Sponsor Your Parents is completing the preparations for our protest rally on June 5th
Sponsor Your Parents is completing the preparations for our protest rally on June 5th. We have already a confirmation that Deepak Obhrai, Conservative MP and Official Opposition Multiculturalism Critic, Michael Mostyn, Conservative Candidate for York-Centre and Guidy Mamann, one of Toronto's most prominent immigration lawyers and columnist in Toronto's Metro newspaper will attend and speak at our rally in Toronto. Bill Siksay (Burnaby-Douglas MP) has confirmed that he will attend and speak at rally in Vancouver. In the next two days we expect more known politicians to confirm their participation in our rally.
Our Vancouver’s members sent us a message that our news will be on air tomorrow, Friday, Jun 3rd, at Channel M (Channel 8) in all language versions. The detail schedule is: Cantonese News: 8:00pm, Mandarin News: 9:00pm. In addition, Jun 3rd's Huan Qiu Hua Bao will report our news as well.
Please read our press release at
http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/June2005/02/c7250.html and on our website
http://www.sponsoryourparents.ca. This press release was issued before a confirmation of Bill Siksay and doesn’t include his name.
・ Toronto - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 17:00 at Queen's Park South (Legislative Building).
・ Vancouver - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 10:00 in front of the Art Gallery.
・ Ottawa - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 17:00 in front of the Parliament Hill.
・ Calgary - Sunday, June 5th 2005, 14:00 in front of the City Hall.
・ Montreal - Unfortunately there is no rally in Montreal. Please join our rally in Ottawa.
In order to make our rally very successful we need help of all of you:
1. Please come and bring all your family, friends and co-workers, tell everybody about our rally, print flyers from our Web site and distribute them wherever it is possible: in stores, restaurants, clinics, parks, playgrounds, apartment buildings, shows, in every place where immigrants are. We have to bring as many people to the rally as possible. This is the only opportunity to get attention of the Government, media and public and to force the Government to let our parents into Canada. After our first protest on March 11 the Minister of Immigration was forced to admit to existence of the problem and to declare some cosmetic changes in the policy. We hope that after our new big protest the Government will make real changes and we will be able to reunite with our parents in a reasonable timeframe.
Our biggest rally will be in Toronto. Queens Park in Toronto is a big place with plenty of room for children. We hope to see all of you with us. Queens Park is located in downtown Toronto, north of the College St. and University St. intersection. Take subway to Queen's Park station on the University section of the Yonge - University - Spadina subway line.
2. We have about 200 banners in Toronto, but it might be not enough. Please try to make and bring your own banners. This is very easy and not expensive. Just visit any Home Depot store and they will help you. Banners can be "I love my parents", "I ♥ my parents", "I want my parents", "Honor Your Father and Your Mother" and others. Please, no personal attacks against Mr. Volpe or other politicians.
3. We need people who have mini-vans to help deliver the banners and the sound system. Please contact us at
info@sponsoryourparents.ca if you are ready to help. As a bonus, you will receive a free parking permit on the Legislative Building parking lot during the event.
4. Please bring Canadian flags to the rally. We have to show that our protest is against the CIC policy, not against the country.
5. Please bring digital cameras and camcorders, so we can post the pictures on our website and send a video to TV stations.
6. We need more monitors in Toronto to help us with keeping an order. If you are ready to help us, please send an email to
7. If you wish to speak at our rally please send us an email to
8. We need more donations in order to cover all the expenses related to organizing of the rally. You can donate on-line on our Web site
http://www.sponsoryourparents.ca/support.htm. If you wish to donate, but don’t want to do it through the Internet, please come to one of our leaders at the rally.
9. Some people ask us why we organize protests and don’t file a class action lawsuit against the government. The answer is very simple: we want to file a class action lawsuit and we advised with the leading Canadian lawyers about this option. Unfortunately neither of these lawyers succeeded to find a strong case for such lawsuit. Filing a class action lawsuit without a strong case means a big chance to loose after wasting of years in court, years which our parents don’t have. We have been told by many sources that only by applying more pressure we can achieve our goal and speed up the processing of parental applications. We will not be ignored only if we are able to show tens of thousands of supporters. NOBODY, including your lawyer or your MP, can speed up your personal case. All cases are processed on “first in first out” basis. Only as a big group, we can change things.
Our news from the previous update for those who missed it:
1. One of our members asked her MP to send an official request to CPC Mississauga. Yesterday he received an answer. Mississauga has OFFICIALLY confirmed that it will not resume processing of parental applications received after June 23rd 2003 AT LEAST until 2006! No single case will be processed in 2005 and the processing times will continue to grow. When she asked to see the letter, she has been told that the letter is confidential and she is not allowed to see it.
2. We feel that after Volpe's announcement on April 18th, many people think that the fight is over. This is very far from truth. The government continues to lie to us and ignore us. Minister Volpe still refuses to meet us. You can read the debate in parliament on May 18th about parental sponsorship at
http://www.parl.gc.ca/38/1/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/101_2005-05-18/HAN101-E.htm#Int-1291323. Mr. Volpe had been asked many right questions, but didn’t provide any real answers.
3. Guidy Mamann, one of the Canada's leading immigration lawyers, has confirmed his attendance on our rally. We will hear from him about our litigation options. Mr. Mamann also has mentioned our rally in his ad in Metro Toronto and he volunteered to help us with our event. On behalf of our group, we would like to thank him.
4. We have a new "Acknowledgements" page on our website. The "demonstration" page contains flyers in three languages that can be printed and distributed. Please visit our website frequently. It is being updated almost daily.
5. We would ask you again to make sure that every member of your family age 18+ and all your friends signed the petition. This is extremely important.
6. We still need more money for the event. Security Officers are going to cost $320, sound system - around $300. In addition we need to pay for flyers, posters, advertising, press-release, etc... We would like to thank everyone who has made a donation and we are asking people, who still haven't done it, to do it now.
Sponsor Your Parents