请教高手那是nikkon好还是canon好, 而且 cannon EOS 怎么样

so D70 or D350? i've seen the reviews online, most parts are too complicated to understand for me?

need decisions here.
最初由 文 武 发布
so D70 or D350? i've seen the reviews online, most parts are too complicated to understand for me?

need decisions here.

You meant 350D ? I strongly suggest that you go to Henry's and try the 2 models with your hand. Before you go, read as much as review about the 2 models as possible (e.g., dpreview). Both cameras take wonderful photos and you can't go wrong with either. Just buy the one that you find most easy to use.
If you still don't understand all those concepts about D-SLR, do not make your move. never buy a thing that you have no knowledge of! Do more research, make your move until you understand throughly. BTW, I did my research for half an year before I bought my camera and lenses few weeks ago. Hope this helps.
i think i should go take photography class before i buy a camera
Class is good but you can also learn a lot from web site and books. Highly recommend any books by John Shaw. Just search that name on library website and reserve the book. You won't regret it.
烧器材是经历的一部分, 对于摄影初哥来说, 两款都够玩一阵子了. 等玩到能分辨两者真正不同时, 也差不多该升级机身了. 那时, 即使有必要全部出掉重来, 也是值得的!
重要是亲手试试, 凭第一感觉, fall in love 哪一个, 就是哪个! :D
Class is good. 建议先自学入门, 玩到一定瓶颈时, 知道自己要补什么, 再去学不迟.