
The problem is, although the child born in Canada will automatically become Canadian citizen, the parents will NOT automatically become Canadian citizens or permenent residents. The parents will have to go back to China and when the child is 18+, he could sponsor the parents to Canada.
最初由 陨石 发布


If you don't know anything, please don't mislead!!
最初由 陨石 发布

(b) the person was born outside Canada after February 14, 1977 and at the time of his birth one of his parents, other than a parent who adopted him, was a citizen;

我先生已经是公民了, 我也递交了公民申请, 那么如果我回中国生孩子, 小孩也应该是加拿大公民吧? 海外旅行时生小孩的费用, 健康卡是否也COVER?
why do not you ask CIC and Health Ontario/Canada, their answers are official answer.
最初由 Python 发布
why do not you ask CIC and Health Ontario/Canada, their answers are official answer.
(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not apply to a person if, at the time of his birth, neither of his parents was a citizen or lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent residence and either of his parents was

(a) a diplomatic or consular officer or other representative or employee in Canada of a foreign government;

(b) an employee in the service of a person referred to in paragraph (a); or

(c) an officer or employee in Canada of a specialized agency of the United Nations or an officer or employee in Canada of any other international organization to whom there are granted, by or under any Act of Parliament, diplomatic privileges and immunities certified by the Minister of Foreign Affairs to be equivalent to those granted to a person or persons referred to in paragraph (a).


我认识一个人去年来加拿大, 访问签证, 生了一个孩子, 明确是加拿大公民. 现在她已经给孩子拿了加拿大护照, 又办了中国签证, 把孩子带回中国去了. (躲计划生育).
生吧,没问题。但你要考虑生孩子的费用。如果自己付,会很昂贵,光住院: $2500/天。 我和我太太是持work permit 来加拿大的,太太在家不工作,我们决定生个小孩。我们享受OHIP,所以所有的过程,费用和移民,公民都一样。孩子诞生半年左右,我们给他办了加拿大护照,因为我们只是临时居民,所以我们又给他办了中国旅行证。他现在是事实的双重国籍,当然,18岁时他必须选择一个。