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以下内容摘自”The Ottawa Citizen” May 4, 2005, A19 “Arguments”版的”Found on the Internet”. 令本人感兴趣的是象”The Ottawa Citizen”这样较倾向于conservative的主流社会报纸在这时候从网上摘录这些我们新移民一直在争论的”回去还是留下”的讨论给它的读者们看看.

标题: Immigrating to Canada? Think again

The following was posted on the Forum section of www.canadaimmigrants.com, a website created by Georgina Vazquez, who immigrated to Canada from Mexico in 1997. Her goal was to create a “resourceful and analytical website about systemic racism in Canada, whose influence would draw local, national and international attention in order to improve the situation of immigrants, especially of visible minorities, in this country.” April 22 ? 2005

Top seven reasons not to immigrate to Canada

7. Out of control cost of living.
From rent, to utility bills, to shopping, to phone bills, to insurance to basically anything you have to pay for or buy, the cost of living in Canada has become astronomical. Recent immigrants are astonished as to how expensive everything is. It is estimated that compared to most countries around the world, the cost of living in Canada is on average five times greater.

6. Health-care disaster
Doctors in Canada are in a shortage, one in four Canadians cannot get a family doctor. Canadian doctors are leaving to move permanently to the United States. Statistics Canada and the Canadian Medical Association both have identified that for every one American doctor that moves to Canada, 19 Canadian doctors move to the United States. Doctors in Canada are overworked and underpaid.

5. Very high taxes.
Yes, you have the GST and the PST, totaling 15 per cent, on practically everything you purchase and many other taxes taken out of our weekly pay-cheque. You have to pay a whopping amount to the government, out of your hard-earned salary, so that the government can turn around and give it to beer-drinking, hockey-watching welfare bums. Fair? It does not matter, it’s Canada.

4. Money-hungry government.
Canadian embassies around the world lie to foreigners, painting the picture that Canada is Utopia, because they want foreigners to come to Canada. Why? Because foreigners bring money! So, after being deceived, these foreigners immigrate. They have to bring with them at least $10,000. Canada has an immigration quota of 250,000 per year. So please do the math, 250,000 multiplied by $10,000 each equals a whopping $2.5-billion that Canada gains from immigrants every year.

3. No culture.
Unlike almost every other country in the world, Canada has no culture. Actually American culture is what dominates Canada. When was the last time you had some “Canadian” food? What does it even mean to call yourself a “Canadian?” Nothing really. Everyone in Canada still identifies themselves as to where they “originally” came from.

2. Worst weather.
Yes, Canada has the worst weather conditions of any country in the world. Freezing-cold temperatures, snow, ice, hail, winds, storms etc. From the Prairie provinces to the Maritimes, from the Territories to southern Ontario, the weather is so horrific and disgusting that many Canadians leave Canada simply because of this reason alone.

1. No jobs.
Yes, from coast to coast, there are no jobs. Immigrants are highly qualified (MDs, PhDs, lawyers, engineers etc.) but they are driving taxi cabs, delivering pizzas or working in factories. Even people who graduate with bachelor’s degrees from Canadian universities cannot find jobs after graduation.

This is the tragedy associated with immigration to Canada. I feel sorry for those immigrants who are stuck in Canada for the rest of their lives. It is indeed a very sad and hopeless future.
Brampton, Ont.
网上的东西,很多是很情绪化的, 当不得真.
Since the author does not want to immigrate to Canada, just stay whereveer he wants, who cares!!!!!!!Posting those garbage on web just means that he is not allowed staying in this country. It is a classic example of feelings of sour graps.
最初由 andrew 发布
Since the author do not want to immigrate to Canada, just stay whereveer he wants, who cares!!!!!!!Posting those garbage on web just means that he is not allowed staying in this country. It is a classic example of feelings of sour graps.


令本人对该文感兴趣的是(该文的写作组织的较好,用词也较通俗,但内容并不新鲜),象渥太华公民报这样较倾向于保守派的报纸(这是本人的感觉;但毫无疑问,它面向的读者主要是当地中产阶级,比它便宜的OTTAWA SUN报以及一些免费报纸主要面对较低收入阶层,GLOBAL MAIL 和NATIONAL POST主要面对高收入、需要更多国际消息的人 ? 市场决定了编辑方针),把这七大理由列出来去给当地有房有车、大多数都是本地出身长大和受教育的平均家庭年收入都在至少八、九万以上的人看(这是它的主要读者群,也就是它的长年订户),显然不是因为编辑估计他们会象新移民一样对是否移民或留在加拿大感兴趣。那么,编辑估计它的读者会对该文感兴趣的着眼点是什么?也就是大多数本土加拿大人会从中看出什么?以及可能的预期效果?

本人第一眼的感觉是报纸转载该文是想说加拿大现任政府的移民政策的失败。这篇文章出台的时间是联邦自由党移民部长刚宣布对有关家庭团聚移民和留学生打工政策的调整后不久,本地人对此的谈论还没有完全淡去之前,以及可能就要来临的联邦大选。我相信在加拿大公开谈论(指在公共媒体上)移民问题时他们必须非常小心用词,因为会涉及很多敏感方面。报纸从网上而且是一移民的网站转载一文是一谨慎的方法。文中列出的几点毫无疑问会被很多当地人认为是事实。但是否会象该文标题所说“Immigrating to Canada? Think again”,相信它的读者们大多并不关心。他们关心的是Health-care, culture, jobs。该文似乎说出,自由党长期以来的移民政策似乎对此毫无帮助,是否在添倒忙,那是读者自己去判断了。
