this school? All BC private institutions should registered with Private Career Training Institutions Agency (PCTIA).

Accroding to the law, you will need to sumbit a dated written notice to the school for refund request

I would suggest you to contact Private Career Training Institutions Agency (PCTIA). This is the governement organization to govern BC's private institutions. Their contact information is below:

Postal address: 850 - 1185 West Georgia St, Vancouver, BC V6E 4E6
Telephone: (604) 660-4400, 1-800-661-7441
Fax: (604) 660-3312
General email: info@pctia.bc.ca
Website: http://www.pctia.bc.ca/

最初由 Viola_xiao 发布
我本来打算在温哥华一家私立学校入读,一个学期的学费是7000美金,后来由于综合考虑学费高昂,质量不高,这样浪费父母的辛苦钱实在是罪过,就打算退出来。我的课程应该是5月2日开学,我现在还一节课都没有上过。今天去找学校商量退钱的事情,学校最终给我的答复是一分也不能退。原因是他们依照加拿大教育部的有关REFUND POLICY 给出我理由,条款是这样的:
因为我的情况属于“ non-student Authorization Related Withdrawals",其中的C条款:
Subject to subsection (2) (a), if written notice of withdrawal is received by *** less than thirty (30) calendar days before the start of a program of study, *** will retain 40% of the total fees due under the contract.(***是学校的名字)
现在争议的要点就是 total fees, 如果根据学校的理解是我合同上签的total tuition fee 23,100, 那么他们扣除40%的话我就一分都拿不到。
  我的邮件是 adore1223@yahoo.com.cn

真的非常感谢两位好心人的回复, keen_observer, 谢谢你的来电,我会尽量争取的!
今天去了学校, 他们态度十分的强硬, 因为我有一个最不利的因素就是学校那里有份合同,上面写的条款是PPSEC的退款规定,根据那个规定,我是一分都拿不到, 但问题是那合同上是我的名字, 但却不是我签的,我想应该是中介帮我签的, 因为当时中介是在温哥华,我在国内, 而我根本就没有听说合同的事情,所以和学校交涉的时候就很被动, 但我和中介之间并没有一个书面的东西证明我授权过她签合同,如果是口头的话不知道应该怎么算,现在我觉得真的身心疲惫,不知道该怎么办了。。。。。。
BC'government PRIVATE POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT Section 28 1 b clearly stated that if the student was misled as a result of a representation made by an
institution or its agent regarding the institution or
any aspect of its operations; A tuition refund should be given to the student.


In your case, I believe you are mislead, and deceived. The fact that the institution and its agency (中介) made up the contract for you without your consent. They already broke the law.
Usually if you get your student visa through their acceptance letter, they are not going to refund you. Usually that is the case. I heard most school only refund tuition when your visa is refused - and they require to see the "original" refusal letter.

I don't think this is a good policy, but what can I say. Some people just use the acceptance letters from school and get visa. After that, their attitude is "got my visa thank you very much bye". School end up losing revenue. So the schools are getting smarter now in order to protect themselves.

In short, you are the victims of the schools over protective policy because they've been cheated too many times before.

Maybe you can finish one semester and use up that tuition. Think about transfer to other cheaper school next year.