G GangW 资深人士 VIP 注册 2004-03-22 消息 2,741 荣誉分数 99 声望点数 208 2005-05-21 #1 Thanks, Mr. Agua and Mrs. Agua. We had a wonderful time for BBQ and learning each other. here are a few pictures for the activity. 1.
Thanks, Mr. Agua and Mrs. Agua. We had a wonderful time for BBQ and learning each other. here are a few pictures for the activity. 1.
G GangW 资深人士 VIP 注册 2004-03-22 消息 2,741 荣誉分数 99 声望点数 208 2005-05-21 #5 Thanks, guys. It's your turn to upload your pictures.
杨戬 知名会员 注册 2003-12-26 消息 1,983 荣誉分数 14 声望点数 148 2005-05-21 #7 原来这个就是瓜师傅啊 看上去满年轻的,跟以前想象中的中年男性很不一样哈哈 PS:西红柿考熟了维C全没啦
F fad 知名会员 注册 2003-04-10 消息 2,860 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 146 2005-05-22 #9 Too bad I missed it. Just came back from Queensway Carlton Hospital emergency dept. Took 5 hours and a tube of melvin's blood to give us a peace of mind. So when will be the next one ? fad
Too bad I missed it. Just came back from Queensway Carlton Hospital emergency dept. Took 5 hours and a tube of melvin's blood to give us a peace of mind. So when will be the next one ? fad
dss1234 知名会员 注册 2002-11-17 消息 1,359 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 148 2005-05-22 #10 Thanks, Agua and your wife! 都是一伙大毒枭
阿瓜 Moderator 管理成员 注册 2003-11-18 消息 2,863 荣誉分数 14 声望点数 0 2005-05-22 #13 承办本月FB大会, 阿瓜十分荣幸. 寒舍地方有限, 没能邀请更多色友, 阿瓜十分遗憾. 招待不周处, 各位DX见谅. 有幸作老武的前景, 还是第一次! 杨戬: 阿瓜年纪不轻啦, 是中年男性没错! 只是"腰身依然硬朗".
承办本月FB大会, 阿瓜十分荣幸. 寒舍地方有限, 没能邀请更多色友, 阿瓜十分遗憾. 招待不周处, 各位DX见谅. 有幸作老武的前景, 还是第一次! 杨戬: 阿瓜年纪不轻啦, 是中年男性没错! 只是"腰身依然硬朗".