精华 夏日de魅力瞬间


你是不是故意把他拍的片子美化了,好让数码单反毒倒他,迫使他提早双修啊?:mad: :mad:
问一声儿, 毒倒了吗?
最初由 阿瓜 发布
87. 起得早,身体好!

but they are not the loons. It should be a pity if you didn't shoot the loon or moose in the park.:blink:
最初由 GangW 发布

but they are not the loons. It should be a pity if you didn't shoot the loon or moose in the park.:blink:

These are not. We didn't plan to photograph any wild animals this time. Schedule was tight too. I wish I could stay there for at least a week. :)
88. An abandoned bridge
I guess you get your cokin system... you must have a lots of fun with it! :D
最初由 startrack 发布
3 瓜哥第76张twilight是这样拍出来的。看看当时的天空是这样的蓝,呵呵。

如果用这种方式拍照,请小心水下的沼泽地,千万别陷下去。以前这么拍照,有朋友会站在安全的地方拉着我。还有,别站太久, you never know what will happen :)