精华 夏日de魅力瞬间

最初由 fad 发布
14.阿弥陀佛, 善哉善哉.

中文退步的厉害, 这几个字费老鼻子劲了. :D

Very very de good,

fad, I don't think that you should use the CPL. you may lose some sharpness.

Thanks, Agua for the good article.

the same heron you took, I took.
最初由 阿瓜 发布
Thanks, whitney. 前景难找啊! 下次一定试试别的, 比如说一起外拍时, 你来作前景! :D
sean. 多谢边鼓. :)

5. took yesterday

Like the pinky background contrasting the Heron. You should however use a black frame.
FAD, I wish I have your 50% attitude, I believe my skill would be making progress a lot. You might not believe my office building is next to a pond. I see those geese family much, I ignored them most of time. It is very often that the geese family was crossing the street, vehicle stopped when I was chatting with co-workers facing the window.
sean: I don't really have a particular attitude other than having fun. :D Seriously I think that's most important, that you enjoyed shooting. Getting better photos is a bonus.
startrack: #6 is the only version. What do you prefer to from the "first version" in your mind?
fad: did you crop the #8? If not, I think kids can be smaller in the frame, and we can see the ball. Nice shot anyway! #11, nice cloning. :D (just kidding). #13 is a very nice shot.
Bravo to GangW's flower-background shot, well done!
19. 今天人很少, fad: 周末带儿子去吧! 在IKIA那儿.
最初由 阿瓜 发布
19. 今天人很少, fad: 周末带儿子去吧! 在IKIA那儿.

19 is my favarite here. Funny we drove by this place last night on my way to a seminar for young parents about canadian education system, and saw the big turning wheel on highway.

15/16 a slower shutter will be better. I bet you did not bring the tripod ?
最初由 阿瓜 发布
startrack: #6 is the only version. What do you prefer to from the "first version" in your mind?
fad: did you crop the #8? If not, I think kids can be smaller in the frame, and we can see the ball. Nice shot anyway! #11, nice cloning. :D (just kidding). #13 is a very nice shot.
Bravo to GangW's flower-background shot, well done!

#8 is not cropped. Guess I zoomed in too much. Sport photography is challenging and need a lot of practice.
fad: 角架俺带了, #15,#16分别拍了几张不同速度的, 觉得1/4秒最符合自己的口味! #18是1/2秒, 都觉得太慢了, 片子的效果有些crazy. :p shame on me. :blowzy: #19 is bonus. I can see who is a daddy here. :)