Emergency about inviting parents to canada. Thanks


我想邀请我的父母来CANADA, 我们在这边负担他们的所有费用,我们的经济收入不成任何问题. 以前我们办过.


问题是他们没有多少银行存款(只有几千人民币), 不知是否可以只提供房产证明.

那位DX最近办过,请告知.谢谢, 谢谢.
最初由 hookedonfishing 发布银行存款证明和房产证明
我想邀请我的父母来CANADA, 我们在这边负担他们的所有费用,我们的经济收入不成任何问题. 以前我们办过.


问题是他们没有多少银行存款(只有几千人民币), 不知是否可以只提供房产证明.

那位DX最近办过,请告知.谢谢, 谢谢.

you don't need provide 银行存款证明 because you 负担他们的所有费用,but better show they 房产证明 in order to let offcier know that your parent will have enough reasons go back to china
Is 银行存款证明 very necessary if the invitor would pay everything for the applicant?
最初由 Sahara snow 发布
Is 银行存款证明 very necessary if the invitor would pay everything for the applicant?

if the sponsor can demonstrate that there would be no problem supporting his/her parents while they are in Canada, I do not think the bank statement is really necessary. Normally, a stable job in Canada would suffice the requirement.
最初由 hookedonfishing 发布
我想邀请我的父母来CANADA, 我们在这边负担他们的所有费用,我们的经济收入不成任何问题. 以前我们办过.


问题是他们没有多少银行存款(只有几千人民币), 不知是否可以只提供房产证明.

那位DX最近办过,请告知.谢谢, 谢谢.

send out the ownership certificate only but not the bank statement since it will only negatively affect their applications even if they submit it -- You said that your salary should be no probelm to sponsor their stay in Canada, right?
Thank you for your response!

This requirement is in the visitor visa application guide provided by Canadian Embassy in Beijing. I don't remember if this is a new requirment or not, but I never prepared such document when I applied both parents to visit here before (in year 2000, 2002, 2003). I even didn't ask them to prepare the house property certificates. I only prepared the documents from the inventor's side.

I am wondering if the bank statements/house property certificates are recent requirements.

最初由 anti-virus 发布

if the sponsor can demonstrate that there would be no problem supporting his/her parents while they are in Canada, I do not think the bank statement is really necessary. Normally, a stable job in Canada would suffice the requirement.