Our protest rally will take place on June 5th. We have to bring as many people to the rally as possible. This is the only opportunity to get attention of the Government, media and public and to force the Government to let our parents into Canada. Please bring all your family including children, your friends and workmates. Tell as many people as possible about our rally. After our first protest on March 11 the Minister of Immigration was forced to admit to existence of the problem and to declare some cosmetic changes in the policy. We hope that after our new big protest the Government will make real changes and we will be able to reunite with our parents in a reasonable timeframe.
If you have a printer, please go to page http://www.sponsoryourparents.ca/demonstration.htm, print our flyers and distribute them everywhere. We have flyers in English, Chinese and Russian. Hopefully in the next days we will post also flyers in Spanish and French. If you cannot print, but can help with distribution, please contact us and we will provide you with the required number of flyers.
This is a national protest ? in addition to Toronto, our activists are organizing demonstrations in Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary and Montreal, please see information below. If you live in one of these cities and are ready to help with the organization issues, please send an email to info@sponsoryourparents.ca.
・Toronto - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 17:00 at Queen's Park South (Legislative Building).
・Vancouver - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 10:00 in front of the Art Gallery.
・Ottawa - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 17:00 in front of the Parliament Hill.
・Calgary - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 14:00 in front of the City Hall.
・Montreal - Sunday, June 5th 2005, time and place will be known in the next few days
We are trying to contact and invite as many media as possible, but if you have some personal contacts, please call and invite them as well.
Our biggest rally will be in Toronto. We expect to see there top politicians and media. Queens Park in Toronto is a big place with plenty of room for children. We hope to see all of you with us. Queens Park is located in downtown Toronto, north of the College St. and University St. intersection. Take subway to Queen's Park station on the University section of the Yonge - University - Spadina subway line.
We need at least 20-30 monitors in Toronto. If you are ready to help us, please send an email to info@sponsoryourparents.ca.
Now our news:
1. One of our members asked her MP, Hon. Bryon Wilfert from Richmond Hill, to send an official request to CPC Mississauga. Yesterday he received an answer. Mississauga has OFFICIALLY confirmed that it will not resume processing of parental applications AT LEAST until 2006! No single case will be processed in 2005 and the processing times will continue to grow. When she asked to see the letter, she has been told that the letter is confidential and she is not allowed to see it.
2. We feel that after Volpe's announcement on April 18, many people think that the fight is over. This is very far from truth. The government continues to lie to us and ignore us. Minister Volpe still refuses to meet us. You can read the debate in parliament on May 18th about parental sponsorship at http://www.parl.gc.ca/38/1/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/101_2005-05-18/HAN101-E.htm#Int-1291323. Mr. Volpe had been asked many right questions, but didn’t provide any real answers.
3. Guidy Mamann, one of the Canada's leading immigration lawyers, has confirmed his attendance on our rally. We will hear from him about our litigation options. Mr. Mamann also has mentioned our rally in his ad in Metro Toronto and he volunteered to help us with our event. On behalf of our group, we would like to thank him.
4. We have a new "Acknowledgements" page on our website. The "demonstration" page contains flyers in three languages that can be printed and distributed. Please visit our website frequently. It is being updated almost daily.
5. We would ask you again to make sure that every member of your family age 18+ and all your friends signed the petition. This is extremely important.
6. We still need more money for the event. Security Officers are going to cost $320, sound system - around $300. In addition we need to pay for flyers, posters, advertising, etc... We would like to thank everyone who has made a donation and we are asking people, who still haven't done it, to do it now. http://www.sponsoryourparents.ca/support.htm
Sponsor Your Parents
“担保父母移民“组织将于2005年6月5日在全国5大城市同时举行示威游行,抗议加拿大移民局一直以来对父母团聚移民问题的忽视态度。虽然,4月18日,移民部长JOE VOLPE对公众作出了一个公告,宣称在近2年内增加父母移民的配额,并对严重的申请积压问题做出反应表示要尽快处理老案例。然后又对正在国外加拿大使馆申请移民的申请人承诺会更加灵活地发放一个名为“5年内多次出入境探亲签证”来解决很多人的父母在移民申请期间很难申请探亲的情况。
1. VOLPE先生说在近两年内将配额从以前的6000提高到了18000一年,那么具体的实施措施是什么呢? 目前,他自己都知道还有110000个案例积压问题正待解决,这些新的配额数字只能误导大众,试想以前的申请案例还没有处理,怎么可能就开始处理新的案例?按照新的配额来算,这些积压的老案例都要6年的时间来清理完,那么新的申请是不是6年后才开始处理呢?如果部长先生不把话说得清清楚楚的话,或是根本不想说明白的话,很快新的积压问题就会浮出水面,对申请人极端不负责任。
2. 4月21日,正在等待结果的一大批申请担保资格的人们都惊奇地发现,MISSISSAUGA PROCESSING CENTRE在其网上公布的审理申请时间为23个月,这比4月18日加快审理进度的“好消息”公布之前还多出一个月来。无论如何,人们都无法接受这个残忍的事实,也坚决抵制移民局这种出尔反尔的行为。这种言行不一致的行为有损移民局的公众形象,更是让人们不敢再相信其承诺的真实性和怀疑其当初许诺时的动机。
3. 4月28日,一个温哥华的朋友写信到加拿大驻中国北京大使馆替自己的父母询问其个案审理情况得到的答复是,目前大使馆不会处理2003年3月以后申请的案例,这些案例要在2006年或是2007年开始审理。这个朋友的父母是2003年4月申请的团聚移民,当她再继续追问具体是2006年还是2007年的时候,大使馆没有回信。这使我们想到,难道这又是一次欺骗?到2006年询问他们就会说是2007年,到2007年询问,他们就可能说是2007年年底。年迈的父母要等待如此长的时间,而且总是得不到一个具体的时间,这是不公平的,我们坚决抗议。
4. 5月12日,一个朋友在和自己区的国会议员联系后,并确认“等待移民期间的父母可以申请探亲”后,准备好自己在加拿大的所有材料和父母在国内的资金证明等等,满怀信心地去大使馆申请探亲签证,却被拒签。被拒理由居然是:有移民倾向。就在4月18日之前,“担保父母移民”组织一再强调,对正在等待移民的父母拒绝探亲签证并以有“移民倾向”为由是不合情理的做法,后来我们欣喜地看到VOLPE先生对公众做出承诺,称等待移民的父母会比较容易拿到探亲签证。如今却还是老套做法,部长先生应该好好地反省其承诺的可靠性。
5. 5月25日,住在多伦多RICHMOND HILL的一个朋友请自己区的国会议员替她询问MISSISSAUGA PROCESSING CENTRE关于她的担保资格申请进展情况时,MISSISSAUGA给国会议员的回复是,到2006年之前不会处理一个申请,没有提供具体原由。当她要求看看回复的信件是,她的国会议员说是保密文件,不能给她看。
6. 从5月开始,在北京申请的朋友中,我们陆续听到一些好消息。不过这好消息的后面也有很多不可理解的地方。几乎每个朋友的父母被要求参加体检,并且要重新填写移民申请表格,家庭成员表,学历工作背景表,及寄去所有的公证书等等。无罪公证书半年就过期,长时间的等待造成这个公证书的过期,要求补交是合理的。但是,那些表格是当初申请移民时就填写好的,并和着所有要求的公证文件一并寄到北京大使馆,现在要重新填表和寄公证书等等,大家都不解地问当初的资料都上哪里去了?所有的申请资料是父母的个人资料,如果大使馆没有,那谁有?如果大使馆有,那为什么还要重新寄?如果只是想知道这几年有无更改的信息,那么为什么要申请人重新寄全部资料?
在多伦多的游行中,“担保父母移民”邀请到一些支持和关心父母移民的社会名人,各界党派人士前来参加并发言。著名的律师MAMANN GUIDY将加入到游行的队伍中,并且发表演讲。MAMANN GUIDE律师多次在METRO TORONTO报纸上发表文章,支持“担保父母移民”组织的活动,提倡大家要积极的参与抗议活动中。对年迈的父母受到不人道和不公平的对待的问题表示关心,并关注移民局的一切回应。游行活动将会有来自南亚社区,中欧东欧社区,阿拉伯中东社区,南美社区的各界人士参加。所有的参加游行活动的人们都是加拿大的公民或移民,他们都是为加拿大这个移民国家做出贡献的一代,他们的父母合法合理的申请了团聚移民,其权力就应该受到尊重!
• Toronto - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 17:00 at Queen's Park South (Legislative Building).
• Vancouver - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 10:00 in front of the Art Gallery.
• Ottawa - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 17:00 in front of the Parliament Hill.
• Calgary - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 14:00 in front of the City Hall.
• Montreal - Sunday, June 5th 2005, time and place will be known in the next few days
1. 要求移民局出台具体措施,制定出合理的审理时间
2. 更新网站内容,陈旧的信息只能误导公众。
3. 对申请担保资格的申请发放号码,申请可以方便查阅。
5. 合理处理新旧申请,不允许以任何借口对新的申请拖延。
6. 马上公布“5年内多次往返探亲签证”的具体申请条例,如今网上根本没有这方面的资料可查询,申请人无法申请。
“担保父母移民”- 华人社区
If you have a printer, please go to page http://www.sponsoryourparents.ca/demonstration.htm, print our flyers and distribute them everywhere. We have flyers in English, Chinese and Russian. Hopefully in the next days we will post also flyers in Spanish and French. If you cannot print, but can help with distribution, please contact us and we will provide you with the required number of flyers.
This is a national protest ? in addition to Toronto, our activists are organizing demonstrations in Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary and Montreal, please see information below. If you live in one of these cities and are ready to help with the organization issues, please send an email to info@sponsoryourparents.ca.
・Toronto - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 17:00 at Queen's Park South (Legislative Building).
・Vancouver - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 10:00 in front of the Art Gallery.
・Ottawa - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 17:00 in front of the Parliament Hill.
・Calgary - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 14:00 in front of the City Hall.
・Montreal - Sunday, June 5th 2005, time and place will be known in the next few days
We are trying to contact and invite as many media as possible, but if you have some personal contacts, please call and invite them as well.
Our biggest rally will be in Toronto. We expect to see there top politicians and media. Queens Park in Toronto is a big place with plenty of room for children. We hope to see all of you with us. Queens Park is located in downtown Toronto, north of the College St. and University St. intersection. Take subway to Queen's Park station on the University section of the Yonge - University - Spadina subway line.
We need at least 20-30 monitors in Toronto. If you are ready to help us, please send an email to info@sponsoryourparents.ca.
Now our news:
1. One of our members asked her MP, Hon. Bryon Wilfert from Richmond Hill, to send an official request to CPC Mississauga. Yesterday he received an answer. Mississauga has OFFICIALLY confirmed that it will not resume processing of parental applications AT LEAST until 2006! No single case will be processed in 2005 and the processing times will continue to grow. When she asked to see the letter, she has been told that the letter is confidential and she is not allowed to see it.
2. We feel that after Volpe's announcement on April 18, many people think that the fight is over. This is very far from truth. The government continues to lie to us and ignore us. Minister Volpe still refuses to meet us. You can read the debate in parliament on May 18th about parental sponsorship at http://www.parl.gc.ca/38/1/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/101_2005-05-18/HAN101-E.htm#Int-1291323. Mr. Volpe had been asked many right questions, but didn’t provide any real answers.
3. Guidy Mamann, one of the Canada's leading immigration lawyers, has confirmed his attendance on our rally. We will hear from him about our litigation options. Mr. Mamann also has mentioned our rally in his ad in Metro Toronto and he volunteered to help us with our event. On behalf of our group, we would like to thank him.
4. We have a new "Acknowledgements" page on our website. The "demonstration" page contains flyers in three languages that can be printed and distributed. Please visit our website frequently. It is being updated almost daily.
5. We would ask you again to make sure that every member of your family age 18+ and all your friends signed the petition. This is extremely important.
6. We still need more money for the event. Security Officers are going to cost $320, sound system - around $300. In addition we need to pay for flyers, posters, advertising, etc... We would like to thank everyone who has made a donation and we are asking people, who still haven't done it, to do it now. http://www.sponsoryourparents.ca/support.htm
Sponsor Your Parents
“担保父母移民“组织将于2005年6月5日在全国5大城市同时举行示威游行,抗议加拿大移民局一直以来对父母团聚移民问题的忽视态度。虽然,4月18日,移民部长JOE VOLPE对公众作出了一个公告,宣称在近2年内增加父母移民的配额,并对严重的申请积压问题做出反应表示要尽快处理老案例。然后又对正在国外加拿大使馆申请移民的申请人承诺会更加灵活地发放一个名为“5年内多次出入境探亲签证”来解决很多人的父母在移民申请期间很难申请探亲的情况。
1. VOLPE先生说在近两年内将配额从以前的6000提高到了18000一年,那么具体的实施措施是什么呢? 目前,他自己都知道还有110000个案例积压问题正待解决,这些新的配额数字只能误导大众,试想以前的申请案例还没有处理,怎么可能就开始处理新的案例?按照新的配额来算,这些积压的老案例都要6年的时间来清理完,那么新的申请是不是6年后才开始处理呢?如果部长先生不把话说得清清楚楚的话,或是根本不想说明白的话,很快新的积压问题就会浮出水面,对申请人极端不负责任。
2. 4月21日,正在等待结果的一大批申请担保资格的人们都惊奇地发现,MISSISSAUGA PROCESSING CENTRE在其网上公布的审理申请时间为23个月,这比4月18日加快审理进度的“好消息”公布之前还多出一个月来。无论如何,人们都无法接受这个残忍的事实,也坚决抵制移民局这种出尔反尔的行为。这种言行不一致的行为有损移民局的公众形象,更是让人们不敢再相信其承诺的真实性和怀疑其当初许诺时的动机。
3. 4月28日,一个温哥华的朋友写信到加拿大驻中国北京大使馆替自己的父母询问其个案审理情况得到的答复是,目前大使馆不会处理2003年3月以后申请的案例,这些案例要在2006年或是2007年开始审理。这个朋友的父母是2003年4月申请的团聚移民,当她再继续追问具体是2006年还是2007年的时候,大使馆没有回信。这使我们想到,难道这又是一次欺骗?到2006年询问他们就会说是2007年,到2007年询问,他们就可能说是2007年年底。年迈的父母要等待如此长的时间,而且总是得不到一个具体的时间,这是不公平的,我们坚决抗议。
4. 5月12日,一个朋友在和自己区的国会议员联系后,并确认“等待移民期间的父母可以申请探亲”后,准备好自己在加拿大的所有材料和父母在国内的资金证明等等,满怀信心地去大使馆申请探亲签证,却被拒签。被拒理由居然是:有移民倾向。就在4月18日之前,“担保父母移民”组织一再强调,对正在等待移民的父母拒绝探亲签证并以有“移民倾向”为由是不合情理的做法,后来我们欣喜地看到VOLPE先生对公众做出承诺,称等待移民的父母会比较容易拿到探亲签证。如今却还是老套做法,部长先生应该好好地反省其承诺的可靠性。
5. 5月25日,住在多伦多RICHMOND HILL的一个朋友请自己区的国会议员替她询问MISSISSAUGA PROCESSING CENTRE关于她的担保资格申请进展情况时,MISSISSAUGA给国会议员的回复是,到2006年之前不会处理一个申请,没有提供具体原由。当她要求看看回复的信件是,她的国会议员说是保密文件,不能给她看。
6. 从5月开始,在北京申请的朋友中,我们陆续听到一些好消息。不过这好消息的后面也有很多不可理解的地方。几乎每个朋友的父母被要求参加体检,并且要重新填写移民申请表格,家庭成员表,学历工作背景表,及寄去所有的公证书等等。无罪公证书半年就过期,长时间的等待造成这个公证书的过期,要求补交是合理的。但是,那些表格是当初申请移民时就填写好的,并和着所有要求的公证文件一并寄到北京大使馆,现在要重新填表和寄公证书等等,大家都不解地问当初的资料都上哪里去了?所有的申请资料是父母的个人资料,如果大使馆没有,那谁有?如果大使馆有,那为什么还要重新寄?如果只是想知道这几年有无更改的信息,那么为什么要申请人重新寄全部资料?
在多伦多的游行中,“担保父母移民”邀请到一些支持和关心父母移民的社会名人,各界党派人士前来参加并发言。著名的律师MAMANN GUIDY将加入到游行的队伍中,并且发表演讲。MAMANN GUIDE律师多次在METRO TORONTO报纸上发表文章,支持“担保父母移民”组织的活动,提倡大家要积极的参与抗议活动中。对年迈的父母受到不人道和不公平的对待的问题表示关心,并关注移民局的一切回应。游行活动将会有来自南亚社区,中欧东欧社区,阿拉伯中东社区,南美社区的各界人士参加。所有的参加游行活动的人们都是加拿大的公民或移民,他们都是为加拿大这个移民国家做出贡献的一代,他们的父母合法合理的申请了团聚移民,其权力就应该受到尊重!
• Toronto - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 17:00 at Queen's Park South (Legislative Building).
• Vancouver - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 10:00 in front of the Art Gallery.
• Ottawa - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 17:00 in front of the Parliament Hill.
• Calgary - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 14:00 in front of the City Hall.
• Montreal - Sunday, June 5th 2005, time and place will be known in the next few days
1. 要求移民局出台具体措施,制定出合理的审理时间
2. 更新网站内容,陈旧的信息只能误导公众。
3. 对申请担保资格的申请发放号码,申请可以方便查阅。
5. 合理处理新旧申请,不允许以任何借口对新的申请拖延。
6. 马上公布“5年内多次往返探亲签证”的具体申请条例,如今网上根本没有这方面的资料可查询,申请人无法申请。
“担保父母移民”- 华人社区