I want to study english, where can I practise?

最初由 dragonLinux 发布

最初由 ccc 发布

I can see this too. Mind your own English grammar and spelling.

Don't be serious, can't you see he/she did it on purpose
最初由 dragonLinux 发布

Dragonlinux: Do not despair. There are still a lot of other ways to learn english. One of the most effective ways I found was to watch TV, especially the news program. CBC is one of my favorite. At the beginning you may have difficulties, but you will soon catch up. Try not to use the caption feature since you will tend to rely on "reading" the news rather than "listening" to it. If you have chance to speak (in English) with other people (does not have to be a native english speaker), try to learn the way he/she describes an event or subject, and learn the vocabulary and the phrases. I always believe that if you want to be a good english speaker, you will have to be a very good listener. Read english news online will also help. Best of luck and welcome to Canada!
anti-virus: thank you very much!

最初由 dragonLinux 发布
anti-virus: thank you very much!


It will take some time. I know this since I was in your situation before and I know how frustrating it can be. Make some friends in the main while because being alone in a new place does not mean you have to feel lonely.
I want to practise my spoken English too

I've just been here for one month.How I want to practise my spoken English!
I went to LINC,but the immigration is necessary and I'm just a visitor!When I asked her what I should bring for the English courses,she said:“Your passport,visa and money.”How expensive it is!
I tried to find some free classes in the internet,but there is no one without immigration!When I was in Japan,every foreigner can learn English for free.And my friend in USA told me the ESL is free for every foreigner,even visitor.
Could you tell me how I can find someone to exchange language?My Chinese and/or Japanese for his English.
here ESL only $10.
Have u tried?
I don't know whether u can, if u are not immigration.
go to community center and apply for a tutor (for free), to see if it is available. you might need to wait for a while. I had a friend learnning English a few years ago, her accent is much better after.
How to find the community center?

最初由 neopets 发布
go to community center and apply for a tutor (for free), to see if it is available. you might need to wait for a while. I had a friend learnning English a few years ago, her accent is much better after.
我也非常想要一个tutor啊,如果能one-to-one,那最好不过。可是我刚来这儿,怎么找到community center啊?
最初由 Max66 发布
我再也不敢尝试宗教了!因为有一次在china town那里等车时,一个传道士之类的人来搭腔,我想通过这个可以练英语啊,所以就让他来家给我传教。
最初由 fangguo 发布

我再也不敢尝试宗教了!因为有一次在china town那里等车时,一个传道士之类的人来搭腔,我想通过这个可以练英语啊,所以就让他来家给我传教。

Different Purposes:D