
最初由 胖蹄阿克 发布

不知道仙子要真名干啥?要不要photo ID什么的? :blink:

胖蹄阿克出主意有功, 到时候你就负责吃就行了.:)我帮你和快乐的天蝎套套瓷.她特别能干,一人能带上五人的份. 哈哈. 你那份,就让她负责了. 说得不错,要不然以白天玩为主.晚上的饭局,说聚就能聚的.就是14号那天,有精力过剩的,晚上还可以接着吃去. :)
if 快乐的天蝎 is single, 胖蹄 jiu no care about food le :smoke:
最初由 胖蹄阿克 发布

不知道仙子要真名干啥?要不要photo ID什么的? :blink:

不了解的还以为我们找.....??? :lol: :lol2: :lol: :lol2:
最初由 Rabbit 发布
if 快乐的天蝎 is single, 胖蹄 jiu no care about food le :smoke:

:( She is a beauty but not available. I'm sad for 胖蹄 too. :crying:
最初由 ESCAPE 发布

:( She is a beauty but not available. I'm sad for 胖蹄 too. :crying:

那就退而求其次,能吃到beauty做的吃的他也能满足了 :D
最初由 ESCAPE 发布

胖蹄阿克出主意有功, 到时候你就负责吃就行了.:)我帮你和快乐的天蝎套套瓷.她特别能干,一人能带上五人的份. 哈哈. 你那份,就让她负责了. 说得不错,要不然以白天玩为主.晚上的饭局,说聚就能聚的.就是14号那天,有精力过剩的,晚上还可以接着吃去. :)


最初由 Rabbit 发布
if 快乐的天蝎 is single, 胖蹄 jiu no care about food le :smoke:
single or couple我不care,我只care她的菜味道怎样

QUOTE]最初由 赤练仙子 发布

不了解的还以为我们找.....??? :lol: :lol2: :lol: :lol2:

最初由 Jingle 发布

Another point for lakes in Gatineau park: it won't be warm enough in middle May, and the bugs will be so annoying, especially the black fly (they really bite :mad:) , when they are just out.

So, I support 帮主. A grassy place is good enough.

I'll provide one portable BBQ. I also have a beach volleyball net.

Our whole family (3) will join this first outdoor party of this year.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

:zhichi: volleyball net
sorry, still can't type Chinese now, so have to keep silence:(

just got Jingle and cathy's E-mail, don't know anyone else wanna go on that day. need relative details I mentioned before, so if just up here, I won't count on you, sorry about that.

as for the style, we can discuss here, I thought it should be around 30 person or more showing up there that day, so the simple way is just divide them into several groups, and each group decide their menu themselves, but we play together.

plan A is mainly , and plan B is just additional, but If many of up would take part in plan B, we probably need reserve, that's why I wrote it down now.
I'm just going to offer my 2 cents here: there is no need to discuss menus, as long as everyone brings enough food to feed his/her own self, there would be enough food for everyone. In most big parties, there is always going to be people who don't bring enough or people who bring too much, so eventually everything normally balances out by itself.
最初由 渐渐 发布
I'm just going to offer my 2 cents here: there is no need to discuss menus, as long as everyone brings enough food to feed his/her own self, there would be enough food for everyone. In most big parties, there is always going to be people who don't bring enough or people who bring too much, so eventually everything normally balances out by itself.

Exactly, that's what we do usually.
最初由 渐渐 发布
In most big parties, there is always going to be people who don't bring enough or people who bring too much, so eventually everything normally balances out by itself.

You said it. When I bring my family, I am always the "not enough" group. But when I go alone, I bring the same amount of food and suddenly I have too much. ^_^ :D :D

不过我想军师的考虑有道理, 大家互相商量一下, 免得所有人都带烤肉, 或者所有人都带面条. 有时候大家不商量, 都多带一点, 聚会以后还得都带回去不少, 怪累得. 反正军师的任务就是策划嘛, 让她张罗张罗吧, 我听命令. ;)
最初由 ESCAPE 发布

胖蹄阿克出主意有功, 到时候你就负责吃就行了.:)我帮你和快乐的天蝎套套瓷.她特别能干,一人能带上五人的份. 哈哈. 你那份,就让她负责了. 说得不错,要不然以白天玩为主.晚上的饭局,说聚就能聚的.就是14号那天,有精力过剩的,晚上还可以接着吃去. :)

帮主我也出主意来着, 我也负责吃吧, 这个活儿俺喜欢. ;)
最初由 开喜 发布

帮主我也出主意来着, 我也负责吃吧, 这个活儿俺喜欢. ;)

那我也帮你套套磁. :bsmile: :bsmile:
最初由 ESCAPE 发布

那我也帮你套套磁. :bsmile: :bsmile:

多谢帮主提拔. :thanks: