人像学习贴 - 朋友, MM...

这种半古典的MM最漂亮:cool: (个人感觉)好像加了柔焦的感觉呵呵。

6. MM最近比较忙, 好容易今天有空出来拍几张, 大中午阴晴不定, 又刮热风, 只好玩了会儿树叶儿. :D
Hm, not as good as the first indoor series. For this weather, I think you'd rather stay indoor and close to a window. Also I prefer tight head/shoulder portraits with wide open aperture to blur the not very interesting background.
最初由 fad 发布
Hm, not as good as the first indoor series. For this weather, I think you'd rather stay indoor and close to a window. Also I prefer tight head/shoulder portraits with wide open aperture to blur the not very interesting background.

fad: for me, half/full body portrait is a kind challenge, I need learn and shoot more. Especially, communicate with model, posture wise.
9总是觉得姿势稍稍有些别扭,正如瓜师父所说,全身人像是个挑战,怎样构图,或是使用技巧弥补不足需要长时间的钻研学习,并且加深和模特的沟通(这句才是重点:D :D

最初由 阿瓜 发布

fad: for me, half/full body portrait is a kind challenge, I need learn and shoot more. Especially, communicate with model, posture wise.

Agree. Full body portrait is not easy, especially without 35/1.4. :D
Thanks, 杨戬. You made a very good point about her arm. Be aware of every aspect of the whole picture is the ture skill. Learning.
fad: don't try to poison me, you "drug dealer" :), Nikon doesn't has an AF 35mm 1.4. ;)
did u sharpen it?
I got this lense too,but always find its kinda soft.another thing is I will always need to correct the color,maybe because of this lense doesnt have ED glass.
overall this is a pretty good lense at that price:)
Just quick look the Canon product line. They have so so many lens. Canon fans will have a long way to go.
COWBOY: I did a little USM. This head can be very sharp, what you have to do is avoid using biggest aperture. Yeah, sometimes, you need to correct color a little bit. Not much though.
sean: 咱只能把手里的头玩熟了! 别尽想着上这个那个啦!